

Two weeks have passed since that night. My hair had grown a little, I can no longer see my scalp. I was a little bit anxious about seeing how I look now. I guess I didn't wish to remember my older days, I thought It is today that I live in and it is today that I wish to face. I walked toward the door I took a glimpse of my reflection on the mirror next to the front door then I opened it and walked out. the street was empty which was expected at that time of the day it was precisely why I picked to get out then of all times. I walked down the few stairs on my front door then I headed to the street, I wanted to take a walk around 'the neighbourhood' and explore the place. But there was a very strange thing which I couldn't overlook, I saw him sitting at a corner in the yard completely ignoring the fact that I went out. He continued staring at the house opposite to mine. I thought to myself is he trying to tell me something like check out that house!? something is suspicious about that house or maybe stay away from that house!

I started touring the streets which were empty for a while. then there was a thing that stroke me like thunder I saw a child standing at the middle of the street staring at me!! So, I smiled at him.

"Hey." he said

"Hello." I responded but still shocked.

"I have noticed that you are finding it difficult to socially adapt in here. therefore, I decided to help you out personally. Please, don't worry, this place is safer than any place you've been to before."

"Who are you?"

"The artificial intelligence system responsible for keeping order in the neibourhoods."

"Can you tell me when will be my prosecution?"

"As I said I'm here to help you adapt but I'm afraid I can't answer your question. If you need any help just call and I'll be there to help."

As I walked home, I kept thinking about what just happened. Honestly, initially I was thinking of talking to people in the street and learn why they were put here and what's the best way to act in the time being but after what just happened, I don't know what to think. Everything, everybody could be fake. Eventually I decided to go back home. He wasn't in the yard then. I wondered where he went but I didn't give it any further thought. When I walked inside l found him sitting on that poor lonely sofa staring at a blank wall.

"Are you okay?"

"I am watching my weekly TV show."

I sat next to him on that sofa to rest from my long walk and to try to swallow the madness coming next.

"Today's episode is about a psychopath who enjoys putting people in hard situations because he loves to observe human nature. Or so he says!" he said

"Sorry for interrupting your joy."

"I hate it"

"The show?!"


"Remember the conversation we had the night before we came here?"

He did not respond. Not even nodding. He just continued staring at that damn blank wall. "Remember what you said ?!" His facial expression changed. He was obviously uncomfortable with the conversation but I had to carry on.

You said "things might not go as per your plan. Your next move is a very risky gamble. I only agreed to be part of this to remind you who you are when you need it the most. Even if things don't turn out as expected don't panic, always stay rational in your choices. Stay composed no matter what your circumstances are!"