
RESTART [I'll start reuploading with changed content soon]

Growing up as an orphan, Zenil endured a lifetime of relentless bullying, with no one to lean on. One fateful day while getting beaten up as usual, a powerful master stumbles upon the scene. The man gives him the power to rise up, and take back his dignity. But, nothing is free after all. Zenil would have to endure suffering, misery, and misfortune far beyond what he had already known. According to the prophecy, one day, the whole world will be against him. *** [The name might keep getting changed. The original name of this work is "ShadowFall" I will change it to that once I get more readers...] [It's a fantasy/supernatural story and after the First Arc (30-40 Chaps) will have nothing to do with School Bullies/Street Thugs...] *** As of today (11 Dec 2023), this novel is currently in its initial draft. Once I am done setting things up, I will proceed to adjust the initial chapters accordingly. I have divided the volumes into different [Pages], with each Page encompassing a single arc or introducing crucial elements. Each volume is expected to consist of approximately 3-4 Pages. Until these first two pages are completed, please treat this work as WIP. Hope you enjoy reading this. *** I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad as well The cover was generated with AI.

Ganu · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


"Dexter, it's a lost cause." A student wearing the familiar red blazer told Dexter, who was standing right next to him.

"Half of our boys aren't even here, yet we are holding on. No matter what, we can't let these bastards take this foothold." Dexter said as took off the blazer, "At least until our dear representative arrives."

"Is he that strong?" The student asked.

"I am not quite sure, but he will probably be able to come to a settlement with Amroh." Dexter with a smirk on his face as he stretched.

He was currently standing in a school's corridor. Sunlight was pouring down, illuminating the area. In front of his was a horde of Amroh's boys. 

"Let's end this." He muttered as he calmly walked towards the horde, while the horde rushed towards him.

Currently, Amroh and his gang had infiltrated deep into Aurelian territory. They had already taken down three schools, and, thanks to that, Aurelian Academy was now also open to White Atlantica.

After defeating the Bastille, Amroh had stopped there to rest, while his gang was going to the nearest school, Mount Crest High.

Autumn Grove was currently divided into three different groups, each consisting of at least fifty members. One group had already reached Mount Crest. One group was with Amroh, guarding him. The last group, it was currently heading towards Great Ground High, this school was in the northern part of Aurelian territory, just like Bastille, and it also was on the border with another school. If this school fell, then Aurelian Academy would be in deep trouble.

"Amroh is a genius. I can't believe we will be able to extend our territory this easily." A boy wearing a yellow blazer said while running in a group with several other boys wearing different colored uniforms.

"Indeed, after Jin left, their downfall was set to happen. Amroh took advantage of this fact at the right time." Another boy from the group nodded.

These boys were in the front of the group which was currently headed towards Great Ground High. 

"Who's that?" The boy in a yellow blazer said as he suddenly slowed down.

A fat boy wearing a red blazer had appeared in front of the group. He had dark blue hair which was so dark that it appeared to be black. 

"I guess it's time for you guys to end your little adventure." The boy said.

"Someone from Aurelian Academy?" Someone from the group said.

"What's this fatso doin'?"

"Wanna die bastard?"

A lot of abuses were splattered at him from the group.

"No, he is just not anyone. He is the new rep. I saw him. He-He is a psychopath!" Someone who was standing at the back of the group said. "He is the one who beat the shit outta Grover!"

Hearing this the crowd went silent and looked at Zenil with a weird gaze. Fear and excitement, were mixed in their eyes.

"Get him!" The boy at the front of the crowd shouted as he ran towards Zenil.

Following him the entire group rushed towards the boy.

A smirk appeared on Zenil's face. 


[A few minutes ago]

"About fifty of Amroh's men were spotted going towards Great Ground High," Audrey told Cyrille.

"Tsk, how far are they from Great Ground?" Cyrille asked, her face displayed tension.

"They are currently near Lampton Park,"

"Lampton?" Cyrille muttered as she took out her phone and dialed a number.

"Where are you?" She asked Zenil over the phone.

"Great, head over to Lampton Park as soon as possible! About fifty of Amroh's men will be there. Stall them until more peop-" She said but was cut off by Zenil.

"What?" She shouted. 

"Are you-" Zenil had already ended the call.

He had told Audrey to not send anyone to help him and instead send the reinforcements to Dexter.


[About half an hour later]

"It took me more time than I had previously anticipated," Zenil muttered to himself as he looked at the time on his phone.

His clothes were shabby, and had dirt all over them. His hair was dishelved and a few scratches were on visible on his face.

"You are a monster." A groan came from behind him.

"What do you mean? I was lenient." Zenil smiled as he turned around.

In front of him laid down fifty youth who had earlier pounced at him with the desire to beat him to a pulp, but look at the not so anticipated outcome of this showdown. It was a onesided massacare. 

"You don't even know how much misery you inflict on the poor souls you bully everyday." Zenil said as he kicked the youth.

"Might as well take a selfie."

He took a selfie with the fifty bodies behind him a started walking towards Bastille. It was where Amroh, the leader of Autumn Grove currently was.


"What now?" Eric asked Dexter.

"We go to Bastille." Dexter said as he got up from the ground.

Both of them were currently present in a corridor which was being illuminated by the bright afternoon sunlight pouring through the windows.

His hair was dishelved and his face had scratches and minor visible bleeding. He was not wearing his red blazer and his white shirt's sleeves were rolled up.

Eric, Dexter's close friend was also in a similar state.

"In this state?" Eric asked. "Are you sure?"

"Well, that's what Cyrille told me." Dexter said as he took out his phone. "Apparently our beloved mister representative are gonna appear there, how could we miss the show?"

"Gather up everyone who can still fight." Dexter told Eric.

"Okay, but what about them?" Eric asked pointing behind Dexter.

"Them?" Dexter said as he turned around.

In front of him laid down fifty youth who had earlier pounced at him with the desire to beat him to a pulp. Dexter along with a few others from Aurelian Academy's side had somehow achieved the impossible. Beating fifty individuals with only a strength of about fifteen allies was quite a task, but they had done it.

"Tie them up, and let's have a quick photoshoot."


"What are you doing here?" A man asked a group of about twenty youth standing in front of a karaoke place.

The twenty youth were currently equipped with baseball bats, and hockey sticks. They were all wearing similar school uniforms, but had different colored blazers indicating that they were from different schools.

"Nothing. We are just chilling..." A boy wearing a green blazer said with a smile on his face. "For now, that is."



Hey guys, I hope you are enjoying your read up until now.

Well, I just wanted to say that I have changed the name from "ShadowFall" to "After getting Bullied Everyday, Now I have decided to be the Bully". This is a temporary change and I will revert the name once the book gets stable.

Also, this book is just the draft version and once we are done with the first two "pages", I'll be entering the WSA 2024 competition with this novel.

Also, from now on, I will be updating twice a week, Wednesday and Saturday, as I have already published all the stockpiled chapters. 

This will at least be the case for the next twenty or so chapters, that is when the first page will end.

The next chapter will be up in a week, on 10th Jan.

I hope you guys have a great one :)]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Ganucreators' thoughts