
Restore Humanity Default: Reckoning

Chief Inspector Emma Pandora's life takes an unexpected turn when she crosses paths with a mysterious talking cat named Nica. Emma, a disillusioned detective with a penchant for drowning her sorrows in alcohol, finds herself drawn into a world where reality itself is unraveling. As Emma navigates her new reality, she discovers a dangerous rift between humans and animals, resulting in bizarre hybrid creatures roaming the streets. Chosen as one of the five warriors to restore the balance of humanity, Emma must confront her inner demons, embrace her newfound abilities, and embark on a perilous journey to find the source of the rift. "Restore Humanity Default!" is a gripping blend of fantasy, mystery, and humor, where Emma and Nica must battle strange creatures, uncover the truth behind the merging of worlds, and ultimately decide the fate of humanity. With humor, heart, and the weight of the world on their shoulders, these unlikely heroes embark on a quest to save not only themselves but all of humanity from the brink of chaos.

EhrizGabz · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Sudden Requiem

Emma's frantic flight from the relentless subhuman rhino-human hybrid continued, her heart a relentless drumbeat of terror, and her muscles screamed in protest with every desperate step. The monstrous creature's pursuit was unyielding, each ground-shaking thud of its massive hooves a grim reminder of her impending doom.

The rhino unleashed a terrifying skill known as "Caustic Rush," a cruel gift that allowed it to move with unnatural speed on land. Its charge became even more relentless and devastating, as if guided by a malevolent force.

As the rhino closed in on Emma, its eyes gleamed with a savage hunger. It spoke in a guttural, chilling voice, each word dripping with malevolence.

"Ah, that cat's blood sure is warm," the rhino rumbled, a cruel grin stretching across its monstrous face. "Now, it's time to collect yours."

Emma's terror deepened as the rhino-human hybrid continued its relentless pursuit, the words echoing in her mind like a gruesome promise of impending doom.

Emma's agility carried her through the nightmarish landscape, but the rhino, empowered by its horrific skill, closed the distance with horrifying speed. In a nightmarish moment, the creature lunged, its colossal horn striking Emma with merciless brutality. The impact sent shockwaves of excruciating pain through her body, and her scream of agony was swallowed by the malevolent roar of the beast.

She gasped for breath, the world around her spinning into darkness, and a sense of despair washed over her like an icy tide. Death, gruesome and merciless, loomed before her, a cruel fate in this relentless and surreal realm.

But just as the abyss of oblivion beckoned, an incongruous sound pierced through the agony. It was the insistent blaring of a familiar alarm, growing louder and more urgent with each passing moment.

Confusion and disorientation gripped Emma as she struggled to make sense of the intruding sound. Her gaze slowly settled on her phone, which lay on the blood-soaked ground beside her.

With trembling hands, she reached for it, her fingers slick with her own blood. The alarm, her work alarm, continued to blare, an alien intrusion into the nightmarish tableau of death and suffering.

Emma's vision flickered, and the surreal landscape began to warp and blur. The subhuman rhino, a creature of grotesque brutality, dissolved into nothingness, leaving only a fading memory of violence and pain.

Blinking in bewilderment, Emma found herself back in her own world, sprawled on the cold, unforgiving floor of her apartment. Her phone, still blaring its work alarm, lay beside her, an unwelcome reminder of the brutality she had endured.

Confusion and relief washed over Emma as she struggled to sit up. Her apartment was bathed in the cold light of morning, its ordinary furnishings a stark contrast to the nightmare she had just experienced.

With trembling hands, she silenced the alarm and checked her phone. It was indeed her work alarm, a harsh reminder of her duties as a detective in the real world.

But as the adrenaline of her ordeal began to ebb away, an overwhelming sense of desolation descended upon Emma. She couldn't shake the chilling belief that Sylvanterra had been more than a dream, that the brutal end of her newfound companion, Nica, had left scars on her soul that would never heal.

As she pondered the surreal events that had unfolded, Emma couldn't escape the suffocating grip of despair. The nightmares of Sylvanterra and the loss of Nica haunted her thoughts, casting a long and dark shadow over her once-promising life.

Emma's return to the real world was marked by an unsettling sense of disconnection. As she dragged herself through the routine of getting ready for work, her thoughts were a turbulent whirlpool of confusion, grief, and self-blame.

She stood before the bathroom mirror, staring at her own reflection with hollow eyes. The scars of her ordeal in Sylvanterra were not physical but etched deep within her psyche. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw the grotesque hybrid creatures, heard the cries of pain, and felt the chill of despair that had enveloped her.

As she applied makeup to hide the pallor of her face, she couldn't help but question her own sanity. Had Sylvanterra been real? Or was it merely a vivid nightmare conjured by a mind pushed to the brink of its limits?

The weight of Nica's loss bore down on her like a leaden shroud. Emma had seen the cat transform into a human and heard her chilling revelation about fixing a glitch in humanity. What had it all meant? And how had she, a mere detective, been chosen for such a bizarre and dangerous task?

With a heavy heart, Emma left her apartment and made her way to the precinct. The familiar sights and sounds of the city that had once brought her comfort now felt alien and distant. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was living in a parallel world, one where the horrors of Sylvanterra had never occurred.

As she entered the bustling precinct, her colleagues greeted her with smiles and cheerful banter, unaware of the darkness that had settled in her soul. Emma tried to return their pleasantries with a forced smile, but it felt like a hollow mask concealing the turmoil beneath.

The day passed in a blur of paperwork and routine investigations. Emma's mind, however, was a storm of self-recrimination. She couldn't escape the nagging feeling that she had abandoned Nica in that nightmarish realm, that her failure as a detective had cost the cat-girl her life.

Every time she closed her eyes, she saw Nica's face, contorted in pain and terror. Emma blamed herself for not being able to protect her newfound companion, for not understanding the cryptic task that had been thrust upon them.

During a brief break, Emma retreated to the solitude of her office. She leaned against her desk, her head in her hands, and tears welled up in her eyes. She whispered to herself, her voice filled with torment, "What did I do? What have I become?"

Her desk phone rang, jolting her from her self-imposed reverie. She wiped away the tears and answered the call with a trembling voice. It was a new case, another murder to investigate. Emma knew she had a duty, a job to do, but the weight of her failures in Sylvanterra hung heavy around her neck.

As she gathered her belongings to head to the crime scene, she couldn't escape the gnawing sense of guilt.