
Retaliation System

Theodoric Nightshade was cheated on by his girlfriend and stabbed by a mysterious group of people who broke into his house. Thinking he had died at their hands, Theo suddenly woke up with a strange system appearing before him. Thinking that it was his second chance to live, he was determined to find and capture the group of people who had stabbed him with the help of the system that had saved him from death. Unexpectedly, his steps unknowingly led Theo to an unimaginable revenge adventure. "Retaliation System: Not Your Average Ex-boyfriend" Story & Illustration by Bintang Hamal

bintanghamal · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Let's Make a Bet!

Theo fell silent, staring at the system screen that appeared before him.

<Injuries found on your body. The system automatically restores condition to its original state!>

<Recovery started...>

<Recovery complete!>

After a moment of silence, Theo rose and sat down, trying to gather his awareness. Several days had passed since the fight, and since then, none of the Bloodhound Cartel members had set foot in the bar where Theo worked. Meanwhile, Alessio and the Infero Ravens mourned the loss of some of their comrades.

Theo's condition gradually improved with the help of the system and medical examinations. Thanks to the medication prescribed by the doctor and the system's daily body recovery process, Theo was finally on the road to recovery. Additionally, he didn't need to take time off from his job.


Theo took a long breath and continued moving his body up and down, doing push-ups to enhance his stamina and become even stronger.

<Reward 3 15 1350 coins have been added because you completed the exercise of doing push-ups for sets (3 3)>

<Reward 4 2250 coins have been added because you completed exercises today!>

Theo sat cross-legged on the ground. Once again, he sighed deeply, running his fingers through his hair. Since he rejected Alessio's invitation to join the Infero Ravens, the man had been persistently disrupting his life.

"Just so you know, I'm a persistent person!"

The sentence echoed in his mind. Theo shook his head vigorously, trying to clear his thoughts. He grabbed a bottle, took a sip, and poured some of the water onto his head. The sudden coolness made his head wet.

"I truly don't understand why he can be so stubborn. Because of him, I can't find peace," Theo muttered softly.


A few days ago.

Jim, Berta, and Rossi stared at him intently, observing Theo, who was now standing before them with bandaged hands. He had just been discharged from the hospital, yet he immediately returned to work. Despite their insistence that he take some time off to rest, he said, "Stop staring at me like that; I'm fine. So, you don't need to worry," Theo tried to reassure them.

"How can you say that when you've just been injured?"

"I told you to take a break! You should be resting!"

Jim and Berta started scolding. Theo could only shake his head slowly in response to each of their statements.

"Fortunately, today is not as busy as usual," Rossi muttered once his two colleagues had finished lecturing Theo.

"Yeah," Theo replied, sounding somewhat weary.

"Now, listen to me! Sit here and don't overwork yourself. Let us handle the customers!" Berta pulled Theo's hand and seated him in a chair near the bar counter. Theo was about to stand up, but Jim immediately held him back.

"Just sit and listen to our words! We don't want your condition to worsen!" he said.

Their attention shifted as the sound of the entrance door echoed. As they all turned toward the source of the sound, they saw Infero Ravens standing there, dressed in black suits. Not only that, but their faces also appeared somber, and the number of their members seemed reduced.

Their arrival with such expressions puzzled Theo and the others. "What's going on with them? They look different from usual," Berta murmured, moving closer to Jim.

"I don't know. But judging from their appearance, it seems like they've just returned from a funeral."

"A funeral? Could it be..."

"It seems like some of their members might have passed away."

"Oh my goodness. If that's true, they must be in deep sorrow."

Infero Ravens walked towards their usual table. They all took their seats. After sitting down, Rossi promptly approached their table to take their orders. After placing their orders, Rossi hurried over to Jim and Berta, both of whom quickly prepared the requested items.


"Ever since yesterday's incident, I haven't seen the Bloodhound Cartel anywhere. Are they too scared to show up again? But it doesn't seem likely," Theo mumbled quietly, gazing at himself through the mirror in front of him. He was currently in the restroom, taking a break from his work.

Theo's attention immediately shifted when he saw Alessio enter. Through the mirror's reflection, he could see Alessio approaching one of the urinals, positioned opposite the sink where Theo was. Theo could clearly see the man's back as Alessio was occupied relieving himself.

Alessio's presence instantly reminded Theo of his request from yesterday, when Alessio unexpectedly found him in the treatment room and asked him to join the Infero Ravens. However, as those words approached his thoughts, Theo quickly tried to push them away from his mind.

Why am I reminded of Alessio's words from yesterday? Never mind. I better go back to work! Theo washed his hands before returning to work.

"Have you considered my request from yesterday?" Theo abruptly stopped as Alessio suddenly started talking to him. When he looked up and saw the reflection in the mirror, he noticed Alessio, who had finished and was walking towards him. The man stood beside Theo and began washing his hands.

"I think there's nothing for me to consider. Didn't I answer you yesterday?" Theo spoke without turning.

"Do you know why today I look more put together than usual, wearing all black?" Alessio diverted his attention, staring directly at Theo, who stood beside him. Theo remained silent without responding. This time, he didn't understand why Alessio suddenly shifted the conversation like this.

"As a result of yesterday's fight, some of my men died, and we just held a funeral for them."

"I express my condolences to you."

"This all happened because the Infero Ravens have weak defenses. Since our big boss rarely shows up, we've been underestimated, and our defense has gradually weakened. I mean, we need someone like you. Infero Ravens needs help from someone with high martial arts skills like you so that we can strengthen our gang's defense. That's why, please reconsider my request."

"How many times do I have to say it? I'm not interested in joining the Infero Ravens!" Theo rinsed his hands with clean water and left Alessio alone in the restroom. Theo exited with an irritated expression. He just felt bothered by Alessio's attitude.

"You've made a big mistake!" Alessio muttered quietly. He clenched his fists tightly.


"Why is he so insistent on asking me to join them? Wasn't my response clear enough back then? I really don't understand," Theo grumbled as he continued to walk along the corridor.

<Ding! >

<Warning!< p>

System detects a potential threat!>

Theo spontaneously halted his steps as the system panel suddenly appeared in front of him. With a puzzled expression, Theo looked around, trying to figure out the danger mentioned by the system. However, a dark figure emerging from behind made him turn. Theo spun around, and upon doing so, he immediately saw Alessio launching an unexpected attack. Alessio aimed a punch at his face, but luckily, Theo reflexively dodged the assault.

Alessio continued his relentless assault. Theo moved backward, trying to evade each of Alessio's attacks. Although confused about why Alessio suddenly attacked him like this, Theo had no chance to inquire. He was too busy dodging until his body was pressed against the wall.

Theo abruptly stopped when his back hit the wall. Simultaneously, Alessio targeted his nose, causing Theo to grimace in pain from the recent blow. "Argghh... what are you doing?" Theo held his nose, feeling the pain from Alessio's punch but luckily not causing it to bleed.

"Let's make a bet!"

"What?" Theo looked up, glaring at Alessio with irritation. His nose now sported a reddish hue from Alessio's assault.

"If you lose, then you have to comply with my request, and if I lose, I won't attack you again!" Alessio stood there, challenging him to a duel.

"What's the point of all this? I don't want to!" Theo turned away, attempting to leave Alessio. However, as soon as Theo took a few steps, Alessio swiftly attacked him again, causing Theo to tumble to the floor.

"In that case, I have no other choice but to force you into a duel with me!"

"Argghh! You're so stubborn and pushy!" Theo grumbled in frustration.

"Didn't I tell you from the beginning that I'm a persistent person? I won't give up until you agree to join us!"

"But I really don't want to! Why can't you understand that?"

"You have talent, and it's such a waste if you don't use it! So come on, let's fight with a bet!" Alessio took a stance, ready to attack Theo.

The man seated on the floor, gazing at Alessio, could only sigh. Frustrated with his behavior.

<Ding! >

<Quest accepted!>

<Quest: Duel with the Infero Ravens boss!< p>

"Dark clouds gather, echoes of the call,

Riddles of battle in the open field enthrall,

With a smile, confront the challenging foe,

Your strength is tested in the dance of dust and smoke."

Category: Sub

Difficulty Level: A

Completion Requirements: Accept Alessio's challenge and defeat him in the battle!

Time Limit: 1 hour 

Reward: 800,000 coins!>

Theo stares blankly at the system screen in front of him. He becomes even more puzzled by the situation. On the other hand, Alessio is persistent in asking him to join, even resorting to violence, while the system is urging him to accept the duel and fight Alessio as the man desires.

"Why are you silent? Are you afraid of losing?" Alessio tries to provoke Theo into accepting his challenge for a duel.

Oh gosh, my body hasn't fully recovered, and he's already challenging me to a fight? Wasn't he injured yesterday too? But why does he look perfectly fine? Ah well, I guess it's pointless to refuse his duel invitation because I'm sure he'll keep attacking until I agree to fight him. Theo gets up from his position. He stands facing Alessio, who is now grinning at his movements. The man seems to sense that Theo will accept his invitation to a duel.

Well then, I'll settle this quickly and make you stop bothering me by winning the duel you asked for!
