
Restart the end of the world

resident Evil! Dead Rising The former friend is now rotting all over, and the claws almost tear him apart. I don't want to die, I can't die. In the end, only I can save

Daoistq71UBT · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Your makeup is gone

In Barbara's opinion, that timid and fat man named Masters Calvin can sit in such a spacious car, she is young and beautiful and the only woman here, Tommy can't refuse? She didn't want to stay in the car behind her anymore, she wanted to sit in the big car and get a good night's sleep. .

"Sorry, I don't have room in my car." Tommy refused.

"You!" Barbara felt as if she had eaten flies as she stared at Tommy.

She asked herself whether she had a hot body and a good appearance, whether the person in front of her had a bad mind!

Tommy didn't make a sound, and glanced at Barbara's face without a trace, the eyeliner and mascara were all stuck on his face, his face seemed to be buried in coal and had not been washed cleanly, heavy makeup, and those who don't know see I thought it was a zombie.

Tommy ignored Barbara and continued to hold the axe on alert.

At this moment, Harry and Masters Calvin ran over one after the other, Harry's expression was not very good, and Masters Calvin's face was sullen, and he shrank his body and did not dare to lift his head.

"Where's Edgar?" Tommy asked, frowning.

Harry spat, "This fat guy stinks so much, Edgar can't take it anymore and go further."

"Heh!" Barbara glanced up and down at Masters Calvin and let out a sneer. At the same time, she secretly classified Tommy as a lunatic.

Masters Calvin stood quietly by the side, not daring to let out the air.

Tommy frowned and glanced in the direction of the range ahead. It was pitch black and couldn't see anything. It seemed that something would suddenly appear in the complete darkness.

"Get in the car first." To be cautious, Tommy got on the G55 first, and often the slightest thing is wrong, and there will be a storm-like fatal danger.

Masters Calvin followed immediately, fearing that if he didn't catch up in time, Tommy would just leave him behind. And this is indeed the case. If Masters Calvin does not have the instinct and consciousness to survive, he will simply give up this person who may be very strong in the future.

Barbara was a little unwilling, but watching Tommy slam the door shut, she could only sit back in the car behind.

As soon as he got into the car, Edgar's voice suddenly sounded in front of him.

"Ah! Help" Edgar's voice stopped abruptly, as if caught by something.

Tommy's heart jumped, and he started the car and rushed out, turning on the headlights at the same time, his eyes fixed on the front, searching for Edgar's figure.

"What, what's the situation, ghost? Ah, no, zombie?" Barbara in the car behind was horrified.

Harry wasn't much better either, he locked the door immediately and started the car tremblingly.

What to do now? escape? How to do how to do?

"Come on, Tommy is gone!" Seeing that Tommy in front of him had already driven far away, Barbara, who was at a loss in his heart, immediately shouted, in her opinion, only Tommy who was not afraid of zombies could give her a sense of security.

"Shut up! I'm starting!" Harry was so nervous in his heart, but unfortunately his car was in manual transmission, and with his hands and feet trembling for a while, the car didn't move.

Edgar didn't go too far. Tommy saw him not long after he drove out of the car. He was running towards here, covered in blood, and a group of zombies ran after him with their claws and claws. There was an excited roar in his mouth. Just as much.

Masters Calvin, who was sitting in the passenger seat, had been completely silent since he heard the shouting, and he was completely stunned.

How could so many zombies suddenly appear? Tommy frowned, and looked into the distance along the headlights. Good guy, there was a bus lying on the wasteland beside the highway. It is estimated that it was driving on this highway when the end of the world broke out. All turned into zombies.

"Ah! Ah!" Edgar's mind was confused ten meters in front of him. He couldn't even utter a complete sentence, and could only make the most primitive shouts.

Tommy frowned even tighter. Did Edgar get bitten?

In the three months before the evolutionary man appeared, the general physical strength of human beings was very weak, and it was not enough to resist the virus in the zombies. If bitten by a zombie or just cut by a zombie's nail, it is possible to be infected and become a zombie. , of course, there are special cases, that is, people with strong physical fitness, but the current Edgar is obviously not.

If Tommy didn't care about this situation before, he just kicked the accelerator and rushed out, but after taking a look at Masters Calvin, he instantly changed his mind.

"Fat man, pull back a little, open the door and pull him up." Tommy instructed Masters Calvin as he steered the car to slow down.

"Ah yes, yes." Masters Calvin had no idea at all, he was completely frightened and could only subconsciously obey Tommy's orders.

Tommy slammed the brakes all the way, the tires rubbed on the ground and made a sharp noise. The inertia made the items in the car rush forward, and various boxes and cans of mineral water rolled to the ground.

Tommy knew that Masters Calvin wouldn't have the skills to pull people up if his speed didn't drop to the lowest level, but even that was too dangerous. The zombies in front were almost rushing into the car, so Masters Calvin panicked and opened the car door. After pulling for a few times without pulling anyone up, Edgar was too frightened to know what to do, and for a while he had zero cooperation with Masters Calvin.

At this moment, the body of G55 suddenly shook, followed by a buzzing sound, and a small car passed by like a cannonball at an estimated speed of 60 miles. After killing a few zombies, it disappeared instantly.

"They, they?" Masters Calvin's voice was dry.

"Ah!" Edgar roared with unbelievable anger, overwhelmed, it was his car!

It was Harry and Barbara who were following behind them sitting in the car that seemed to be flying at a speed just now. The two apparently reached a consensus and ran away.

Tommy sneered, the rear mirror knocked off, not the G55's mirror, but Harry's.

At this time, two zombies were already approaching, only ten centimeters away from Edgar's neck, and the others appeared on Tommy's side, slapping the car window with their rotten hands.

"Hurry up!" Tommy suddenly snorted, then suddenly shifted to reverse, slamming his right foot on the accelerator.

boom! With a boom, the G55 stepped back. The speed was fast and exciting. It was instantly 20 meters away from the zombies in front of him, and the items in the car were also staggered.

Fortunately, Masters Calvin grabbed Edgar's arm and let him fly out without being thrown, but he still rubbed on the ground for a long time, and the shoes were broken.

"Come on! Come on up!" Masters Calvin was so shocked that he was sweating, and hurriedly dragged Edgar up, then slammed the car door shut.

The car had a lot of space originally, and the two of them squeezed into the same position, and one of them was a fat man weighing 200 pounds.

Out of the corner of the eye, Tommy glanced at Edgar's shoulder, where blood was seeping, and a toothmark was clearly visible under the torn clothes.