
CH.12: The Long Drive 1 (Kyle's POV)

The servants had informed me that a man had requested to see Naira and I frowned on that thought,but got to know that he is sent by her father so I thought that it might be her brother.I was already on the same floor as her, when I reached her bedroom door I heard some laughing and giggling,'is she talking to someone?' I thought,because I couldn't really hear what she was saying,I pushed her door softly and saw sitting at the window side and I swear, I saw a breathtaking sight.Her whole face was sun-kissed and it just looked so...beautiful,her laugh,her smile and her eyes were shining so brightly,I was honestly mesmerized.

I felt vibration of my phone in my pocket,that was then I snapped out of my daze,and it's funny how she still hasn't noticed me.I quietly stepped back and closed her door again,I saw the text and it was a updated report on one of my relatives being asses again,they seriously think that doing the under-hand tricks would bring me down that easily?I had a new problem now,Naira might get in trouble if they find out before the announcing our engagement.

I sighed and tried to keep my calm myself,this time I knocked on her door and I walked in leisurely while she gave me 'what the hell?' look, didn't/doesn't seem like she is ever happy or even okay to see me.And then my annoyance stared to build up again.

'well you have been acting like a jackass from time to time' My conscience kicked and I just brushed it off.

"I'll call you later.Yup yeah byee"she ended her call and turned to me with her arms crossed over her chest,while she gave me a questioning look, I looked at her chest...like a perv.I snapped and reminded myself that I shouldn't be having these thoughts,'but they look real' I went speechless with my own shamelessness for once,because I have been with a lot of women with big chest and all,but they don't really feel that nice to touch,they seem to be just for show or something.Even Sofia's....before I compare more I distracted myself by asking her a question.

"Who were you talking to?"

"No one..." she replied

"There is someone at the door for you...." I didn't even finish while she just passed me,almost jogging her way out and I glanced her chest bounce a bit.'perv' I called myself.



She had walked quite fast,but I managed to catch-up.And when I did she hugged,jumped and twirled in some other man's arm,how can she act like that in front of her fiance?Their laughter filled the whole room,completely oblivious to the fact that I had been standing there and watching my 'fiance' being intimate with another man right.in.front.of.me...

When she finally notices me,"Ahem,uhh Mr.McCain this is Jason.My personal bodyguard,best friend and my school mate."she finished.I only heard her say 'Mr.McCain' and it irked me for some reason.I was probably didn't even listen to what her rest of the part ,because my eyes were set on the guy in front me,and later he opened his mouth."Hello Mr.McCain..."he slung his arm around her shoulder and I tried my best not to loose my composure,even when my knuckled were itching,and he continued,"Just like she said I am her best-friend/school mate and 'personal' bodyguard.I had a contract with her father for her guarding but now I have it solely with her, I'll would be around now if you don't mind..."

We just stared,just stared for god knows how many minutes like challenging me,warning me,throwing daggers at me with his eyes.I had been telling myself since I probably saw her that 'she belongs to me now because we are about to married or because I wont be having any support from grandpa if I don't get married with her'.

Before I could now open my mouth to say something he interrupted while tuning to Naira,"and your baby is here as well, came this morning" she squealed with wide eyes, as if the kid got his favorite toy.I embossed my left eyebrow when I heard the word 'baby' and got interested in what made her so happy all of a sudden, because I hadn't actually experienced a woman acting like a child,especially I hadn't expected this from her.She ran upstairs with Bolt's speed.

Silence had filled the room now,t was just me and him...we didn't really say a word to each other or even look at.Just as he was about to open his mouth she came back.And I asked her with a blank face, "what baby?"while she just walked,fast and I really wonder what is it that got her so excited...I just spaced out for a while until we had reached the car park,I think Jason knew the way so I followed him. And what I saw had really surprised me,my mouth a slightly open because no matter what I had not expected this from her.She was all over a...car?

Grinning like an idiot she was...hugging? the car I assumed.Not being able to take it anymore I finally asked her/said to her,

"What the hell are you doing?"And she looked at me as if I had wronged her or something.She looked...'cute' thou.

"What do you mean?" she asked me,'are women like her or any of them even supposed to act like this...for a 'car'.I have to say it looked quite amazing though,it was matte black Porsche,a very good choice.I pointed to what she was doing,practically I was all over her while Jason was just laughing, and I didn't really understand,'why?'

Jason turned towards me and said r,"Mr.McCain this is expected actually,she loves her cars no sports car more than herself.An undying love she has for them,obsessed,totally obsessed"he still kept on laughing and looking towards her because she was on top the cars bonnet with arms wide spread and on her stomach.

This is really new to me,I normally see clothes,shoes,expensive stuff obsessed girls;whereas she is obsessed with cars?I didn't realize that I had stared at her for sometime observing her and she gave me a weird look.She finally got off the bonnet and grinned at Jason,while Jason got the signal and went around the car and sat in the passenger seat.

"Wanna come? we are going for a 'long' drive and might eat as well" she asked me, and her 'long' was emphasized and my eyebrows shot up, I interested in this 'long' drive that's why I am joining them I told myself.With a frustrated mood I had no choice left so I sat in the back seat,because 'someone' else is sitting,taking the advantage as the 'best-friend' against the 'new' fiance. She on the other happily hopped in and 'zoomed' through the car park.