
A glimpse of hope

It's been ten months and sixteen days since I was put in this cell for investigations. White walls all around, emptiness, silence, nothing. I feel I'm losing my mind with every day that passes. With this atmosphere I got innovative in finding unusual desperate tries to keep my brain working, at first, I used to work out a lot to pass time, I used to talk to Leonardo a lot because I needed someone to talk to. However, he clearly was pushing himself to help me despite how weak and depressed he was.

Today's morning was different from any other, I heard the sound of the cell's door opening after months of silence.

"Miss lily rose; investigator Patrick is here to see you."

I used the little bit of energy I had to stand up and walked with the guard down the corridor, it's been a while since I've seen this corridor. The walls look so attractive in their unique grey colour; it's been a while since I've seen grey.

"The duration of the visit will be ten minutes." The guard said that and left the room.

"The psychological affairs committee was discussing your case in the last few months, because of your cooperation they've decided to release you. However, you'll be on parole for a couple of years." The investigator said.

I couldn't believe my ears, I honestly thought I will be executed!

"However, they had a condition, they wish to rewrite your brain's circuitry."

"They want to what?!"

"Memories manipulation technology, by this new technology they will erase some of your memories. It's for your and the society's wellness then you'll be transferred to a country far away from yours and the countries of your former activities."

I know I have no choice in this, they want to use me as a test subject. But They're being so forgiving and generous to keep me alive!