
the past:in frankfrut

mom,you never mention before,we have such beautiful cottage surrounded by hill.I gasped as I observed the cottage of our hometown.

"Do you like it"?my mother asked as soon as she caught my breath.

"like it?I love it mom.I I screamed .

"Hope you like inside as well!she took out one of the longest breath.

"mom, let's go inside.I clutched my mother hand.

"No,it must been dusty inside,wait up untill mom and anty clean up inside ok.She pinched me and gave me the cutest smile ever.

Walking on yard ,I found out cottage was not under the care.There was swing in front of cottage ,as I ran to but it was broken.In full of rage,I kicked the ball and as soon as it crossed the fence of another cottage I heard large screaming voice.

I ran to apologise .The fence was quite tall for me to cross over .But I saw a girl ,same age as me.due to ball she got fallen right where she was.She leaned on her knee ,removed the dust from her pink gown and got up.As she raised her head her eye stroke on face.she frightened and took few step back.

"thief !grandma there is thief." She sought from tough of her lungs.

I look behind but there was no one around.wait!Is she calling me a thief.

"who is thief here.I asked her.

Suddenly a old lady approached to her ,She was so frightened that she jumped on her back and hid herself.

"What happen dear ".She asked her calmly.

she called out a word thief once again pointing a finger at me.I felt so embarrassed.In my entire childhood nobody had called me a thief not even my silly friend.

"I am not thief!I am there to take my ball back"I shouted as if I got tried of introducing myself.As I realized Old lady was staring at me ,looked like she also suspect me as a thief and searching a sign on my face.

"Are you son of mrs jade "? she asked.

I chuckled when she took my mother name .But,how do she know I am her son .

why are you standing there come in, dear mo, go and open gate.He is not a thief,how come you can suspect a same age boy of yours as thief?

"But ?


She reluctantly approached the gate and unlocked it.I took step but,as soon as I reached the gate I found myself in another world.The cottage was looking perfect from its front view,there was flower infront cottage ,around the cottage on the cottage .The twisting and turning of branches overwhelmed the cottage not only the cottage but also the fence.

"Are you okey,I didn't mean to hit you."I plunged my two ear with two hand and asked for apologise.

Noticing how serious and pleasing my apology was ,it seemed like her heart melt. She smiled .