
Resident Evil: They Want More Than Flesh

Umbrella had a secret experiment, one that never came to public, leaded by Joseph Irons, research leader and son of RPD Chief of Police, Brian Irons. After Brian's death, the RPD and the STARS members had a lead on the experiment, but once they got there, they would soon find out on why the whole thing should stay as a secret.

theStache · Video Games
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Barry's Dilemma (Barry & Rebecca)

In the other part of the facility, Barry was desperate to find a way to that office from another way, he knew he couldn't advance the wall of female zombies blocking him, at least not by getting hit with the women spit. If he believed Irons report about how the infection worked, it didn't matter, he decided to play safe while running around the facility, exploring it.

During that, other zombies clashed on his way, he once again had to trust on his magnum to one shot those creatures, exploding their heads with each bullet, but he was starting to realize something was strange, some zombies were different than others. In those dark corridors, he realized some zombies would notice him right away, when others didn't really care about his presence. It got to a point where he had to reload, he panicked a bit but the zombie did not care at all, going right by him and ignoring him completely.

— Huh...?! How is that possible? — Barry said to himself while looking at the zombie, the grunts and groans were the same as the others, except he didn't look that bad, his skin was rotten but not as much like the usual zombies. Distracted by that, a zombie came crashing down from the ceiling, straight from the vents, that made Barry turn his head immediately and aim his gun ahead, this time, it was a female. Like before, this one didn't waste time going after him, screaming and choking some kind of liquid, Barry now knew what that meant.

He shot her right in the head, preventing the zombie from spitting this time. He took a few steps to reach the body and again talked to himself with a disgusted expression on his face.

— That fucking report... I need to find Rebecca, ASAP. — With the sudden realization Rebecca was probably getting fucked by a monster, he looked up to the vents and realized that it could be his way to that room, the problem was that the broken vent had pieces of corpses in it, that female zombie was probably eating someone in there and the whole structure gave in, Barry kept thinking if he used that route, more zombies would be there, making it harder to traverse.

He didn't have much of a choice, so he decided to go back in the corridor where the wall of female zombies were and look to any vent entrances in the wall, anything that could possibly lead to Irons room. When he got there, the female zombies were still there, getting more agitated seeing him, preparing for more bursts of white liquid to throw in his direction, but again, they didn't advance on him, not leaving their spot. Meanwhile, Barry could hear Rebecca's voice in the distance, mostly when she screamed.

— Rebecca...! — Barry looked at the female zombies, wanting to go through even if he had to sacrifice himself, but he knew that wouldn't do anything, he had to accept he was not going to stop anything Irons was doing to Rebecca, but maybe he could still save her or get Irons. So he kept going until he saw the vent, it was quite close to the zombies, but that didn't stop Barry's motivation.

First he shot the vent loosening up the bolts, that caught the attention of the zombies, some of them decided to do the projectile vomit into his direction but Barry was quick enough to avoid it, preparing an smoke grenade he had on his vest, dropping the pin and throwing right at the zombies direction, hindering their field of view with the smoke that came soon after.

Of course, that only made the zombies even more angry, to a point all of them started to vomit into the smoke's direction, hoping Barry would be on the other side of it, instead, Barry was climbing tech equipment by the vent, taking off the vent grid and going in without wasting time.

Unfortunately for Barry, that vent was quite a tight fit, especially for a guy like him that muscular and tall, but still that didn't stop him, what forced him to go faster or at least try to, it was Rebecca moans and screams that he was hearing the whole time, as sickening as it was, at least it did help Barry locate himself, following the sound would only mean that he was getting closer. In the meantime, he also noticed that the female zombies' grunts were fading away, it didn't make much sense since Iron's room was close to them, everything became quieter like they had left the premises, once again Barry didn't care, he kept going.

After a couple of minutes of difficult crawling, scraping his knees and elbows on that dirty vent, he finally saw another vent grid, it had to lead to Irons room he thought. When he got closer from the vent opening, he started to scream, making a point to show his presence, showing Rebecca wasn't alone.

— Rebecca! Rebecca! I'm here, Rebecca! Don't worry, I'm coming!

Even with all that fuzz Barry was creating, he had no response back, complete silence, only when Barry reached the ventilation opening he had a glimpse of Irons room and what was happening, to his chagrin and disgust, the worst had indeed happened. Rebecca was laying on the table unresponsive. Barry had a privileged view from up there, he saw Rebecca exposed pussy, shining with fluids and leaking white liquid, her panty was still to the side and her green shirt was lifted enough for her boobs to be exposed as well. Irons were nowhere to be found in that room. Rebecca had her eyes closed, Barry feared the worst.

— Rebecca! Rebecca! No... Please no... — Frustrated thinking his partner was dead, he punched the vent grid nonstop, filled with anger, grunting with each punch, not stopping until the thing finally broke loose and he was able to come out of there.

Once that happened, he crawled out of the hole, falling awkwardly on the ground, but that did not faze him one bit, getting up right after and mostly ignoring Rebecca's body and her whole situation, he just wanted to see if she was alive.

He grabbed her head with both his hands and shook her repeatedly, wanting her to just open her eyes.

— Rebecca! Wake up, it's Barry. I'm here.

He finally got his wishes when Rebecca slowly opened her eyes, moaning in pain and discomfort, not knowing exactly where she was, Barry didn't care, he was just happy she was alive.

— Oh! Thank god... Thank god... I'm so sorry, Rebecca... I wasn't fast enough, I failed... — Barry's sudden realization made him lean his head all the way down, ashamed for his actions, not wanting to look Rebecca in her eyes.

She completely ignored Barry, getting up and sitting on the table, she looked down to see the state of her body and now it was her turn to get ashamed, a sad look on her face while she slowly brought down her shirt to cover her boobs, after that, she covered her pussy bringing the panties from the side, once the fabric touched the extremely wet pussy, she felt the stinging sensation down there,, not to mention that mixture of liquids making her panties even more transparent, she was clearly bothered by all of it.

Meanwhile, Barry lifted up his head to get a glance of her, he even put his hand on her shoulder to try to calm and reconcile with her.

— Please... Rebecca... I know you hate me now, believe me, I hate myself now, but we have to get out of here.

— I don't hate you, Barry. — She finally answered, looking right at him with a shy smile on her face.

— But you know what you have to do, right? — Her eyes shone for a bit and her voice got soothing as well, then she decided to grab Barry's hand while he was clueless and confused about what she was talking about or what she had in mind. She guided his hand to her boob and made sure he grabbed that part with some force, but Barry was much stronger than Rebecca, he was able to stop that after a couple of seconds, taking his hand away and taking a few steps back.

— What? Rebecca, what are you doing?

— I'm infected, Barry, you read the report, you know it is the only way to cure me...

Barry got even more confused, looking at the ground, not able to face Rebecca, not sure to feel ashamed for himself, for failing and letting that happen to her or because she was asking him to have sex with her, deep down he knew she was right, she could turn into one of those female zombies if they didn't do anything.

— No, no, no... There has to be another way, right? It said it had to be human sperm, right? Surely they have vials here, surely... — Barry's voice tone was all over the place, cracking, showing how nervous he was.

— I don't see any here, Barry, if we go look around, it may be too late...

Rebecca had a serene look on her face, she was quite accepting to the fact she was going to have to get fucked once again, minutes after what had happened, was her survival, self preservation instinct being logical? Or was it the symptoms of the infection already happening? At first they made the girls more horny, after all.

— It's okay, Barry, I trust you... You're not him, you're not a monster. — Rebecca's words tried to calm Barry, but nothing would make him calmer with a situation like that. He had to decide while walking back and forth, breathing heavily while thinking, save his partner or let fate decide her destiny.

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