
Resident Evil: They Want More Than Flesh

Umbrella had a secret experiment, one that never came to public, leaded by Joseph Irons, research leader and son of RPD Chief of Police, Brian Irons. After Brian's death, the RPD and the STARS members had a lead on the experiment, but once they got there, they would soon find out on why the whole thing should stay as a secret.

theStache · Video Games
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The Nightmare Begins (Barry & Rebecca)

— Gosh, that is so disgusting...

Rebecca Chambers said it after finishing reading the report, alongside her was Barry Burton, both of them just fresh off a couple days from the Raccoon incident, Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine were supposed to meet them in that now post apocalyptic town, but first they needed to investigate Umbrella in other parts of Europe, only Rebecca and Barry were available, also Leon heard about it too, if he would come as well was a mystery, too caught up with all the politics from the incident.

— What is it? — Barry was interested in what bothered Rebecca.

Both of them were already down there in the lab's mansion, the power was completely out, the doors all busted and alongside with the Irons report, there were two bodies, one male and one female, both dead or at least non responsive.

— This whole report explains what happened here, it's sickening... — Rebecca was so disgusted her voice was failing, she also closed her eyes, giving the documents to Barry for him to look at.

After a couple minutes, Barry had the same reaction.

— Jesus Christ... What kind of freak does something like this... — Barry looked at one of the corpses, judging by the clothes and appearance, it had to be Iron's son, so he complemented.

— This guy is the son of that sick fuck Irons? That explains this whole thing, glad they are dead.

— But, Barry... you think it is true? The zombies we've been encountering aren't like that, right? Just the usual ones from the mansion and Raccoon City.

— I don't know and honestly I don't care, if they die the same I'm fine with it. — Barry dropped the documents on the table and checked on his trusty magnum, seeing if it was fully loaded. Rebecca looked at him feeling safer and calmer, even though those things weren't exactly news, she was still distraught by this whole thing. Since the mansion, some people deal with trauma better than others, Barry looked like he was the one who was more focused and unfazed by it.

— C'mon, Rebecca, we need to shut this whole thing down for good. Do you think there's a self destruct system like in every single of these Umbrella labs?

— I believe so, they always built the fail-safe.

Rebecca grabbed her Samurai Edge while Barry took point ahead, leaving Irons private office, both of them were wearing their classical STARS uniform, Rebecca with the green shirt and white vest while Barry with the white shirt and red vest. Once they stepped out of the office, quietly grunts started to come from the office, Irons body started to squirm, moving a bit. Immediately that caught Rebecca's attention, pointing her gun back at the door, gasping a little bit from the surprise noise.

— Did you hear that, Barry?

— I did.

Barry also pointed his gun to the door, both waiting for a monster to come out, but what came out was him, Joseph Irons, the responsible for all that mess, he was limping out of the door, groaning in apparent pain and looking at the ground, hiding his face from the most part, being dark on that place, he wasn't visible.

Barry decided to lit his flashlight to help the view, right at Joseph's face, he then finally turned his head to the light, not reacting to such a bright light, he had the white eyes, but his skin, his face was normal, so for a moment both Barry and Rebecca thought he was alive or at least not fully infected.

— Look! Barry! He's not...

— No, he's turning into one.

Barry was about to pull the trigger, but that made Irons react, he decided to moan, as loud as ear piercingly possible, Barry and Rebecca were forced to put their hands on their ears to muffle that screeching sound, even bringing Rebecca to her knees because of how bad that sound was.

The sound was enough to alert any zombie in the area, now the monster grunts and moans could be heard quietly in the distance, becoming louder with each second it passed, Irons had summoned the other zombies, the big moan that girl did on the testing was not a result of pain, it was an war cry, zombie Irons became the alpha.

Both of them got their bearings but it was too late, behind them had a horde of female zombies limping and crawling towards them, except that they were more focused and aiming for Barry, he turned around quickly and started to shoot his Magnum, he had to deal with the recoil, exploding one head at the time while the others monsters had the opportunity to get closer. Rebecca tried to help as well, but she had a hard time to hit her shots since she was still on the ground with a hand on one of her ears, they were pinched from both sides, but there was still a empty corridor they could escape, Irons was a couple steps behind Rebecca while Barry was ahead, dealing with the zombies.

Barry was overwhelmed, he had to back up to the corridor and he screamed for Rebecca.

— Rebecca! Quickly!

Rebecca was about to get up on her feet until Irons grabbed her hair, making Rebecca drop the gun while Iron's grunt sounded almost like a sinister laugh, it was quiet and ominous, he dragged Rebecca's body with ease through the floor and back to his office. No matter how much Rebecca writhed, tried to pull his hand off her, she was not able to break Irons grip on her hair, the virus made the host stronger after all, and judging that Irons body had an even better reaction to it, one can only imagine how strong he really was at that state.


— Rebecca! No!

Barry had to keep firing, running out of bullets on the gun barrel, switching his attention to the gun while backing up. The female zombies started to spit, vomiting the white liquid at Barry's direction, luckily he was fast enough to roll sideways and avoid it, but they kept doing it, making Barry go farther and farther from Rebecca.

— Fuck! Rebecca! Rebecca!

Barry screamed with no use, he was too far away and the female zombies also stopped in the middle of the corridor, like they were conscious of what they were doing, making impossible to Barry to pass and if he tried, a female would vomit on Barry's direction and he had to back away even more, he had to find another way to that office.

Meanwhile, Irons dragged Rebecca in the room and released her close to the table, making her hit her head on the corner of the table, making her dizzy, even though he didn't even use that much force, it was enough.

After that he grabbed her arm and laid her on the table again with ease, ripping off her vest with his hands and carefully, he lifted the green shirt until the pale medium sized tits popped out, like he knew what he was doing, not a complete unconsciousness monster, but the same perverted Irons. Rebecca was still dizzy from the impact on her head, turning her head to the sides back and forth, trying to bring reason to a monster.

— No... please...

Rebecca's voice was weak, it was difficult for her to say anything. But when Rebecca tried to get up from the table, Irons put both of his hands on Rebecca's tits, pressing her whole body against the table and making it impossible for any struggle by Rebecca. She got even more hurt with that movement, since her head again hit the table, but with much less force this time, but since she was already injured, it made it even worse.

While Irons kept groping, squeezing her tits, opening up his hands and closing them fully until he had a handful of her tits and the skin from it, Rebecca narrowed her eyes more, to try to see Irons, with his white dead eyes, aside from that, he looked completely human and by how he was treating her, Rebecca was still holding hope it was a human in there.

— Snap out of it... You don't have to...

While Rebecca was talking, Irons started to drool from his mouth, a big thick piece of hanging saliva fell into Rebecca's fit belly, spreading it more and more since the drooling didn't stop. That made Rebecca scream, to a point her eyes widened for the first time since the injury, almost like she got an adrenaline shot, she kept moaning, groaning in a sly manner, biting her lip from time to time. It wasn't only her gut that was getting wet, further down it was happening too.

Irons was the alpha, the virus mutated in a way it made sure of that, too bad he wasn't alive to know, but that didn't stop him from harvesting the benefits.

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