
Chapter 1: The Beginning

In the Kingdom of Rashtar, there lay a small village by the river. It had no name as it was created thirty years ago by its current Chieftain. It started out as a waystop for the boats, but now it is a decent sized settlement having a close knit population of five hundred families. Life had always been idyllic for the villagers except for a large battle that was fought six years ago in the mountain range across the river. This lead to a huge increase in refugees for a while with some even choosing to settle in the village. It was a blessing in disguise as before the influx of experienced warriors, there was an extreme shortage of combatants during the occasional raid by bandits or even worse prowling magic beasts.

Children were very rare in this village and the few that existed were doted upon by all the elders. The lot usually used to run around in a mob and raid the bakers first thing in the morning before spending the day running around doing errands or playing in general. In this mob, the most active one was the blacksmith's grandson a darling boy of six. His name was Roake and his dream was to become a warrior and go out to see the world. The only problem was that he was found to have no aptitude with battle force and very little affinity with the elements. In this world of constant upheaval, without any sort of affinity, the poor child was destined to be a powerless being whose very life would be out of his control. In normal circumstances this would lead to him being an outcast, but in this case he ended up being the most protected and cherished friend in this mob. Often even the elder children would listen to his commands and he had become the commander of this troop of innocent mischief makers.

This particular afternoon, the miscreants were out in the fields looking for wild mushrooms. These particular errand was for the village herbalist, and the reward was declared to be a pot of fresh toffee. Needless to say, this bounty energized the children to go hunting for the biggest mushrooms in the area. Roake however was lazing at the top of the hill looking out at the vast river and the forest across it. For some reason, he always felt a call towards the forest depths, a familiar yet strange vibe, beckoning him to explore its depths.

"Roake, Roake" came a call interrupting his reviere, "look what I found!". He turned around dazed, only to see a pup thrust into his face. " Nina, How many times have I told you not to shove things in my face?" He said as he calmly took the grey pup in his hands. He looked around and saw six other pups held by the other kids. "I just gave you the last one," she replied " Can't you be suprised for once?". He rapped her on the head, which she dodged with a twirl while sticking her tounge out at him while the rest of the kids laughed. This 'dance' was a common routine in their lives ever since he turned five. "Where did you find these, Soge? How come the mother is not around hunting you down?". Soge paused before explaining how they came across a dead wolf with an arrow through it eye and on rolling the body over, they found these pups.

" Well, so be it" Roake sighed, " We will have to name them. And find out what they eat." This was greeted by the cheers of the entire group of six. The rest of the kids then grabbed their respective pups and ran off towards their homes, eager to show them to their parents, leaving Roake and the pup alone on the glen. As he lay there, staring in the directon of the forest, a wave of sorrow washed over him, a feeling of being last of his kind. It was an irrational feeling. A sudden movement disrupted his resonance, and he opened his eyes to a pair of bright blue eyes staring back at him. They contained curiosity and warmth, without even a bit of fear. In that moment a bond was formed between child and wolf, a bond that would last ages through hell and high water. "Fenrir" he said " That is your name. Lightning in the old tounge." And those eyes acknowledged him, with a feral intelligence. The two then walked side by side towards the village as the sun slowly set behind them, its last rays serving to illuminate the shadows formed by the two as a foreshadowing of an uncertain future.

Hi Guys,

Sorry for the late chapter as I just completed my exams and a short break. I promise to update on a more regular basis in the foreseeable future.

Thanks for all the support and do leave you feedback in the comments section.

GhostSoverigncreators' thoughts