
Restoring The Tower

A man who lost his other half gets the opportunity to reunite with her at the price of being a slave/Manager of the TOWER.

RapidOoze · Fantasy
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1 Chs


"-Kyle, if you are reading this, then I guess everything is already over. I know that you have many questions in your heart and I am guilty for not answering them, but I wanted to cherish the time we had left together.

-No matter how much sad you are, no matter how much grief you are feeling, but, never forget about me.

-This is the last thing I am asking you.

-Remember the time we spent together, so that, when you found someone else in the future, you could do that with them.

-Darkness is but a part of life. You have already suffered enough, so, please live a life full of colors now. The color of happiness and joy.

-I wanted to talk with you for eternity, doing our foolish things again and again. But now I can't. My only regret is just not telling you how I truly felt being with you.

-I am a liar, but you loved me. You, who had lost everything accepted me, but I betrayed you.

-But I guess no point in talking about that anymore.

-Remember me. Even if it was not with love, but hate. I am fine with that, just remember me.

-Make a special place in your heart, that will remind you of me, whether with love or hate.

-Live, live in my place.

-I love you.

-Julia, Julia Ainsworth."

I wasn't able to believe what I was reading. Just 5 days ago, we were together, and now, I am reading the letter she had prepared for me. The letter of her saying goodbye to me, an eternal goodbye.

Tears poured from my eyes. The tears that contained my grief, my sadness.

My knees gave up. I collapsed. But I held the letter near my chest.

I wasn't able to speak a single word. It felt as though the world collapsed, I had no idea what was happening anymore.

Not the place I was, nor who was here. Nothing mattered to me.

Just tears poured. My cries sounded everywhere.

Why did this happen?

"Please…don't leave me….like that…!!"

Those words left my mouth. My voice that was told to be beautiful turned hoarse and disgusting to listen. My vision turned blurry.

Soon, I felt some hands over my shoulder that helped me stand up. I had no idea who was helping me, nor why.

I looked in front of me, with a coffin laid there. Behind that was a picture placed of a girl placed with flowers laid beside the picture.

I shook those who held me and hugged the coffin. I don't know what I was doing, or why was I doing.

I just want to see her.

I want to see her smile.

I want to talk to her.

But all of that was not possible anymore.




I want to see her, someone please…let me see her….

My world that was filled with colors by her turned grey. I wonder, is there any point in even living?

I stood from there and ran away, ran like crazy. I don't want to be here!!


I came out from that place, and walked aimlessly. With no purpose, no destination. I have no idea what to do now. My sight already lost the purpose.

Looking towards the sky, that was surrounded by dark clouds. It seemed as though the sky was expressing its grief and sorrow too. Soon, the rain started to fell. I tightly placed the letter in my pocket and ran like crazy again.

My tears washed down with the rain water. The people looked at me like crazy as I was running.

Just like that, I reached the place that I once called home. Our home.

Opening the door, I was greeted with the sight of loneliness. The place that had memories of me and her now turned dark.

I climbed the stairs and reached the second floor that was our joint room. The place where I holed up, and she pulled me out.

On the left side of the room, where a table was placed and above it was the pictures of me and Julia and the places we had visited together. Those colorful places looked grey to me.

The soft warm covers on the bed now felt filled with coldness.

I laid myself on the bed and cried again. Because that was the last time, I was going to shed the tears.


5 years had passed since I ran away from her funeral and lived a life, like she wanted me too. Even though my life was filled with nothing.

Today was my birthday, and I turned 25, but I felt nothing, except, I took a day off from my work.

Readying myself, I walked out of the once called house and randomly started walking for several hours before stopping in front of a bakery from where, I bought a cake and then started walking towards a fixed direction.

In 15 minutes, I stopped in front of metal gates, the Graveyard.

Opening the door and nodding at the guard, who nodded me back, I walked toward a certain grave.

On that grave, the name, Julia Ainsworth, was carved.

I kneeled beside the grave and placed the box of cake on the ground and started to clean the tombstone. It took me 5 minutes to completely clean it.

After that, I opened the cake box and took the two small cakes out and placed one on the disposable plate and placed it in front of tombstone.

"Julia, today I turned 25. It should be a happy occasion but I guess, the happiness is everlost for me now…"

"But alas, let's celebrate, like we do every time."

Then, I started to tell everything that happened since my last visit, that was a 3 days ago.

I had been visiting here for every 3 days, for 5 years. And every occasion, festival, or anything, I was coming here to celebrate. She was the only family I was left with after all.

Soon, the sky started to turn dark, the breeze started to blow. But I stayed there, not minding anything and continued to talk.

"Mister Kyle, it's time to close the gates."

The guard reminded me. What a good guy, he even remembered my name, but I don't know his name.

"Mr. Guard, what is your name?"


"I see…"

I nodded and saying that, I caressed the tombstone for a minute before I stood up and picked the box, and bowed my head to the grave.

"Julia, I will be back in 3 days."

I then looked at the guard and nodded, and starting walking towards the exit.


The guard sighed but I ignored that. He had done that everytime as he reminded me, whenever I was lost in talking.

Soon, I walked out of the graveyard and started walking towards my house.


(David's POV)

I am a guard to graveyard, and even though the job could be tiring, but I had no complaints as I could earn hefty amount of money for my family.

Sitting in my cabin, I saw a man walking towards the graveyard with a box in his hand. I quickly walked out and looked at him, and returned the greeting in the form of nod that he gave me.

His name was Kyle. Someone who had been coming to graveyard for 5 years. I truly pity him as he came here every 3 days, no matter whether it's the harsh sunlight, or the bizzare rain.

Everytime he came, he would talk to one of the graves here. He told me that it was his lover's grave.

I wanted him to move on from the past, and I even talked to him many times, and even tried to make him understand but nothing worked. After some time, I gave up too.

Today, he talked for a long time too. And when it was nearing the time to close the graveyard, I walked to him called him out.

"Mister Kyle, it's time to close the gates."

He looked at me. His eyes were black, but filled with no shine. His eyes were void of any emotions.

"Mr. Guard, what's your name?"

His voice was blank. His face was expressionless when he talked to me. But I was used to that, and I was not fazed by the fact that he hadn't remembered my name.


I introduced myself.

"I see…."

He nodded, and started to caress the tombstone. I stayed silent and waited for him to finish.

In a minute, he stood up and bowed his head to the tomb.

"Julia, I will be back in 3 days."

I felt bad for him, too much. Even when other visited this grave, once in a while, and he too had to come, he would hide. And when others left, only then he would visit the grave.

He was a person I respected too for his love.



I could only sigh. His future was already wasted but alas, if possible, I want him to live a life full of smiles.

He ignored my sigh and walked toward the exit.

I looked at the grave once more before shaking my head and returned to my post. There was nothing I could do other than pray for him.


(Kyle's POV)

Soon, I reached home and placed the cake in the fridge and walked to my room. I took the medicines out from the drawer beside the bed and ate them and gulped down water from the bottle.

Then I laid myself on the bed and took out the letter from my wallet and started reading it. It was good thing that, 5 years ago, the letter stayed safe.

On the letter, there were marks of tears, those were from me, and I guess, Julia?

I wonder, what she was doing?

I wanted to see her, and the best way was to kill myself. But her words from the letter rang in my mind every time I tried to kill myself.

Soon, I closed my eyes as the medicine started to effect and slept.


Opening my eyes, I found myself in a completely white space. There was nothing here.

I tried to lift my hands, only to found that I had no body, it seemed like I had turned into a orb or something similar. What a weird dream I am having.

I tried to move and it worked, but instead of moving, it was like I was floating in the water or something similar.

Maybe I should reduce the number of pills I was intaking.

No matter how much far I floated, there was nothing. But before I could do anything, my vision turned dark again, and I closed my eyes, if I had any?

The next moment I opened my eyes, I founded myself in my room again. The letter was placed on my chest.


Looks like my brain was going to stop working with how bizarre or weird dreams I was having.

[Tower System Activated.]

Just like this screen that looked like a prompt appearing in front of my eyes. I rubbed my eyes to see whether I was hallucinating or not, but..

The window was still there. Haa…

[Kyle Ainsworth Race- Soul/Constellation

Job- Tower Creator



Soul Movement-> C

Tower Creation-> D

Tower Management-> D

Emotional Control-> B

Cooking-> E


Tower Creator/Manager

Emotionless Doll



<Tower Points-> 20000>


And now, it was showing this weird thing. I guess, I am going completely crazy. I should have consulted with someone early on.

[Master, you are dead.]

And now, a voice was entering my head. Looks like I am still in the dreamland.

Standing from the bed, I folded the letter and placed it back in my wallet. I walked toward the window, and the sight in front of me was magnificent.

There was only green grass and mountains as far as my vison reached. What a good dream I was having.

[This is not a dream.]

The voice entered my head again, and this time, a screen appeared in front of me too. There was a square face made on the screen with eyes, and a mouth.

I tried to touch the screen but my hand passed through it.

[Master, please listen to me.]

The voice now sounded as though it was pleading.

"Sigh…go on."

I guess, there was nothing wrong with listening what it had to say.

[Master, please don't be shocked. You died due to the over dosage of sleeping pills.]

So, I finally died…I guess it took too much time for it too work.

Wait..why am I believing it? I think that my will and wish to die had made a dream like this.

[No, Master. This is neither a dream, nor are you in your old world. This place is the control center of the Tower. The Floor 101.]

Prove it to me.

[Master, try pinching your arm.]

I did as what it told me, and I felt nothing. Why?

[Because you are in soul state right now. Your body crumbled apart when you died.]

"I see…then what is going to happen to me? Wait…I could meet Julia now…!!"

Just as the reality hit me, I believed that I was dead for sure. But I don't know why I was believing the voice though.

[Master, Miss Julia already reincarnated in different world.]


[But you could see her, as you too need to reincarnate in different world as your physical body is no more.]

"Then send me quickly!!"

I could see her!! No matter how much unreal it sounded, I believed it. Even if Satan asked for my soul, I would gladly give it to him to see her one more time.

[Master, but are you not going to ask about me?]

Then quickly tell!! Or just send me to Julia so I could see her!!

[But its not that simple…you may need to wait for years to find her and see her. And, she had no memories of her past life now.]

I am ready to do anything, no matter what. And, if I could meet her again, then I am ready to wait for years, as long as I have the hope of meeting her.

[Master, you could also purchase a skill that would let her remember her past life memories.]

How? I had no idea how this damn thing was working in the first place.

With how everything was happening, I was planning to listen to this voice, the Tower System to do the work.

[Master, but it is quite costly. It is around 12000 TP to purchase that skill.]

Purchase it. I remember the amount being 20000 TP. If her memories could return, then I am ready to take the risk.

[I understand.]

The next moment, a flash of light occurred, and a card floated in front of me. The card was purple in color with mysterious inscription on the back of it.

[Reincarnator's Log

Rarity- S->A


The Reincarnator suffered for reincarnating many times, sometimes it remembered its past lives, sometimes not. To quench its problems, the Tower created a skill, that let the reincarnator remember its past lives, no matter how many lives he had lived.


One time use, Only the past life could be remembered.


The description popped in front of my eyes. The panel was light purple in shade, with black colored letters.

Looking over the description, I sighed. It was easy to understand that it was a copy of the original skill, but that was enough for my purpose.

[-12000TP, Remaining TP-8000]

The description panel disappeared and another panel appeared showing the remaining TP.

[Master, I will be storing the skill, and when the time is ripe, you could give it to her.]

The Tower System's panel, the square shaped face panel appeared and the voice entered my head.

I nodded, that was the most feasible solution for now.

The card disappeared from my vision. I walked back to the bed and sat on the corner contemplating everything that had happened till now.

I died due to overdosage of medicines. Then I became the master of some Tower System. I could meet Julia again, even though she didn't remember me. And, I had to reincarnate as my body had crumbled apart.

[Yes. And you need to know more about the Tower.]

The voice sounded in my head again.

In other words, I have to study now. If the Tower really have the power, wait…it had the power as it could create that skill easily, then the functions should be quite complex, weren't they?

[No, Master. The functions of the Tower are quite easy to understand. And you could only control the till 10th floor as your Level is quite low.]

So, that means, the amount of control I had over Tower had been limited due to the less level of my Authority.


"I see…then tell me more about the tower now."

I relaxed my chin on my hands and waited for explanation.

[Master, the Tower's first function is to give birth to monster as it is filled with Mana. The second function is the automatic system that didn't let the monsters above a certain grade being born in the designated Floor.]

I see, so it was a function that let the Lv1 monsters in Floor 1, right?

[No. The grading of Monsters is different, even though they have levels too. Their grading system is from F->E->D->C->B->A->S->SS->SSS->EX…and so on. While there are also rare monsters with a '+' with their grade. 1st floor could have monsters upto D rank, while limiting their species.]

Ohh…that's quite a complex mechanism. But it would be beneficial too, like not having only weak monsters on a single floor.

[Yes. The third function is the treasures; there are treasures born or being made in the Tower automatically. The fourth function is the system, the automatic system that recorded everything that was, is happening in the Tower.]


[Fifth function is the Quest System. The people living in the Tower, or the artificial souls, or even the homocules, that are not players could assign quests to the players and assign an award too. That type of quest is out of Tower's judgement. The tower would only be partial, nothing more.]

[Sixth Function is summoning. You could summon something depending on the rank of summon.]

[The rest are your skills, or the functions that will unlock at the later date.]

I understand, somewhat. But it would be enough for now.

"So, how about reincarnation?"

I was talking about my reincarnation now. But instead of getting an answer, what I got was a card floating in front of me, the card this time was a golden colored card.

The description of the card appeared too.

[Reincarnation's Power

Rank- SS->A


The mortal suffered from dying again and again, not remembering its past lives. So, the Tower created Reincarnation's Power, a skill that let the mortal reincarnate with its memory intact.

Now, the mortal doesn't have to suffer anymore. And enjoy the Eternal Life.


Only one time use. And, the reincarnation designation would be completely random.

Prize-> 20000TP->7000TP(Discounted Prize)


My mouth was left open as my eyes looked over the description. No matter what, that power left me flabgasttred.

After 5 years, I finally felt being shocked, for the second time. The first was the prospect of seeing her again.

This skill literally means that it would let anyone reincarnate any times, with no consequence. And then, what about the Tower that created this skill?

I can't fathom. It was something that went out of my comprehension.

Even if the skill was restricted to a single time use, it was still an overpowered skill.

A fire rose in my heart, I don't know why, but I wanted to know, explore and control the Tower now.

Greed. Yes, Greed rose in my heart. I could live eternally with Julia if the Tower is in my full control.

[Master. Cleanse your thoughts.]

Before my heart fell into complete greed, the system's voice woke me up.

Realizing that my thoughts were turning into borderline actions, I slapped my cheeks. Even though there was no pain, but the emotion behind that was enough to wake me up.

"Thank you for that."

I was truly thankful.

[No problem, so, are you purchasing this skill?]

Was that a thing to ask?


The next moment, the prize disappeared from the card, and it floated in front of my eyes.

[Master, all you need to do is touch the card, and you will be on your way to the reincarnation.]

I see…but what about the tower? Don't I have to manage it?

While I wanted to go away right now, But I am not some ungrateful bastard. I would do my best to control the Tower now as my side deal.

[You could transfer here at any moment. And I would transfer the data of everything related to the tower in your mind the moment your reincarnation will start.]

Ok. Do that.

The next moment, all the strength left my body and collapsed on the bed. My vision turned blurry before it completely blackened.

[Good Luck.]

The last words I heard in my head. And just like that, I lost my consciousness.


Huh? Where am I?

Looking around, I founded myself riding a carriage. Looking at my body, I saw it becoming like that of a child, I guess, around 10.

I was wearing white shirt and black pants along with black leather shoes.

Before I could think anymore, memories started to pour into my head. But instead of feeling pain or anything, I felt calm as my body synchronized with the memories.

It was about an orphan that was founded by a priest and taken to an Orphanage. There, the boy lived till he become 5 years old, and exceled in many things, giving him the grace to be adopted by a noble. But just a day before he was going to the Noble Household, the orphanage was attacked by bandits.

He and the other children were captured and sold to the Slave Trader. From there, slaves got sold one by one, but not the boy due to his cold demaour and his expressionless eyes.

But one day, a Baron decided to buy him and make him his adopted child.

And that boy had just awakened his past life memories.

…so, this was what meant by random reincarnation.

And along with those memories, information started to pour in my head. Information about the current condition of the Tower. From Floor 1 to 10.

But all of that was synchronized in my brain rather easily.

[Congratulations on Awakening.]

The box shaped faced paned appeared in front of me, along with the voice in my head.

"Thank you."

Even though I had been reincarnated for over 7 years, but it just felt like several minutes had passed since I had talked with this Tower System. With the only difference of being the information in my head.

"Abyss. That's what I am going to call you from now on."

Calling it Tower System or panel was troublesome, so giving a name was the best choice.

[I understand, Master.]

I then opened the curtain of the window and saw the outside scenery. There were mountains in the surroundings.

The territory of the Baron was on the North of the Almius Empire. The territory only had a City that was surrounded with mountains but it was still away from the border. The slave trader had already given me this information.

Many knights riding on their horses besides the carriage, wearing metal armors that shone with sunlight falling on them.

One of the Knight noticed me, and drove towards the window.

"Young Master, do you need something?"

I shook my head.

"No. I was just looking out of the window."

"I see, then if you need something, just call us."

I nodded and the knight went back to his position. I wasn't able to see his face as it was covered in the helmet.

The place from where the Baron purchased me was a different Town, that was 40 to 50 kilometers away form the Baron's territory, Avarice. So, I had to go there on a carriage that was send by Baron too.

The distance travelled by carriage took around 7 to 8 hours as there was the danger of beasts attacking and other stuff.

"Abyss, where are we right now?"

[Master, you are at around half an hour distance from the Avarice City.]

I see. The I am going to sleep, even though it was not painful, but my brain was feeling tired right now.

Laying my body comfortably on the back, I fell asleep.


(Knight's POV)

Lord Avarice was someone I respected, but I was not going to agree with his decision to adopt a slave kid. But there was nothing I could say as I was nothing more than a knight.

A knight team was selected to take the kid from the neighboring territory, which had some knights and a healer. I too was selected as the part of knight team.

Even though I wanted to reject, but considering the order from the Baron himself, I wasn't able to reject at all, so I went there with others.

But when I saw him, I was shocked, along with others. We were told that the kid was around 7 years old, and he indeed looked seven years old. But his eyes didn't. They were devoid of any color in them.

His face remained expressionless all the time except when someone initiated a conversation with him. But it was easy to point that he was feeling no emotions at all just from his eyes.

If there was someone outstanding, then that was him not showing any emotion while standing in front of knights, but I guess he lived up to those eyes of his.

No one was able to gauge him, what he was feeling or anything at all. Truth to be told, it was vexing.

But silence was the best thing we could opt for. So, we took him with us as the payment was already done by Lord Baron.

During our travel, he stayed holed in the carriage and even the curtain remained closed the whole time. But just around 45 minutes of distance was left, the curtain opened and the kid was looking out of the window.

It seemed like I was the only one who saw that, so I quickly went toward him.

"Young Master, do you need something?"

I tried to sound as polite as I could. Even though it was still not official, but he was still going to become Lord Baron's second boy, and fourth kid.

He looked toward me but his eyes showed no emotion. The black eyes, that usually shone on others were devoid on him.

Then, he shook his head.

"No, I was just looking out of the window."

His voice sounded expressionless. It felt as though everything was meaningless in front of him, or he hold no regard to someone.

I forcibly calmed my raising anger, and showed a smile under the mask.

"I see, then if you need something, call us."

I sounded polite, and gaining a nod from him, I went back towards others.

"Hey, what were you talking about?"

One of the other knights asked me as we were riding while some following the carriage while some beside the carriage.

"Nothing, Young Master was looking out of the window, so I went and asked if he needed something, but he was just looking out."

"I see."

He nodded.

"But I pity this kid."

He said while shaking his head.

Pity? Why Pity?


I asked.

"Ohh, right you were not there at the time. The Slave Trader had told us about the past of the kid…"

Saying that, he started to tell me about the past of the kid that he heard from the slave trader as I was visiting the City Lord's Mansion at that time.

Hearing about that made me sympathic to the kid, but it was just that. His story may be a sad one, but it was not the worst.

Soon, the other knight went away after telling me as he was called by the commander while I rode beside the carriage. I looked inside the window and saw the kid sleeping, while mumbling something but I wasn't able to hear that, nor I was planning on hearing.

And just like that, we reached the Avarice City, and instead of stopping, we directly entered and went toward the City Lord's Mansion that was in the center of the city.

Looking inside the window, I saw him still sleeping but I guess we have to wake him quickly.

We then stopped in front of the mansion and the guard on the sides opened the door after checking out pass and we entered inside.

We then stopped in front of the mansion gates, where Lord Baron was already waiting for us.

Looks like someone from our group had already sent the message of out return.

I looked in the carriage from the window, and saw the kid awake.

"Did something happen?"

He asked as he spotted my sight on him.

"Nothing, Young Master. I was going to wake you, but you were already up."

"I see, thank you then."

"No problem."

I then turned my sight to the forward as the carriage stopped. One of the knights went ahead and opened the door as it was on the other side.

I too went back and climbed from my horse along with others and got on one knee to show our respect. While the kid came out of the carriage too.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw him following what we were doing, but he did it while in front of all of us.

"Lord Baron, Thank You for adopting me."

He said respectfully.


Lord Baron turned his eyes in my direction, which made me quickly lower my head.

His erriey was the last thing I wanted to gain.


(Kyle's POV)

What a tiring task to do. I just naturally followed what the knights were doing and greeted him, at the same time, said my thanks.

"My child, you are my son now. No need to do formalities like this."

The Baron said that and lifted me from my shoulders.

His height was around 190 centimeters, I guess? I don't have a ruler to measure after all. He had muscular build, like those gym freaks. His face was that of a military general that had fought well, with a scar over his left eye. He had red hair that goes to his back, his beard was red too.

I stood without doing anything and just looked at his face. His eyes glittering, just like a parent looking at its child.


"I understand, Lord Baron."

I have only one family member.

His expression turned disappointed but it looked like he decided not to pursue it and bought me inside the mansion.

Inside the mansion, or more like, directly just after entering, there were a female around her 20's, with golden hair, and blue eyes. Beside her were three brats, one around 14 years old boy with red hair, another girl around 10 years old, and the last one, another girl, who looked to be of my age with golden hair and blue eyes, just like the woman.

"She is my wife, Alice, and your mother now. On her left is my eldest child, Roland, your big brother. On her left, the first one is Jessica, your elder sister. And beside her is Alicia, your sister."

The baron said as he patted my back. So, theoretically, they were my family now, right?

[Not Theoretically, but they are your family now.]

So, they are. I understand.

I went forward and bowed my head to the woman.

"Greetings, Lady Baroness."

She looked quite shocked at my sudden greetings but I ignored that.

Lady Baroness walked forward and lifted me and hugged me.

"Call me mother!"

I just stared at her expressionlessly. There was no way in the hell I was going to call her mother.

She released me seeing that I was not saying anything at all.

And just as she released me, the boy dashed toward me and grabbed me from my collar and started to shake me fierously.

"Show respect! She is my mother!!!"

He yelled. His face red in anger.

What was his name again? Yes, Roland.

But did he had to spit his saliva too while yelling?

Baron stepped forward and released him from me. I just stared at him, why? Because he was just standing there, doing nothing when his eldest son grabbed me.

"Lord Father!! Release me!!!"

Roland tried to free himself, but Baron's grip on his collar of his shirt was too strong.

I cleaned my face from the corner of my sleeve. Disgusting.

Sigh…I have to deal with this shit on daily basis now, don't I?

[Master, you use of words is becoming more expressive day by day now.]

Abyss commented. But this was something I already knew. Since I got the news of seeing Julia again, my heart had started to work. The emotions that were buried deep started to show now.

But not on my face.

"Sir Roland, I am sorry for any displeasure I had shown in your presence."

I bowed toward Roland who was fuming in anger as he had seen me cleaning my face before.

"You…!! Basta—"

Before he could finish his words, Baron hit him on his head.

"Mind your language." Baron said.

"But Father!! He disrespected mother!!! And me too!!!"

Is he one of those freaks who hold romantic feelings towards their own mothers?

"He didn't. You need to observe more."

No, he didn't. I disrespected him, along with you. But in a limit, as I had to live here for some time now.

"Roland, no need to be angry. He didn't disrespect me. So, don't ruin the mood now."

Baroness said with a small smile on her face. That smile was same as Julia whenever she heard about me before I met her. The scary smile.


Looks like she scared the shit out of the kid too, but with that, he mellowed out as the Baron released him, but he stayed quiet. So, all for good.

The maids and butlers were just observing as though it was daily occurrence.

I turned my sight to the other two members. With the red-haired one showing a smile, but her eyes were like a sly fox, same as this Baron. And the golden haired one, showing a meek look on her face.

Both of them were staying quiet. But when the red haired one spotted my sight on her, she stepped forward and lifted the hem of her red dress and bowed politely.

"I am Jessica, Jessica Avarice. Nice to meet you."

Her tone was that of respect, unlike her brother who was fussing over the fact that I disrespected his mother, which I never did.

[You did.]

Who was talking just now, I wonder?


I bowed my head in the red-haired girl's direction.

"I am Kyle, Kyle Ainsworth, Lady Jessica."

And lifted my head only to see her expression turned into that of shock for a second, and not only her, but everyone else too.

Ohhh…Right! I haven't introduced myself before, so they were shocked cause I used my family name rather than 'Avarice'.

Meh, I don't care.

[Master, you personality…]

…I have the best personality in the whole world.


See, you understand it too, right?



But to think that they were expecting an orphan to call himself with their family name…what a naïve thinking.

"I-I…I am Alicia.."

The golden-haired girl stepped forward, breaking the silence that was covering the whole mansion.

She had good voice, though.

"Nice to meet you, Lady Alicia."

I said with a small smile on my lips.


Huh? Why did she run and hide behind the red-haired girl? Her face looked as though someone had traumatized her.

Was she bullied in this place? Like due to her different characteristics than her siblings? And that red-haired brat looked like he would do something.




Ok. But you could speak if you have anything to say.


The sound of hand clapping reverbated, it was done by Baron. Everyone looked in his direction.

"Let's continue while eating dinner."

His words made everyone nod, except both the red-haired brats. While the big one was glaring at me, and the small one was showing a smile.

What a weird bunch.


We then walked toward the dining hall, where there was a large table to accommodate everyone. There were two seats on both the north and south corners and Baron and Baroness sat on the north seats as the head of the family.

Baroness sat on the left chair, and on her side was sitting the girl brats while the boy brat was sitting on the right side. I too sat beside him.

Waiters…no butlers bought us the food, that started with staters, and then main course.

Eating the food, I had one thought. Tasty.

It felt like I had tasted the flavors after a long time today. The meat was juicy and tender. The vegetables were quicky fresh and crunchy.

Soon, after the dinner, we sat in the living room where there were sofas, and a small table in the center.

I was sitting on the sofa alone. In front were Baron and Baroness. On the left side were the girl brats, and on the right side was the boy brat.

"Kyle, you know that I had adopted you, right?"

Baron asked. But, was that a question that he needed to ask?

But I still nodded.

"Yes, Lord Baron."

"Then, why are you not calling me Father?"

He stared in my eyes. His red eyes were as though there was a fire burning in them.

Alas, I still have my own stand. I was never going to have a family, especially Father and Mother.

"Lord Baron, I am mearly a slave. You have purchased a property rather than adopting it, so I can't call you that."

I told the truth. In this world, slaves were treated like accommodities. They had no life of their own. Everything they had was that of their master.


I felt a cold metal placed on my neck, it was clear that someone was offended by my words. I saw the reflection from the window and it was none other than one of the maids who was serving us dinner before.

Let's call her Maid A.

She had placed a knife, or a short sword on my neck. Her face showed a scary expression.

"Mina, go back to your position!!"

The Baron roared. Maid A meekly removed the short sword from my neck and walked back, standing behind me.

Meh, what a uncultured maid.

I placed my hand on my neck, where the short sword was placed. A trail of blood was leaving from there.


A sigh escaped my mouth. Even though it was painful, it was nothing compared to what my heart had been suffering for years. No, it was just like a mosquito's bite In comparison to the suffering I had went through.

I cleaned the blood, but it started to flow again, so I ignored that and looked at my front.

Baron and Baroness were looking at me with worry. On the side, the small brat girl had already placed her hands on her face, not seeing anything at all. The other girl had a look of intrigue in her eyes as she evaluated my body from top to bottom.

But before the pain extended, or more blood flew, a green light surrounded the area around my neck. It was a blissful feeling as I felt the sting coming from the neck reducing at a fast pace.

In a spam of several seconds, the pain disappeared. I saw Baroness's hand glowing in green light, so it was clear that it was her doing.