
The group's past: Part Two

So two of my friends texted me that they're gonna move in for a couple of months... Thank god they texted! last time Aaron miraculously showed up in my kitchen and told me he was staying for a couple of days until he finds a place to stay in.

I knew they would have to move sooner or later. When Aaron called, he talked about an assassin who was targeting Ethan, frankly I'm impressed that they located him this fast despite being in the underground.

This whole problem started when Ethan got into the world's prime ministry data base when he found one of the council's top secrets, a secret information about a research institution, in that institution researchers had worked peacefully until they committed an unforgivable crime, they disobeyed the council by starting a research concerning resonance. The council believes that researching it is ethically unacceptable and illegal. However, the idea of stopping the research raised a conflict within the council, some members believed this research should continue in secret as it can be used later as a weapon and some believed that this project should be shut down and everyone involved should be punished. Eventually, the project was stopped.

The thing is our friend didn't just find this piece of information. He had access to the details of that research, every step of every process, every technique they've used, every progress, every mistake they've made, every difficulty they've encountered, everything to reach their final goal...maintaining connection with one's echo after resonance.

Unfortunately, he was arrested before we had the chance to test any of the theories he had found out about. Leaving us no choice but to help him escape from prison.