
Retaliation System

Theodoric Nightshade was cheated on by his girlfriend and stabbed by a mysterious group of people who broke into his house. Thinking he had died at their hands, Theo suddenly woke up with a strange system appearing before him. Thinking that it was his second chance to live, he was determined to find and capture the group of people who had stabbed him with the help of the system that had saved him from death. Unexpectedly, his steps unknowingly led Theo to an unimaginable revenge adventure. "Retaliation System: Not Your Average Ex-boyfriend" Story & Illustration by Bintang Hamal

bintanghamal · Fantasy
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104 Chs

The End for You and the Beginning for Me!

How could he develop such abilities? Dante rose, trying to gather all his energy. His gaze focused on one point, Theo, who stood there, staring at the screen in front of him. Meanwhile, none of the people around him were aware of the system screen that Theo was currently observing.

Dante grinned. Instead of feeling frustrated because his attack failed, he felt something strange in his chest. Dante sensed that what Theo had just done was intriguing. "This is going to be interesting," mumbled Dante, tightening his grip on his knife. The man ran back towards Theo.

On the other side, Theo's attention had been on the screen in front of him.

<Martial arts ability has improved!>

Theo smiled widely, gazing at both of his palms. Did I just use my abilities? And thanks to that, my martial skills have improved? Awesome!

Theo clenched his fists tightly, feeling even more excited to engage in combat with them. He shifted his attention elsewhere, staring straight ahead at Dante, who was now moving rapidly towards him. Theo assumed a fighting stance.

<00:54:45 >

<Ding! >

<Warning!< p>

System detects a potential threat!>

Theo's expression changed instantly as he saw the system screen reappear before him. His eyes widened. Theo spontaneously turned when he sensed something, and as he did, he spotted a member of the Bloodhound Cartel leaping with a weapon aimed at him. The movement was so swift that Theo couldn't evade in time. He used one hand to block, but he forgot that the man attacked with a sharp weapon that instantly wounded his hand.

"Arghh..." Theo grimaced, clutching his injured hand. Fresh blood flowed from the wound. "Shit!"

"Wait, aren't you the guy from back then?" The assailant stared at Theo, raising an eyebrow. He scrutinized Theo from top to bottom. "Since when did you become skinny? Weren't you chubby before?"

<The enemy has identified you!>

Damn, it turns out they still remember my face. Theo tried to endure the pain in his injured hand.

"Now I understand why the boss looked at you with annoyance," the man smirked. His hand gripped his weapon tighter, and then he attacked Theo again. This time, Theo was more vigilant, dodging every strike. When the man swung his knife, sweeping to the right, Theo evaded by ducking and immediately counterattacked, focusing his strikes on the opponent's abdomen with a rapid sequence of moves. The man was pushed back so forcefully that his body even bounced off and fell to the ground, creating a rather loud sound.


One down, and many more adversaries remain. Theo's attention shifted abruptly as Dante attacked him from behind. Just before the man could stab Theo, Alessio, not far away, pushed him, causing Theo to stumble and collide with a member of the Bloodhound Cartel facing another member of the Infero Ravens.

"Tsk! You're a real nuisance!" The man Theo collided with immediately attacked, and this time, his companion joined the assault. Theo had to face two opponents simultaneously. At the same time, Dante, who had just failed to attack Theo, rushed back towards him. However, Alessio held Dante back.

Dante and Alessio were now engaged in a fierce battle, while Theo still had to confront two Bloodhound Cartel members attacking him at the same time.


Theo instinctively moved backward as the two members of the Bloodhound Cartel successfully slashed his body with their knives. Theo winced, enduring the intense pain in several parts of his body that were slashed. Blood once again oozed from the wounds on his body.

<Warning!< p>

The body is losing too much blood!>

<The system detects severe injuries to several parts of your body!>

<Body condition is deteriorating!>

Damn! If it continues like this, I might fail to complete the quest. What should I do to finish this quest? Somehow, I must not lose this battle. If I lose, I could end up dead at their hands. Theo tries to stay calm and focuses on finding a way to complete the quest. While searching for ideas, Theo's attention turns to the chaos happening around him. People are fighting fiercely, and Theo can see the swift movements of the Bloodhound Cartel members.

Their movements are so fast. Could that be why I'm losing? No, that's not it. If I think again, I managed to dodge Dante's previous attack. So, that's not the issue. Could it be that I lack focus? Theo snapped out of his reverie when he saw the two men right in front of him. They immediately attacked simultaneously. Theo instinctively avoided their attacks by somersaulting and landing on both feet. Seizing the opportunity, Theo swiftly counterattacked by kicking them with a high-kick move he had learned. His movements became even faster as Theo focused on delivering powerful strikes, leaving the enemies with no chance for a counterattack.


Theo's attacks truly overwhelmed them. Executing high kicks with precision, in one final kick, he successfully brought down both enemies after targeting their faces.


The two Bloodhound Cartel members he fought against lay sprawled on the ground. Seizing the opportunity, Theo rushed towards them and launched another assault. He used locking techniques to immobilize them. As their weapons slipped from their hands, Theo immediately employed ground-pounding moves to incapacitate them. After a few strikes, both Bloodhound Cartel members lay sprawled unconscious on the ground.

<Ding! >

<Martial arts ability has improved!>

<Cripple all the Bloodhound Cartel members within an hour (2 13)< p>

Note: Finish the fight within 1 hour before your fellow employees realize you're not around to do your job!>

<Reward 1,000,000 coins have been added because you successfully crippled two enemies!>

<00:40:34 >

As I suspected, the only reason I lost to them was because I wasn't focused on this fight. Perhaps since that last attack, I've been momentarily losing focus. Even my hand got cut because I instinctively covered my body with my hand. Alright then, I need to be more focused to complete this quest!

<Your understanding of Eclipsa Mastery martial arts has increased!>

<Martial arts ability has improved!>

Theo closes his eyes, focusing all the energy in his body on a single point and attempting to activate another aspect of his martial abilities. He tries to use the Night Energy Summoning technique to enhance his focus in combat. In an instant, he feels his body filled with positive energy. Theo becomes calmer, and he senses his heightened awareness of his surroundings.

Opening his eyes, Theo perceives a movement approaching his shoulder. As he opens his eyes, one of the Bloodhound Cartel members taps his shoulder with one hand while holding a weapon. Theo can immediately anticipate his movements. His instincts sense that the person will attack him as soon as Theo turns around.

Theo takes immediate action. Gripping the man's wrist, he pulls his hand in one swift motion, causing the man to fall forward instantly. Theo leaves no room for a counterattack; he swiftly reverses the assault. Executing a displacement technique before finally spinning and throwing the man with a dark strike move. His accelerated attack leaves the man no chance to retaliate. His body soars through the air before falling onto several Bloodhound Cartel members engaged in combat with Infero Ravens. They collapse simultaneously in a heap. Accidentally, their knives injure each other, rendering them all unconscious.

<Ding! >

<Martial arts ability has improved!>

<Cripple all the Bloodhound Cartel members within an hour (7 13)< p>

Note: Finish the fight within 1 hour before your fellow employees realize you're not around to do your job!>

<Reward 2,500,000 coins have been added because you successfully crippled two enemies!>

<Martial Arts Ability Lv. 4!>

<Congratulations!< p>

You've just acquired Martial Arts Ability Lv. 4!

Check here to see updates on your Basic Information!>

It's strange, after my martial abilities leveled up to 4, I feel stronger. Theo clenches his fists, ready to face the enemies again. His attention shifts to Alessio, who is currently struggling against Dante. Alessio seems to have difficulty keeping up with Dante's movements as his body weakens. Observing this, Theo runs towards Dante and attacks first.

Theo swiftly kicks Dante. His attack immediately causes Dante to stumble forward and fall to the ground as Alessio dodges. Dante winces. Without hesitation, Dante rises and counterattacks. Theo gives him no chance; he attacks Dante with his punches, pounding him with full force until Dante falls once again.

Theo falls silent, staring at him with a sharp gaze. He tries to regulate his labored breathing. Meanwhile, Dante appears powerless to launch a counterattack. His breathing is heavy, and his entire body feels battered.

Dang, what just happened? How did he get this strong? Dante tries to get up but fails. Meanwhile, Theo is getting closer. Alessio, who has been watching Theo and Dante's fight, is left stunned. He never expected Dante to lose just from Theo's attacks, who looked like an ordinary, weak guy throwing feeble punches.

He's tougher than I thought. Furthermore, he can even beat Dante and the other Bloodhound Cartel members. Who is he? I'm sure he's not just an ordinary servant. Alessio stares intently at Theo. Numerous questions arise in his mind about Theo.

"You've taken everything from me, and now it's time I reclaim all that you've ever stolen from me!" Theo clenches both hands tightly. All the energy within his body converges at one point—the fists.

This will be the end for you and the beginning for me!

<00:31:10 >
