
Resonance [Killing Eve FAN FICTION] (GL)

Eve and Villanelle decide to walk away from each other after meeting at the London Bridge. They let each other go never knowing when they will meet. But fate has a funny trick on her sleeves, and soon they get dragged again to the same melody. An echo from the past. A resonance. Will they dance again together this time? Or find another partner to be with? Will the music stop on them? When will they capture the organization called The Twelve?

GCarre · TV
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: I'm sorry Mademoiselle


Villanelle goes back to her hote⁴_l in London after leaving Eve on the bridge. The lobby of the hotel is full of men cackling waiting for the receptionist to give them their keys. She rolls her eyes at them. The thought of exterminating wasteful breaths tarnishing the elegance of the hotel crosses her mind, but the deep wear!is she suffers that night tells her to rest and let the night go by? She goes straight to the elevator when a man shouts begging for her to pause the door. Smirking at the man, she pushes the close button and heads onto her floor.

Villanelle changes her clothes into more casual wear as soon as she reaches her room. She wears her blue jeans and a black shirt underneath her black trench coat. She grabs her passport and money underneath the mattress and slid them at the back of her pants to conceal them. The Twelve will attempt to exterminate her if they find out she eliminates another killer. She has to prepare for the worst and hide momentarily. Then, uncover a path to locate Helene and design a way to kill her by any means.

A knock on the door disturbs her thoughts on the plan. She looks around the room to find something she can use to defend herself from the stranger behind the sound. Grabbing the metal fork and spoon on the table provided by the hotel for tourists, Villanelle prepares herself to attack the intruder as she opens the door and greets the unwanted guest.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" Villanelle asks with a nice innocent smile. The man is wearing a hotel uniform and a shy grin to hide his plan.

"I'm sorry to disturb you mademoiselle, but are you Ms. Villanelle?" The young man politely asks her name.

"No," Villanelle replies with a frown. She never checks in under her name as a precaution for herself. Flaunting is one absolute way to get arrested and Hotels are an unsafe place for assassins.

"I'm sorry mademoiselle, I might have the wrong room number." The man apologizes with an obvious poker face and pulls a knife from his back to attack Villanelle.

The woman avoids the direct assault by turning sideways and punctures the man's arm with a fork while gripping his hand. The intruder drops his weapon and shriek from the pain so she jabs a spoon onto his mouth to suppress his noise in the hallway. Villanelle picks up the knife and without notice stab the man's throat. An instant end to the annoying boy.

Villanelle stride out of the room with the knife in her hand when she gets blocked by another man with a gun. She walks towards the left side of the hall when he pulls the trigger. Villanelle evades the shot by swirling to the right and throwing her weapon. The knife drives straight into his face killing him with one blow. Villanelle picks up the gun on the floor and walks towards the elevator. She prepares herself to attack anyone in any direction.

When the elevator opens, two women riding it draw their guns. Villanelle already expects them and took advantage of it shooting the two women directly on the head, knocking them down. She snatches the guns from the two dead bodies and decides to use the stairs where she sees men climbing up with firearms in their hands. Villanelle shoots them one by one as she goes down without a slight intrigue. She knows who is after her with this kind of force and capacity.

Out of bullets, she throws the guns away and goes back into the hallway. She tries riding the elevator once more and is glad that only an elderly couple is there. She pushes the button for the ground floor to reach the lobby. Her mind is thinking about where she could get a good sleep tonight without anyone interrupting.


Konstantin is standing in the long line at the airport in London. After his confrontation with Carolyn at Paul's house, he knows there is nowhere else to go. Villanelle not wanting to come with them and not saving him hurts deeply. He knows he deserves it. After all, she is right saying he never did treat her like a family. He is scared to be closer to her. Afraid that one day he has to pull a trigger on her head like the way he did to others.

I need to survive for my family.

The death of Paul, a known member of the twelve now feels scary. They will surely come after him and her daughter, Irina. Carolyn will no longer help him after he participates in Kenny's death and Villanelle will no longer protect him after his lies have been exposed to her. He feels alone but he has it coming. He betrays everyone around him. There is no other way to survive but run. It's the only way he can protect Irina from the treacherous world he has.

A ring on the phone makes Konstantin jump in surprise. Her ex-wife's number registers on the line.

"Hello, why did you call? How is Irina?" Konstantin's worrying voice is apparent.

"I visited Irina today and she was not there at the facility." The woman's voice trembled in fear.

"What? How?" Konstantin is shockingly troubled at the news he receives.

"They don't know. No one saw Irina get out. Someone took her." The woman starts to gurgle her cries.

"Don't worry, I'm going to take care of it. I'm going to find Irina." Konstantin lies.

"You better do." The woman now sounds threatening. She cuts the line off before Konstantin can ask anything.

The twelve got Irina.

Konstantin does not doubt that the Twelve is responsible for taking her daughter. The organization has found out about the money he took from the account and is now holding up Irina for ransom. He thought he still has time to escape. If only he and Irina left early last week. The distress breaks his spirit and extreme pain in his heart starts to crawl in. He clutches his chest and slowly hauls himself to breathe. The agony he deduces is weakening him. He falls on the floor and loses consciousness immediately.