

Feng Lin, managed to find the Book of the World Ruler's Heirloom while studying his spiritual knowledge. On one of the pages of the book, it explained about unsealing the Dragon Demon. 100 years ago, the God of War had sealed the Dragon Demon. The Dragon Demon's presence had made life in the lower realms chaotic. Feng Lin had ambitions to rule the Eastern Plains. However, his steps must be hindered by Tang Xiu who hails from the Wu Dang sect. One of the four famous Yuan Detectives. Can Tang Xiu, who is assisted by one of the Wei High Level Swordsmen, stop Feng Lin's ambition of not awakening the Dragon Demon? What methods will Feng Lin take to further his ambition and get Tang Xiu out of his way?

Titik_Balik_Author · Eastern
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Zhi Zhu smirked as Tang Xiu and company had a hard time suppressing the murderous aura he released. This was exactly what he wanted, to exhaust the Wu Dang warriors first.

"Since you're already in this place, then I'll gladly finish you off today!" Zhi Zhu exclaimed without lowering his murderous aura in the slightest, as he also pulled the sword from its sheath.

The sword that was originally loose, has now returned to its owner and Zhi Zhu won't waste his time any longer.

Tang Xiu and the others increased their vigilance. All three were ready with their weapons. Tang Xiu carried a sword, while Lin Yan had an iron-coated hand, while Xiao Yuan of course had his poisonous wooden fan.

Even though it looks like a common hand fan. However, Zhi Zhu could guess, the fan was not just any fan. The secret weapon stored in Xiao Yuan's fan could not escape Zhi Zhu's vision.

"Go forward all of you. Let me send you to hell today!" Zhi Zhu exclaimed loudly. With one breath, Zhi Zhu was already standing between the three. His movements were so fast, and his high martial arts were able to overwhelm the three young men.


His sword collided with Tang Xiu's. After dropping the attack on Tang Xiu, Zhi Zhu immediately attacked Lin Yan. However, his sword bounced back when it hit Lin Yan's iron fist.

Zhi Zhu's body had to take a few steps back. Tang Xiu immediately took the opportunity to launch his next attack. However, Zhi Zhu was not a weak woman. Not only did she have one pair of eyes, but there were six pairs of eyes that would make her even more vigilant.


Zhi Zhu's sword raised as Tang Xiu came in with his Demon Sword attack. Tang Xiu's eyes bulged, knowing his attack could be read by Zhi Zhu even though he had tried to hide his movements, so as not to be read.

Zhi Zhu smirked, instantly guessing that Tang Xiu was currently confused. "Hahaha... I told you, never mess with the Black Spider Goddess!"

Zhi Zhu spurted a greenish-colored liquid from his mouth. The foul scent was so pungent from the liquid. Tang Xiu hurriedly withdrew to not linger near the venomous woman.

Despite his best efforts, the liquid still stuck to his clothes.

Lin Yan and Xiao Yuan watched Tang Xiu. Nothing happened at first, but over time, white smoke came out from the liquid. It didn't stop there. The clothes Tang Xiu was wearing also started to tear like they were on fire.

Lin Yan and Xioa Yuan started to panic, as did Tang Xiu. His clothes were burning so fast. There was no way he could open them in this condition.

Zhi Zhu also blushed, she covered her mouth with her shawl. "Hihihi... I'm so embarrassed." She chuckled amusedly, imagining how Tang Xiu would undress her later.

Xiao Yuan also flicked his fan to stop the burning. Tang Xiu's clothes were getting more and more torn. No matter how hard Xiao Yuan flicks his fan, his hard work doesn't bring any results.

Lin Yan was getting furious and fed up with this drama. Not lingering any longer, Lin Yan immediately ran towards the still giggling Zhi Zhu.

"Oh, so you want to be like Tang Xiu too! No problem. I'll fight you too!"

Zhi Zhu didn't lower his guard one bit. Instead, she grew more and more furious to attack Lin Yan, making the twenty-year-old youth fall at her feet, begging for mercy from her.


Apparently, that's not going to happen anytime soon because Lin Yan is getting more and more eager to attack. He twirled his iron-coated hand clockwise, and then the salak seed-sized iron slid freely towards Zhi Zhu.

As if they had a mind of their own, the iron beans released from the coating of his hand would not stop attacking Zhi Zhu, even though his sword had tried to ward them off.


One iron, had scratched Zhi Zhu's right arm. Fresh blood flowed from the small wound.

"Damn!" The woman nicknamed the Black Spider Goddess cursed in annoyance as her arm was injured by the iron strike Lin Yan threw.

Lin Yan grinned faintly. Even though his iron strike was able to scratch the wound on Zhi Zhu's arm, but Lin Yan was not satisfied up to that point because it was not the time for him to celebrate the victory. In fact, he had to throw more irons at Zhi Zhu so that the spider woman would die soon.

"You help Lin Yan immediately. Right now he really needs help!" exclaimed Tang Xiu. There was no other way but to tear off her clothes to prevent it from spreading further.

"Did the venom get on your skin?" asked Xiao Yuan anxiously because the most important thing was that the venom that the Black Spider Goddess spurted out didn't get on Tang Xiu's body.

"I'm fine. Clothes aren't important, now the most important thing is to help Lin Yan and end the fight soon." Tang Xiu touched both of Xiao Yuan's shoulders. His gaze was full of confidence.

"We can't waste this opportunity, or else the casualties will increase. As law enforcers, we can't let crime run rampant. You must remember the teacher's message. We cannot continue to watch more victims fall to the Black Spider Goddess. Do you want to see more tears than smiles?"

Xiao Yuan shook his head quickly. Tang Xiu also nodded once. "In that case, let's go!"

"Big brother!"

Before the two had even taken a step, Lin Yan had already shouted out, making Tang Xiu and Xiao Yuan react violently.

Tang Xiu withdrew his sword immediately he ran as fast as lightning with the science of lightening the body. This allowed him to cut the distance faster than normal running.

Xiao Yuan was not to be outdone either. His deadly fan swing would make the Black Spider Goddess regret having faced off against the four famous Detective Yuans.

"Lin Yan!" shouted Tang Xiu, squatting down as Lin Yan's body fell to the ground.

Zhi Zhu laughed out loud. She immediately covered her eyes with one hand as she saw Tang Xiu half-naked.

Lin Yan who saw him also became anxious. She wanted to ask about his condition. However, Tang Xiu had already answered her first. "I'm fine. You don't need to worry about my condition. Now it's time for us to unite to fight that savage woman and restore the peace of the village!"

Tang Xiu's exclamation could be clearly heard by Zhi Zhu. Her blood flow instantly boiled. It was no time to play around anymore because what he was facing was not just any Swordsman.

Zhi Zhu poured a considerable amount of inner energy into his sword. This will be his last battle, if he doesn't take Tang Xiu and the others seriously, then his life will be at stake.

Xiao Yuan had also joined in. The three famous Detective Yuans had united. Although not in full formation, but they are confident that they can face the Black Spider Goddess and make her disappear from this world forever.

What kind of fight will it be?