

The garage started a new business with Ethan's group, we delivered engine pieces to them every other day. The boss would send me there most of the times therefore I became well acquainted with them.

The beautiful lady is Julia, she is very intelligent and confident. However, she could get considerably aggressive but only when necessary, it's like she uses brute force to get her way. Despite the brutality thing she is kind to those who matter to her and can be quite a talker. She is married to Raymond; the middle-aged man who appears like a perfectly normal man but in actuality quite heartless.

The handsome guy is Aaron, very intelligent and truly attractive guy. I confess at first, I had the impression he is just another egoistic, self indulgent Jerk but I was wrong he just has a cautious attitude towards life, and deals with problems carefully. It might not be apparent but I could tell He is very concerned about his comrades. Oh, and one more thing he is excellent in combat and an incredible marksman.

Finally, Ethan, this man! He might sound laid back and carefree but when you pay attention to what he is saying, really pay attention you'll find out that he is very careful, he cooperates well with others and He is able to get along with almost everyone. A positive side to his weird personality is that others easily trust him that he can gather large groups of individuals together under his influence.