

Feng Lin, managed to find the Book of the World Ruler's Heirloom while studying his spiritual knowledge. On one of the pages of the book, it explained about unsealing the Dragon Demon. 100 years ago, the God of War had sealed the Dragon Demon. The Dragon Demon's presence had made life in the lower realms chaotic. Feng Lin had ambitions to rule the Eastern Plains. However, his steps must be hindered by Tang Xiu who hails from the Wu Dang sect. One of the four famous Yuan Detectives. Can Tang Xiu, who is assisted by one of the Wei High Level Swordsmen, stop Feng Lin's ambition of not awakening the Dragon Demon? What methods will Feng Lin take to further his ambition and get Tang Xiu out of his way?

Titik_Balik_Author · Eastern
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Zhi Zhu was sent flying several meters away. His body slammed into the door of the house made of cubicles and bamboo.

Zhi Zhu was still dragged backward. The tremendous energy generated from Tang Xiu and Lin Yan's combined attack made him lose balance on his body. Finally, Zhi Zhu's body landed on the straw bed.

"Honey," Zhi Zhu called out while holding back his tears. Her mouth was already spewing fresh blood. Her teeth were blood red.

Her hands trembled as she tried to touch the man lying on the bed. She wanted to caress the face of the man who was already passively pale. Zhi Zhu's energy had been drained because of the fierce battle between him and Tang Xiu, Xiao Yuan and Lin Yan.

"Honey," Zhi Zhu whispered back. She coughed with the fresh blood he continued to spit out. The blood clots that came out were not red in color, but pitch black.

Zhi Zhu widened his eyes. It was known that it was not just ordinary blood, but his life blood. If the black blood came out of her body, then she would die soon.

"Dear, I'm sorry for not being able to give you the lifeblood as I promised."

Zhi Zhu babbled, as she lifted her body to sit next to the body of the man who had been her lover. There were no words Zhi Zhu could utter to describe her feelings for the man she loved so much.

Tang Xiu, Xiao Yuan and Lin Yan finally entered the hut house. How surprised they were to see the changed Zhi Zhu. Her skin looked wrinkled and her clothes were covered in a black liquid, which they all knew was lifeblood.

Zhi Zhu looked at Tang Xiu, Lin Yan and Xiao Yuan in turn. He had already partially opened his mouth, but no words came out of it.

Zhi Zhu was getting weaker and weaker. Her skin kept deflating like a balloon losing its air.

Tang Xiu and the others listened with each other. "What are you waiting for, this is our chance to eliminate him!" exclaimed Xiao Yuan who couldn't wait to end Zhi Zhu's life once and for all.

"Wait!" restrained Tang Xiu surprisingly.

"What else is there?" Xiao Yuan questioned and Lin Yan was of the same mind. "It's true what Xiao Yuan said. We should end this fight. The sooner the better!" exclaimed Lin Yun then.

Tang Xiu did not answer immediately. He stared fixedly at Zhi Zhu who was already bone and skin over there.

Zhi Zhu's gaze also glazed over, implying such a profound meaning for those who could feel it.

"We don't have to fight him anymore because he's already going to die. It's just a matter of time," Tang Xiu said softly.

Tang Xiu, who had previously fought with great vigor, suddenly became a weak man when faced with a woman who was almost dying there.

"You must be joking. If she's really going to die, then we should quickly end her life so that..." Lin Yan paused her sentence as Tang Xiu raised one hand.

"Didn't you see the look in his eyes?" asked Tang Xiu.

Lin Yan and Xiao Yun obeyed Tang Xiu's will. However, the two did not see what Tang Xiu meant.

"Ah, never mind. I don't want to waste any more time. If you don't want to end it, then I'll end this fight!" exclaimed Xiao Yuan.

Xiao Yuan wasn't the kind of man like Tang Xiu who was weak when faced with a dying woman. Xiao Yuan took out his iron fists, immediately running to end Zhi Zhu's life.

"Xiao Yuan, wait!" called Tang Xiu. However, his action was too late. Xiao Yuan's determination wouldn't be able to change him.

Xiao Yuan twisted his hand, resulting in iron beans coming out from the layer of iron wrapped around his hand.

The iron ore was aimed right at Zhi Zhu. The woman nicknamed the Black Spider Goddess did not put up a fight. Zhi Zhu let Xiao Yuan's iron beans hit her body.

Xiao Yuan stared in astonishment. Why was there no resistance from Zhi Zhu? He also wondered how come his iron beans didn't scratch Zhi Zhu's skin, but instead, his combat tool was swallowed into Zhi Zhu's body?

Zhi Zhu grinned. Xiao Yuan furrowed one eyebrow, looking astonished at the change in Zhi Zhu's face.

Before Xiao Yuan could further analyze the current situation, Tang Xiu had already pulled his body, taking him far away. Forcing him not to go near Zhi Zhu anymore.

Tang Xiu used wind steps to get out of there, while pulling Xiao Yuan's hand. At about the same time, Zhi Zhu's body also released a very thick white smoke.

Tang Xiu and the others managed to get out of there, one second later.


The sound of an enormous explosion rang out from inside the hut. Tang Xiu paid no heed to the sound of the explosion, nor did Lin Yan who had been notified earlier.

However, Xiao Yuan showed a different look. His eyes bulging, he was shocked by the huge explosion. It didn't take long for the building, which was made of bamboo and thatch, to be engulfed in flames.

The fire spread so fast, it was certain that Zhi Zhu and the man Tang Xiu and the others had seen must have been burned to death on the spot.

Tang Xiu is still using wind steps to avoid the fire. Lin Yan occasionally looked back, how the raging fire engulfed the entire building.

Once it felt safe enough, only then did Tang Xiu let go of Xiao Yuan. The young man looked still in shock with a passively pale face.

His gaze was blank, his mind still imagining the events of a few minutes ago. If Tang Xiu hadn't pulled his hand away, he would have been burned along with Zhi Zhu and the unnamed man.

Xiao Yuan sat prostrate on the ground, then he raised her head and said, "How did you know that Zhi Zhu would blow herself up?

Tang Xiu was stunned, massaging his forehead, "From the moment I entered the building, that's when I knew Zhi Zhu would blow herself up, just like what you saw earlier. She's a very cunning woman. Zhi Zhu didn't carry out her intentions right away because she wanted to provoke our anger."

Tang Xiu didn't argue, he admitted everything. Xiao Yuan gaped, unable to hide his shock.

"In that case, this is the reason why you stopped me from attacking Zhi Zhu?" said Xiao Yuan again.

Tang Xiu nodded, confirming his partner's guess, "It's not that I don't want to tell you, but this is Zhi Zhu's way of turning the tables on us. She deliberately keeping quiet and waiting for our next move."

Tang Xiu revealed all of Zhi Zhu's plans, "I didn't want to say this first because I knew Zhi Zhu was waiting for the right time to make us all die with him."

Xiao Yuan couldn't hide his shock even more. How could he not? Apparently he had misjudged Tang Xiu. He clearly doubted the decision of his colleague who had actually presided over all of Zhi's plans.

At that moment he was so self-centered. Xiao Yuan thought, how could he be so stupid and rash.

As Xiao Yuan pondered, suddenly another man came over.

"Hey, you guys!" It was Ye Chen. .

Everyone simultaneously dropped their partners to Ye Chen who had just arrived. He was using body lightening to walk in the air.

"I looked everywhere to find you guys here." Ye Chen said so casually, even though he himself before getting there, had seen the flames that were devouring a building.

"I'm guessing, that spider woman has been successfully destroyed by you guys. Isn't that right?" he asked jokingly, pointing at each of his colleagues.

"Then, what about your task?" asked Tang Xiu interrogating the newly arrived youth.

"I managed to find the place where Zhi Zhu was keeping the people in the village. Their conditions are so horrible, I can't even bear to stay there for long," Ye Chen explained while shuddering in horror, because what he had seen really made his hair stand on end.

"Where is that location?" asked Tang Xiu again.

"It's behind that hill. The exact position is inside a cave under the foothills. The cave there is covered by a waterfall, so it won't be visible from the outside," Ye Chen explained. He actually didn't want to tell the story because he was afraid Tang Xiu would say so.

Ye Chen also added, that the people he found were already just bones. Their bodies were no longer intact and wouldn't be able to be recognized one by one.

Lin Yan and Xiao Yuan who were listening also shuddered in horror. It felt like the two young men wanted to spit out their guts again.

"Then show me the way!" said Tang Xiu, remaining calm among the others.

Only he retained his consciousness when he heard Ye Chen's story, about the victim of the Black Spider.

"You asked for it."

Tang Xiu nodded and emphasized his words.

"Alright. I'll show you the way."


Ye Chen also jumped into the air and hovered using the science of lightening the body.

"If you don't want to come, you can stay here. Ye Chen and I will be back soon," said Tang Xiu, who immediately jumped into the air, running around using body lightening.

"Hey, wait for me too!" shouted Lin Yan and immediately chased after the departing Tang Xiu and Ye Chen.

Xiao Yuan was not to be outdone. He did not want to stay there alone, "You guys, wait for me!"

Finally, despite being shrouded in fear, they had to go to the forge that Zhi Zhu had been using to keep people in the village.

Over the past few months, their village had lost many people, especially men. At nightfall, more than five men would disappear from home.

Tang Xiu and others were given the task of finding out the mastermind of the disappearances. During this time, Tang Xiu worked hard to pursue the culprit.

As a result, it was discovered that the Black Spider Goddess was behind the disappearances.

Those who were kidnapped would have their life energy taken by Zhi Zhu, so that the woman nicknamed the Black Spider Goddess would look young, even though she was already two hundred years old.

That's right. Two hundred years old. Tang Xiu found a book, in which it was written, that the Black Spider Goddess had a lifespan of at least a hundred years. As long as she was still getting life energy from young men, then her age would continue to grow and still look young, just like a girl.

Ye Chen had already stepped on the big rock right in front of the waterfall.

If it was walking then it would take almost a day, but if it was flying then it would only take a few minutes to get there.

"This is the cave I'm talking about!" Ye Chen pointed towards the inside of the waterfall. Tang Xiu lowered his gaze, faintly seeing the cave in question.

"It won't be obvious from the outside, right?"

Tang Xiu frowned, "So this is the place where Zhi Zhu kidnapped all the village people."

Without waiting for his two comrades to arrive, Tang Xiu, who had already gotten angry, immediately broke through the waterfall to make sure what Ye Chen said was true. Ye Chen followed behind.

Soon Xiao Yuan and Lin Yan arrived at the lip of the waterfall. The two of them who had seen Ye Chen break through the waterfall also followed.

The fishy smell of blood immediately burst out, breaking through the nose and disturbing the smell.

"What is this smell?" Lin Yan covered his nose with his hand. Even Xiao Yuan.

Tang Xiu seemed to be taking it easy, even though his nose couldn't lie that he was enduring the fishy odor that filled the entire cave space.

Ye Chen had warned them before this, but they still stubbornly wanted to come, especially Tang Xiu.

"It's very, very horrible. Look at these bones. What kind of humans have made such a mess?"

It wasn't just Lin Yan who cursed Zhi Zhu's behavior, but his colleagues also felt grieved by what they saw now.

"Let's give them a proper burial, at least this cave will be their final resting place."

Tang Xiu wanted the scattered skulls to be gathered together, then buried in one grave.

"I agree with you, brother. They should get a proper place." Lin Yan said. He was the type of person who had no heart.

Finally, they patiently collected the shells that were no longer intact. There were many body parts missing, probably eaten by night animals, such as rats and others.

Xiao Yuan was tasked with digging a large hole in the center of the cave. The hundred-meter-deep hole was dug using his iron-coated hands.

Tang Xiu exerted all his strength to create a strong wind, so that the pile of bones could enter the hole that had been made there easily.

After all the human skeletons of who knows how many had entered, Xiao Yuan closed the hole next.

All the burial processions completed, they bowed their heads and prayed. Praying for them to be at peace in the afterlife.

"Our job is done, now it's just a matter of telling Uncle Master," Tang Xiu said.

His three companions nodded in unison. Feeling that the task was over, the four Wu Dang warriors immediately left the cave and told the Sect Leader everything.