
Restless Gambler in Kakegurui

Authors Note: This fanfic is written by two authors, and it's our first fanfic. Moving onto the story. Hyakkaou Private Academy. Founded 122 years ago in Japan and for many years since its inception, was a school where students from powerful families in the political and financial world attended. A school where students are not evaluated by studies or sports, but through the social status they possess. This is because studies and extracurriculars are not necessary for people who are destined to have power over others. For them it is important to be well versed in tactics, reading an opponent, and the strength to grasp victory which are abilities they have to prove and obtain through gambling. Money and gambling is everything. The strong survives and the weak are casted aside. Follow Emiya Kinji, as he takes the throne with nothing but his overwhelming intensity.

Rhenhwa_est_Empero · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Boring Girl IV

She was betting her life on that single possibility where he would miss and flip a wrong card. But much to her dismay—

"—There! All 54 matching cards flipped." Kinji spread his arms across the table as his lips curled upwards. Raising his head slightly higher, his cold voice resounded in her ears, "Sumeragi... you lose..."

She looked down at the table, then back at Kinji, who had a sadistic grin on his face.

'I... Lost...?'

Sumeragi's eyes widened as she saw all 54 turned cards on the table. She glanced towards Kinji, who was looking at her with a sadistic grin. "Did you really think you'd win with such pitiful tricks?"

"W—wait, there's no way in hell I agreed with this!" Sumeragi slightly stepped back in denial. "Even if I did, there's no way I can call such—"

"—But you agreed, didn't you?" Sumeragi was about to refute Kinji's words. However, it didn't change the fact she made such a reckless bet, in front of the entire student body no less. "I—I…"

"…You've lost already, give it up." A voice came from behind her, neither from Kinji nor Yumeko.

This time it was from a rather youthful girl, having a light complexion, long platinum blonde hair with short bangs, split in the middle of her forehead, and purple eyes. She was wearing an orange rabbit sweater over her Hyakkaou Private Academy issued uniform.

"But..." Turning to the girl that appeared behind her in attempts to justify herself, Sumeragi opened her mouth. 

However, before she could say anything, Kinji interrupted again. "Ahh, don't you get it already?"

Kinji ruffled his hair in annoyance with his left hand, slicking his hair backwards. "You were the one who foolishly decided to use petty tricks to win, didn't you?" 

He then stretched his right hand at her. 

"Plus, it was also the same you that agreed to my ridiculous bet. So why can't you simply accept your loss?" Kinji stated as he looked at her, no rather, he was looking down on her. "…"

"Give it up, Sumeragi-chan, the moment you accepted his bet, you had already lost, it has already been made official by the council, though the rest now is up to you and your family," The platinum girl sighed as she unwrapped a lollipop she removed from her sweater.



"—Ah!" Sumeragi froze as she heard a ringtone coming from her bag. At this point, even she already knew what was coming next. 

"Aiya, it had to come down to this, huh?" The platinum-haired girl shook her head, turning to the sides.

"Oh? News have already reached her family, that means…" Kinji observing her reaction wryly smiled as he turned his gaze to the left before composing himself.

With trembling hands, Sumeragi reached for her bag, but as she did, both her bag and her mobile device slipped from her grasp, causing her to collapse to her knees. "It's finished…" She muttered.

It was her family calling her. There's no doubt they have gotten the news of what happened. The student council records all betting taking place in the academy. 'So, they contacted our families, huh? What a drag.'

"Hello… Dad—" Sumeragi Itsuka answered the call, only to be met with a furious voice on the other end. 

"—You fool! What have you done! I got a call from both your school and the Kinji household. Just what games did you play with the Kinji Scion!?" 

The voice coming from the other side was undoubtably furious. 

"Thankfully, the Kinji household has decided not to escalate this further. But you have a lot of explaining to do when you get home!" With that, he abruptly ended the call.

As if losing the light in her eyes, Sumeragi's shoulder dropped, as if she had given up on life as she thought, 'from where did things go wrong?'

Seeing the expression on Sumeragi's face, Yumeko approached Kinji. "Emiya-san… See what you've done to the poor girl." Yumeko said as she lightly patted Kinji on his back. "Well…"

"Anyways, the student president has instructed me to conclude matters here," she announced, clapping her hands together, prompting Kinji to nod in understanding.

"While I may have gone too far, I don't regret my actions," Kinji stated, his hand slipping into his pocket as he started to walk away. "If the tables were turned, I'd be the one in her position now."

And with that, he left the cafeteria.

As Kinji began walking off, "Sure enough," Kinji muttered as he reached out to his vibrating mobile device inside his pocket. "Yo Dad—"

"Kinji… What have you done?" His father sneered in a cold authoritative and powerful voice, causing Kinji to let out a light sigh. "Long story short, a girl came looking for trouble, I crushed her."

"You made such a ridiculous bet. How dare you bet against my assets, Kinji?" His cold voice came from the other side again, causing Kinji to instantly and confidently retort. 

"I won, rather, there was no way I could have lost that bet in the first place, who do you think your son is?"

"…" Silence followed, before his father spoke again, "Hah. Don't make such foolish bets again, at least not until either you or your brother succeeds me. Then you can waste your lives as you wish by then." 

With that, the call abruptly ended from his father's side.

"Stuck-up as always," Kinji muttered with a light smile, noticing Yumeko catching up with him. "Who were you talking to?"

"My dad." Yumeko made an O shape with her mouth as she recalled Sumeragi Itsuka's conversation with her father. She then placed a hand over her mouth, a concerned expression crossing her face. "Are you in trouble with him?

Kinji shook his head dismissively. "Nah, he just scolded me about not making bets involving his assets." Even though the old man said that, if he had lost, the old man would have simply disowned him.

It is a simple family rule: win, and everything will be overlooked with a mere warning. "I see, so that's how it is…"

"Now that we've defeated her, there's no doubt about it. The student council might begin to target us" Kinji shrugged as they returned to the class with Yumeko lightly giggling. "I look forward to that then."


"-Why is this happening to me?"


"-How did this come to this."

Mary thought as she cleaned the floors of her classroom; her eyes had already lost all its luster. She made a bet she shouldn't have, and she lost. 

Now... The entire class she once had on her thumbs had turned their backs against her; she was reduced to a house pet, forced to be at the beck and call of every student in their class. 

With a staggering debt of 8.8 million on her neck, she has two options in this situation: the first is to win a bet to get back the money she needs to pay off her debt, or two, to continue being a house pet.

The second option was definitely a no-go for her. 

However, there are few people who would drop such a huge sum for a measly bet. If she'd want such a game with high stakes, gambling with students in the top 100 would be the right choice. 

However, like Kinji had said, there is no guarantee she'll win against them; she might even further fall into debt without a chance to ever escape those debts again. 

Just the thought of that sent shivers down her spine. "—Hey, did you hear?"

"Yeah, both of them are insane, they won against a student council member you know? And what was crazier was that they beat her at her own game."

"I didn't know Kinji-san was that capable in gambling."

"The transfer student too is also insane; she was keeping up with Kinji-san too." Mary's hand paused as she overheard some students walking past the corridor. 

And from what she could make out from their words, Kinji and Yumeko gambled against a student council member and humiliated her at her own game. 

Mary had already made a personal vow that she would never gamble against those monsters ever, but hearing about their overwhelming victory against one of the tops in this school filled her with a different kind of feeling...

So, it has all come down to this. I digress.

I had lots of unhinged ideas from the other author who wanted more brain rot/lobotmoy lines.

But would I lose? Nah I'd win. (Literally had to play rock paper scissors to stop him).

As for his love interest, I think it's pretty obvious, but we're trying our best to build it.

Anyways, hope you all enjoyed. Next chapter/Arc is starting tommorow

Rhenhwa_est_Emperocreators' thoughts