
Bomb Attack (1)

3 days passed peacefully. No ghost things, no spirit thing, no murder thing, and no troublesome things. I really enjoy these 3 days off resting fully. But the peace isn't last long. In the first day, I return to work, there's a bombing incident in an elementary school. Many kids injured and some of them even die on the spot. FBI investigates this case directly for probability this bombing is related with terrorist action.

But after few days no party claimed to responsible for this bombing attack, nor make a threat for another bombing and ask for ransom. The Feds have no clue about the identity of the bomber although they can identify the material that used to make the bombs. But that not help them at all. They still have no concrete suspect for this case even they already make a long list of bomb expert that they suspected. The investigations for that list surely take much time and not bring result in short time.

While they still can't identify the bomber, another bomb attack happens again in another elementary school. Fortunately, this time there's anonymous caller that warning the school about the bomb in the school that about to explode and make them able to evacuate although some children get light injuries from shattered glasses that fall upon them.

After the second incident, my boss, Captain Allan calls me and Sam to his office.

"Jones, Wright into my office now"

We both come to his office immediately

"Sit down and look at this file"

He handed me a file case contains some document and I read it right away.

"Captain, this file...is this the bomb attack case?"

"That's right"

"And FBI already handles this case before?"

"That's right"

"You handed us this case file, Is that means you ask us to handle this case?"

"That's right"

"But we are homicide section, not bomb squad section"

"Read the file carefully"

I read the file case again. My eyes stop at the number that used by an anonymous caller to give warning to the school. This number seems familiar. I took my phone and check the contact list. And my guess is right, that's Dr. John Sullivan's phone number. Suddenly I have some kind of premonition that if Dr. Sullivan involved, Macy also involved in this case. Thinking about this possibility make my head suddenly feels heavy. Looking at my expression, Captain Allan grinned.

"Look at your face I know that you understand what I mean by assigning you on this case"

"Yes captain"

"So get out from here and do the investigation there"

We both leave the Captain office to start the investigation.

Sam looks at my gloomy expression with a smirk

"It's related with her again right? Partner?"

"Yeah you right Sam, maybe Macy involved again in this case"

"Aren't you happy to see her again?"

"Don't tease me Sam, every time we dealing with her, it's always a case involved"

"Right right, you must be worried about your sweet little Macy get injured, don't you?"

"Our job is to protect civilians from danger sam"

"Yea Yea whatever you say, partner"

Sam seems happy to have a chance to tease me. We don't waste time and directly go to St. Lucia Institute to meet Dr. Sullivan. He's in her office when we arrive and seems not surprise when we show up

"Well, well, officer Jones and officer Wright, seems we fated to meet frequently, aren't we? But let me tell you I'm not the bomber although I admit it's me that called that school"

"Hahaha, you can say that Dr. Sullivan. I guess the Feds also already asking you questions right? Of course, we know you're not such kind of person who dares to kill innocent children with cold-blooded"

"Yes, you right. They also questioning Macy too" he says that while grinning.

When he says about questioning Macy, I also remember the expression of the interrogator when we meet Macy for the first time. I bet the Feds also got hard times when questioning her.

"HaHaha. I bet they quite frustrated, don't they?"

"You know that good officer Jones"

"Since we're fated to meet each other often just call me Rick, Dr. Sullivan. Your information about the bomb also from Macy right?"

"That's true Rick, and call me James too. You want to see Macy, just go ahead, you know her room or where she usually go"

"Alright, thank for your cooperation James"

So we leave Dr. Sullivan office to meet Macy and find out about this bomb things from her.