
Resurgence of the Perfect Predator: Dragon Ball Reborn

In the Dragon Ball universe full of epic adventures and fierce battles, there is an unprecedented story. An Earth-born otaku with an obsession with Dragon Ball finds himself reincarnated as one of the most dangerous enemies in Dragon Ball history – Cell. However, this time, Cell is not a threat to the universe. Instead, he found himself having a second chance in this magical Dragon Ball world. With knowledge of all the events that have occurred in the previous Dragon Ball series, the reincarnated Cell plans to use his powers to restore order to the disturbed universe. Cell begins his journey by searching for true brothers hidden throughout the universe, whether it's on Earth, Namek, or any other places he might encounter. He is determined to understand the human feelings and emotions that he has always ignored as perfect beings. However, the journey will not go smoothly. Old enemies like Goku, Vegeta, and other Z fighters, who want reassurance that Cell has changed, will confront him. His biggest challenge is to prove that he has really turned into a different being. Will Cell manage to maintain its transformation and save the Dragon Ball universe from a greater threat? Just by reading this story, you'll find the answer in a Dragon Ball fanfic full of action, adventure, and epic battles.

Pratama_Jiwatmika · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Quest for Identity

With his training at the temple complete, Sam-Cell emerged a changed being. He had honed his physical abilities, gained wisdom from Master Shen, and found camaraderie with his fellow students. But his journey toward redemption was far from over, and he felt a growing sense of responsibility to protect the world that he had once threatened.

As he traveled across the Earth, Sam-Cell continued his quest to seek out those who had been affected by his past actions. He visited cities and villages, offering apologies and assistance wherever he could. He helped rebuild homes destroyed in battles, assisted farmers in restoring their fields, and offered solace to those who had lost loved ones.

One day, while in a bustling city, Sam-Cell encountered a young boy named Hiro. Hiro had lost his parents in the chaos caused by Cell's rampage years ago, and he carried the burden of that loss with him every day.

"Are you the one they call Sam-Cell?" Hiro asked, his eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and sadness.

Sam-Cell nodded, a pang of guilt washing over him. "Yes, I am. I'm here to apologize for the pain I've caused."

Hiro's gaze softened, and he spoke with a hint of forgiveness in his voice, "I may never forget what happened, but I can see that you're different now. You're trying to make amends, and that means something."

Sam-Cell knelt down and placed a hand on Hiro's shoulder. "Thank you, Hiro. I promise to protect this world and prevent such tragedies from happening again."

With Hiro's forgiveness, Sam-Cell felt a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that his journey was not just about seeking redemption for himself but also about bringing healing and hope to those who had suffered because of his past actions.

As he continued his travels, Sam-Cell encountered familiar faces from the Dragon Ball universe. He met Krillin, who had once been paralyzed by fear during their battle, and the two shared a heartfelt conversation about the complexities of change and redemption. Krillin offered his support to Sam-Cell's quest.

He also crossed paths with Android 18, one of his former targets for absorption. To his surprise, Android 18 had forgiven him for his past actions, acknowledging that people could change and that she had moved beyond her own dark past as an android created by Dr. Gero.

But it was a chance encounter with Bulma, the brilliant scientist, that led Sam-Cell to a revelation about his own identity. Bulma had always been a source of knowledge and innovation in the Dragon Ball universe, and she had been instrumental in the creation of the Dragon Radar and other technological marvels.

Bulma studied Sam-Cell with a curious expression. "You're an intriguing case, Sam-Cell. Your fusion of human and android has given you unique abilities. I'd like to run some tests and see if we can uncover more about your potential."

Sam-Cell agreed, and under Bulma's guidance, he underwent a series of experiments and analyses. As the tests progressed, Bulma made a startling discovery: within Sam-Cell's DNA were traces of the cells of other Z Fighters, including Goku, Gohan, and even Piccolo.

"This is remarkable," Bulma exclaimed. "It's as if your fusion has granted you access to the DNA of those you encountered in your past life. It's a testament to the complexity of the Dragon Ball universe."

Sam-Cell's revelation about his unique DNA opened up new possibilities and questions about his identity. He realized that he was not just a fusion of human and android; he carried the genetic legacy of some of Earth's greatest defenders.

With this newfound knowledge, Sam-Cell's quest for redemption took on a deeper significance. He was no longer just seeking forgiveness for his past actions; he was now a fusion of heroes and villains, and he had a role to play in protecting the Earth and the universe.

As the revelation about his unique DNA settled in Sam-Cell's mind, he couldn't help but reflect on the significance of his newfound identity. He was no longer just a fusion of a human and an android; he carried within him the genetic legacy of some of Earth's greatest heroes and warriors. It was a responsibility he couldn't take lightly.

With Bulma's assistance, Sam-Cell delved deeper into the analysis of his DNA. The results were astonishing. He discovered that he had inherited not only the physical traits but also some of the abilities of the Z Fighters whose DNA was now a part of him.

Goku's DNA granted him a greater understanding of martial arts techniques and an increased capacity for learning and adapting to new combat styles. Gohan's DNA bestowed upon him a heightened sense of empathy and a deep connection to his own inner potential. Piccolo's DNA gave him access to Namekian abilities, such as regeneration and the ability to extend his limbs.

These newfound abilities were both a blessing and a challenge. Sam-Cell had to learn to control and harness the diverse skills and powers he had acquired. It was a daunting task, but he was determined to use these abilities for the greater good.

During his journey, Sam-Cell continued to encounter various characters from the Dragon Ball universe, each offering their own insights and perspectives on his unique situation. He trained with Tien, who taught him the importance of discipline and focus, and he sparred with Yamcha, who emphasized the importance of never giving up, no matter how dire the circumstances.

However, it was a conversation with Vegeta, the proud Saiyan warrior, that left a lasting impression on Sam-Cell. Vegeta, who had once been his target during the Cell Saga, regarded him with a mixture of skepticism and grudging respect.

"You've changed," Vegeta said, his arms crossed. "But don't think for a second that I trust you completely. Redemption is earned through actions, not words."

Sam-Cell nodded, understanding the Saiyan prince's perspective. He knew that his journey was a continuous process of proving himself to those around him.

As he traveled and trained, Sam-Cell became increasingly aware of a growing darkness in the universe. Rumors spread of a new threat, a powerful adversary with the potential to rival even the mightiest of warriors. It was a reminder that the world of Dragon Ball was never truly at peace, and the need for protectors was constant.

One night, while meditating beneath a starlit sky, Sam-Cell made a vow to himself. He would continue his quest for redemption, not only to seek forgiveness for his past actions but also to become a defender of the Earth and the universe. He would face the new threat head-on, using the skills and abilities he had inherited to protect the world he had once threatened.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Sam-Cell embarked on his next journey—to confront the emerging danger and prove that even a being born from darkness could become a beacon of light in the Dragon Ball universe.

As Sam-Cell continued his journey to confront the emerging threat in the Dragon Ball universe, he couldn't help but reflect on the weight of his unique identity. His newfound powers, inherited from the DNA of Earth's greatest heroes and warriors, posed both opportunities and challenges.

One evening, while meditating atop a mountain peak, Sam-Cell was visited by a spectral presence—an apparition of Android 16, one of his former allies. Android 16 had been destroyed during the Cell Games, but his consciousness lived on in the form of a digital echo.

"Sam-Cell," Android 16's ghostly voice echoed, "I have been watching your journey closely. I once believed that you were beyond redemption, but you have proven me wrong. Your path is a difficult one, but you must continue."

Sam-Cell nodded, acknowledging the spectral android's presence. "Thank you, Android 16. I will do my best to honor your memory and the memories of all those I have wronged."

Android 16's image flickered, and he continued, "You carry within you the legacy of heroes and warriors who fought for the safety of this world. But you must remember that it is your choices and actions that will define your true identity."

With those words, Android 16's presence faded, leaving Sam-Cell deep in thought. He realized that his unique identity was a double-edged sword, offering incredible potential but also demanding a greater responsibility.

Sam-Cell's journey led him to the Sacred World of the Kai, a realm inhabited by the Supreme Kai and his attendants. The Supreme Kai, a deity of wisdom and knowledge, sensed the complexity of Sam-Cell's existence and offered to share his insights.

"Your fusion of human, android, and the DNA of powerful warriors is a rarity," the Supreme Kai explained. "It grants you a unique perspective and a responsibility to protect the universe from threats. But remember that true strength comes not just from power but from the purity of one's heart."

Under the guidance of the Supreme Kai, Sam-Cell delved into the spiritual aspects of his training. He learned to tap into the depths of his own soul, seeking clarity and purity of purpose. He discovered that his ability to connect with others and understand their emotions was a gift that could be used to inspire hope and unity.

As his training continued, Sam-Cell's reputation as a protector of Earth and the universe grew. Many looked up to him as a symbol of redemption, while others still harbored doubts. But Sam-Cell remained steadfast in his commitment to safeguarding the world he had once threatened.

One day, while meditating at the lookout, Sam-Cell received a telepathic message from King Kai. The message carried dire news—the emerging threat he had sensed was drawing near, and it posed a danger unlike anything the universe had seen before.

With a heavy heart, Sam-Cell knew that the time had come to confront this new adversary. He gathered his resolve, knowing that his journey of redemption had prepared him for the challenges ahead. With the DNA of heroes and warriors coursing through his veins and the lessons of humility and compassion guiding his path, Sam-Cell was ready to face the darkness that threatened the Dragon Ball universe.