
CH.15: That Cardboard box

[Kyle's POV]

I am so embarrassed,I really am,how should I say it...When I had trapped her against the wall all I could see was ore eyes.The way she had to look up because she is short,while she talked I watched her wide lip open and move when she cut me off while I tried to show her my annoyance.Because I was lost...in her eyes,I am quite sure that I hadn't even properly listened to what she had just said...'maniac?' did she just call me a maniac.I was starting to assume that she is mocking me,the way she smirked all of a sudden,looking straight into my eyes,I held my breath for a second.I stared at her..'no! don't get seduced just by her eyes' I snapped myself.I 'observed' her outline of her face,that strong and sharp jawline.I had a full view of her face because of her hair bring tied up.I was thinking of something to say when she just took a deep breath and ducked under my arm and walked away in quick pace towards the kitchen.

I wanted to keep my man-pride by being angry at her,But I just couldn't when I was staring into her eyes I had actually forgotten the reason why I even was mad.

By the time I had processed through what just happened,I slowly and quietly walked towards the kitchen as well,I see that she got earphones in her ear again,is it a habit or what?Even last time she had them...I tried to peek through what she was making,there is:egg,flour,milk,butter.....

Pancakes! she is making making pancake...

I waited 20 minutes or so,watching her every move,the way she broke the egg,did the whisking or whatever and finally pouring out the batter and blah blah


I quickly ran to the dining table we had just outside the and pretended to be reading the newspaper,I heard her footsteps,heard to the direction she went to.She pulled out the chair in front of me and sat down without a word and ate.I waited and waited that she would offer me some,but to my disappointment she didn't. I don't know why,I think I have been acting more careless and weird,not so my usual-self.I try to show my cold front in front of her but it doesn't really work,for some reason and I feel that she doesn't even care about the fact that she is living under the same roof as the:lady's man,a billionaire,smart,handsome;Girls drool over the sight of me and there is her.

She is affecting me and I don't like that.


[Naira's POV]

I took my time to get ready.I wore a fitted-skirt which reached till my mid-thighs with sunflower print on it,and a thin-strapped white top with a heart shape neckline.I descended the stairs and made way to the elevator because Kyle told me that my car has been moved to the private lot,which I thought was good thou,for safety reason or whatever.

I didn't see him downstairs,thinking it would be good if we just avoid each other as much as possible..


I got into my unlocked car since last night,since my first stop is Tribeca,I put the address in my gps and drive away.

I reached the bank first,holding the small key tightly in my hand.I was guided to my safe,actually my mothers.I put the key in and twisted it around and open it,the only thing which was there was another key and also some papers.But this key unlocks the memories she had.

I reach to my,start the engine again and zoom away,in less than 15 minutes I reached a housing area in Tribeca,parked my car and and went towards a building,It was on the top floor because my mum loved terrace and balconys.I reached at the only door at the top floor,put in my key,unlocked it and twisted the knob.It's been ages since anyone came here,It's all dusty and dirty.It was a brick apartment,she bought it own her own when she was in high and she was proud of it,because she worked hard for this and the satisfaction she got was a total bliss for her.Iremember she told me that it's an amazing you get when you worked so hard for something and you can finally achieve it own your own,It was the same case with her career,she really loved it,she was passionate about it and nothing made her more happy than doing the thing she loved.I was,I am and I always will be very proud of her,she was an inspiration,a motivation for me and I genuinely admired her.

It was actually a pure luck that I had remembered her talking about it and found the lockers key,did some research and found it..

All the furniture and everything was covered up in big white sheets.I took them off,I will clean this all up later.But right now I am here to find somethings...

I look around,the first thing is the living room another door where the kitchen is with a small dining table,the kitchen is quite spacious and there is a spiral stair,I climb up and see it's a bedroom...it's grey,there is single bed with a small sofa near the window,a tv screen small bookshelf and cupboards for clothes...very comfy is what I can think after looking at this,and it was so like her.I had a bitter-sweet smile.

I moved around her room,went through some of her drawers,shelves,her wardrobe etc...and I managed to find a lot...in that cardboard box.