
Retaliation System

Theodoric Nightshade was cheated on by his girlfriend and stabbed by a mysterious group of people who broke into his house. Thinking he had died at their hands, Theo suddenly woke up with a strange system appearing before him. Thinking that it was his second chance to live, he was determined to find and capture the group of people who had stabbed him with the help of the system that had saved him from death. Unexpectedly, his steps unknowingly led Theo to an unimaginable revenge adventure. "Retaliation System: Not Your Average Ex-boyfriend" Story & Illustration by Bintang Hamal

bintanghamal · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Quest Accepted

<Input received!>

<Starting... >

<Ding! >

<Basic information!< p>

Name: Theodoric Nightshade

Age: 26

Height: 5.87 ft

Weight: 198.416 lb

*Warning! The weight is too high, and this will significantly impact your ability to move.

Background: No parents or close relatives. (Has been living as an orphan).

Abilities: -

Motivation: Living a Better Life

Relationship: Last relationship status was dating a woman named Lizzy, but it ended for reasons that cannot be explained.

Note: Information will continue to be updated over time!>

A series of sudden, information-filled sentences appeared before him. Theo could only stay silent while reading each piece of information that the system had gathered about him. He hadn't expected the system to access details about him, even knowing that he had recently broken up with Lizzy.

"No! Why am I thinking about her? I better focus on my goals. My current goal is to improve my life and uncover the truth about those who stabbed me." Theo clenched his fists. Thinking about what they did earlier only fueled his determination. Theo became more fiery, eager to investigate who was truly behind all of this.


<Warning!< p>

Your weight is too high, and this will significantly impact your ability to move. Please complete the available quests to help you achieve a more ideal weight!>

Theo fell silent, staring at the message. He had just woken up, and the screen appeared to disturb him. Trying to regain his focus, Theo got up and sat down. Today, he planned to investigate the people who had invaded his home the night before and fatally stabbed him. Theo really wanted to know who those men were.

"I don't know where to start looking for clues today, but it's probably better to get up and clean up this mess first, then have breakfast and think about it." Theo got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face before having breakfast. He tried to ignore the screen in front of him, acting as if he didn't see it.

After washing his face, Theo quickly prepared breakfast and cleaned up his messy house. He also tried to fix the door hinge that was damaged due to the events of the previous night.


Theo is sitting on a chair in the living room. He had just finished everything, and it felt exhausting because there was more work than he had imagined. "Turns out, this is quite tiring. I need a break."

Theo tried to regain his energy by sitting for a while. But once again, the system screen appeared, disrupting him with the same message. It made Theo feel quite annoyed, as the screen kept popping up and bothering him.

"You're really stubborn!" he grumbled. Theo swiped it away until the screen disappeared. The man got up from his seat, heading to the kitchen to get a drink. However, upon seeing that he still had a supply of chocolate, Theo decided to make chocolate with a mix of ice to quench his thirst and fatigue.


"I'm still curious, and I truly don't understand who they really are. Why did they suddenly break in and try to kill me? And who is this 'master' they mentioned?" Theo pondered. Various questions continued to emerge in his mind. Up to this point, the group of men who broke into his house still left significant questions in his mind.

"I want to find out who they really are. But where should I start?" Theo mumbled. He sipped the iced chocolate he had made, shifting his attention to the empty street. Currently, he was on his porch, sitting and observing the quiet surroundings while contemplating what he should do next.

"The incident happened last night, and I'm sure people were already asleep. Plus, even if they wake up, I don't think they'll know what happened because my neighbors' houses are quite far away. In this situation, I need to find other evidence." Theo fell silent. He remembered the scorpion-shaped tattoos of the people he saw last night. "Where else can I find evidence besides that tattoo?"

Theo's attention shifted when he accidentally caught something in a building behind his house. Realizing it, he spontaneously got up and approached the street to get a clearer look. Shortly after, a smile appeared on his face, as if he had found a new hope.

"That's it!" Theo rushed back into his house and got ready.

On that day, Theo decided to visit the building not far from his home. The building was one of the cheap apartment buildings with quite a few residents. There, Theo requested permission from the guard to allow him to view the CCTV recordings pointing towards his house.

Initially, it was challenging for him to obtain that permission, but Theo didn't give up and kept requesting it. After struggling and pleading, they finally allowed Theo to view the footage. As Theo had suspected, the events of last night were captured by the CCTV recordings, and it was highly advantageous for him. Immediately, Theo requested permission to make a copy of the video. Once his business was done, Theo went straight to search for more evidence.

Theo approached other buildings along the street towards his home, requesting CCTV footage that might have captured the events of last night. Finally, Theo found another strong piece of evidence where, in one of the last CCTV recordings, the car they used was caught on camera, which was highly advantageous for him.

With all the evidence in the form of existing recordings, Theo promptly went to the police station to report the events of last night. Returning from the police station, Theo decided to go home and rest because his body felt exhausted. He collapsed onto his bed as soon as he arrived home.

"I only went out for a short time, but why does it feel so exhausting?" Theo stared at the ceiling of his room. Walking around all day seemed to drain all his energy. "I feel like I've lost all my strength."

<Ding! >

<Warning!< p>

Your weight is too high, and this will significantly impact your ability to move. Please complete the available quests to help you achieve a more ideal weight!>

"You keep appearing and bothering me. I know my weight is big; you don't need to emphasize it!" grumbled Theo, feeling truly annoyed by the persistent screen. But as he reread the last sentence, Theo fell silent.

"Could it be because of this that I feel so exhausted?"

Theo got up and approached the large mirror in the corner of his room, examining his own body through the reflection in the mirror.

"It seems like it's true; because of this, I get so tired even though I only did a short activity outside," Theo mused. When he saw himself in the mirror like this, he suddenly recalled Zach's words from yesterday when he beat him up.


That sentence echoed in his mind, making Theo wince at the painful truth.

"Why does the truth feel so bitter?" Theo sighed with a somber face. At that moment, he became aware of the words on the system.

"No. Wait, I can still change and improve my appearance to show her that his words are not true! I've been so busy with work that I didn't pay much attention to how I looked. But now, it seems like I better focus on transforming my appearance!" Theo clenched both his hands tightly. He then shifted his attention to the screen still visible in front of him. His hands slowly reached out to press the screen.

<Quest accepted!>

<Quest: Transforming Appearance as Proof!< p>

"Search within yourself for the hidden power,

Behind the new mask, vengeance unfolds here."

Category: Sub

Difficulty Level: E

Completion Requirement: Perform and complete each exercise available to help increase stamina and reduce your weight.

To lose weight, please complete the following exercises:

1. 50 jump ropes in 2 minutes (0/50)

2. Run for 2 kilometers

3. 30 push-ups (0/30)

4. 20 sit-ups (0/20)

5. 15 squats (0/15)

6. 10 burpees (0/10)

To increase stamina and strength, complete the following exercises:

1. 15 push-ups for 3 sets (0/3)

2. 30 box jumps (0/30)

3. 20 pull-ups (0/20)

4. 40 kettlebell swings (0/40)

To maintain your weight, please open the Monitoring tab to view the recommended menu!

Time Limit: -

Reward: Coin rewards will be calculated based on the quantity of each exercise you complete. So, the more exercises you finish, the more coin rewards you'll receive.

Note: You can complete this quest more than once. You can repeat this quest, and the rewards will still be calculated based on the provided conditions. However, please be aware! For stamina and strength-building exercises, perform them three to four times a week.>


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