
Resurgence of the Perfect Predator: Dragon Ball Reborn

In the Dragon Ball universe full of epic adventures and fierce battles, there is an unprecedented story. An Earth-born otaku with an obsession with Dragon Ball finds himself reincarnated as one of the most dangerous enemies in Dragon Ball history – Cell. However, this time, Cell is not a threat to the universe. Instead, he found himself having a second chance in this magical Dragon Ball world. With knowledge of all the events that have occurred in the previous Dragon Ball series, the reincarnated Cell plans to use his powers to restore order to the disturbed universe. Cell begins his journey by searching for true brothers hidden throughout the universe, whether it's on Earth, Namek, or any other places he might encounter. He is determined to understand the human feelings and emotions that he has always ignored as perfect beings. However, the journey will not go smoothly. Old enemies like Goku, Vegeta, and other Z fighters, who want reassurance that Cell has changed, will confront him. His biggest challenge is to prove that he has really turned into a different being. Will Cell manage to maintain its transformation and save the Dragon Ball universe from a greater threat? Just by reading this story, you'll find the answer in a Dragon Ball fanfic full of action, adventure, and epic battles.

Pratama_Jiwatmika · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Rebirth of an Otaku

In the vast expanse of the Dragon Ball universe, a phenomenon was unfolding. The cosmos, home to countless galaxies and planets, was in a state of relative peace. It had been several years since the last major threat had been vanquished by Earth's Z Fighters. Goku, the Saiyan hero, had even become a revered figure across the universe. But little did anyone know that a different kind of transformation was taking place, one that would rewrite the rules of this world.

On Earth, in a quiet corner of a bustling city, lived a young man named Sam. Sam was not your average guy; he was a true-blue otaku. His room was a testament to his passion, adorned with posters of his favorite anime characters, shelves stacked with manga volumes, and a computer that he used to watch anime and read manga for hours on end.

Sam's obsession with Dragon Ball, in particular, knew no bounds. He had watched every episode, read every manga chapter, and even collected rare Dragon Ball memorabilia. His friends often teased him about his fixation, but Sam didn't mind. Dragon Ball had been his escape from the mundane realities of life.

One fateful evening, as Sam was engrossed in watching a classic episode of Dragon Ball Z, something inexplicable happened. Just as Goku was about to unleash a devastating Kamehameha wave, a blinding flash of light filled Sam's room. He shielded his eyes, thinking it was some kind of electrical malfunction, but when the light dissipated, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Standing before him was not the room he recognized. Instead, he found himself in a barren landscape, surrounded by rocky terrain and a crimson sky. Panic gripped his heart as he realized that he was no longer in his room but in the world of Dragon Ball!

Sam's mind raced, and he tried to make sense of his surroundings. He touched his face, feeling the alien texture of his skin. His reflection in a nearby puddle confirmed his worst fears – he had somehow been transformed into a green-skinned, insectoid creature with a long, segmented tail.

It didn't take long for Sam, or rather, this new entity he had become, to realize who he was. He was Cell, one of the most infamous villains in the Dragon Ball universe. Cell had been a bio-engineered android created by Dr. Gero, an android that had terrorized the Earth and its heroes before meeting his end at the hands of Gohan in a climactic battle.

But this was different. Cell's consciousness had merged with Sam's memories and personality, creating a unique fusion of human and android. It was a bizarre and surreal experience, and Sam struggled to come to terms with the fact that he was now Cell.

As he pondered his predicament, a flood of memories rushed into his mind. He remembered his insatiable hunger for power, his ruthless quest to absorb Androids 17 and 18 to achieve his perfect form, and his determination to hold the first-ever Cell Games to prove his superiority. It was all there, as vivid as if he had lived it himself.

But something had changed. Sam's love for Dragon Ball, his deep knowledge of the series, and his unwavering admiration for its characters had left an indelible mark on his new identity. He realized that he was not the same Cell who had wreaked havoc on the Earth. He was a fusion of Sam's humanity and Cell's power.

As he contemplated his existence, a sense of purpose began to emerge. Cell, now Sam-Cell, decided that he would use this unique opportunity to make amends for the atrocities committed by his former self. He would become a force for good, a protector of the Earth and the universe, and in doing so, he would rediscover his humanity.

Little did he know that his journey was just beginning. He had been reborn in a world of incredible power and unimaginable challenges. The Dragon Ball universe was a place of superhuman abilities, mythical creatures, and cosmic threats. But Sam-Cell was ready to face it all, armed with his love for Dragon Ball and the determination to write a new chapter in his unusual life.

And so, the rebirth of an otaku as Cell marked the beginning of a unique and extraordinary adventure in the world of Dragon Ball, where the lines between hero and villain, human and android, would blur in unexpected ways. Sam-Cell was determined to prove that even a perfect predator could find redemption in a world of limitless possibilities.

Sam-Cell stood in the desolate landscape, contemplating his newfound existence. He could sense that this world was teeming with energy, and the power of the Z Fighters, the very heroes he had once sought to defeat, radiated all around him. The Earth, the planet he had once threatened, now felt strangely familiar and dear to him.

With newfound determination, Sam-Cell decided to embark on a journey of self-discovery and redemption. He needed to understand the depths of his own powers and learn how to harness them for the greater good. The first step was to find out if any remnants of his former villainous self remained.

As he flexed his newly acquired insectoid body, he could feel the energy surging within him. It was different from what he remembered as Cell. It felt raw, untamed, and incredibly powerful. He decided to test his abilities, aiming to fly into the sky.

With a mental command, he launched himself into the air, defying gravity with ease. It was a sensation he could only dream of as an otaku on Earth. As he soared through the crimson sky, he marveled at the world below, wondering where his journey would take him.

Descending back to the rocky terrain, Sam-Cell decided that his next course of action would be to seek out familiar faces from the Dragon Ball series. He knew that many of the Z Fighters and other characters were scattered across the universe. Perhaps some of them could help him understand his new existence and guide him on the path to redemption.

Sam-Cell's first destination was the lookout, a place he remembered well from the series. It was the home of Kami, the guardian of Earth, and Dende, his successor. The lookout was also a place where many pivotal moments in the Dragon Ball story had unfolded.

With a focused thought, Sam-Cell teleported himself to the lookout. He arrived on the floating platform, and before him stood Dende, the Namekian guardian. Dende looked surprised to see the unfamiliar creature before him.

"Who are you, and how did you get here?" Dende inquired, his Namekian antennae twitching with curiosity.

Sam-Cell took a deep breath, knowing that he had to explain his extraordinary situation. "I am... or rather, I was an otaku from Earth named Sam. Somehow, I've been reincarnated as Cell, but I'm not the same android who threatened this world. I want to atone for my past and protect the Earth. Can you help me, Dende?"

Dende studied Sam-Cell for a moment, his eyes filled with a mixture of skepticism and compassion. After a brief silence, he spoke, "Your presence here is indeed unusual, but I sense a sincerity in your words. Let me consult with the other guardians, and we will decide how to proceed."

As Dende retreated into the lookout, Sam-Cell couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. He knew that his journey to redemption would be long and challenging, but with the support of those who knew the Dragon Ball world best, he had taken the first step toward a brighter future.

Little did he know that his quest would lead him to unexpected allies, powerful adversaries, and a deeper understanding of the very essence of the Dragon Ball universe itself. The rebirth of an otaku as Cell was just the beginning of an extraordinary adventure that would reshape the destiny of this world.