

" URRGHH" a retching sound heard inside a rundown flat motel, the sound repeated couple of times echoing in the walkways.

" BLEARGHHH"I open my mouth and throw up whatever's inside my stomach and only stop after couple of times, the body feel hurts all over and my brain feels like being jackhammered.

And it strike me! Yeah i've been here done this. Trying hard to focus. looking at the surrounding.Cheap barebone flat motel without nothing fancy . A bed, a cheap sawdust desk, plastic coffee table, a phone and TV that turns on local news. but this time I notice something on top desk.

A typewriter. with a piece of paper on it. I groggily get up and try to get to the table. Managed to drag the chair and sit facing the typewriter.

On the piece of paper only two line of sentences type.


[ Y/N]


Silently I drew breath, inhale exhale. trying to calm my mind. Yeah im familiar with this. The save user of Resident evil game.

I type Y and pull Line space lever.

' TING' the sound of the lever

I wait for some isekai troupes event to happen. Heck maybe I'll get some broken system or high level cheats.....

tick... tick... seconds pass,tick.....tick....minutes pass and I'm getting impatient. Nothing happens. I tried to press the 'A' key on the typewriter. It won't budge! try 'K' key. Didnt budge. Try to unload the paper from the typewriter roller. Still won't budge. Why?!!!! . Why it stop working?!

Why it freeze....after five minutes of frustration of punching keys, slamming it, hitting it with anything on the room. It dawn on me, one blackink ribbon one time save of RE. Offcourse it wouldn't be able to function. let alone move

'Take a deep breath' you can handle this.As I self talk repeatedly trying to regain calm. What should I do? I need to survive. but how? I didn't feel I have the ability to toughening the 'Outbreak'. somehow I can feel I'm just a normal person...a NPC in this Resident Evil world.

okay first thing to do make a plan. Fighting is out of options; I'm not definitely not endowed with any 'System'. How do I know? by spending 2 hours trying to summon it, either by verbal, telepathy or whatever isekai novel envisioned.

What's more viable plan then?

Leave the city beforehand.


Aha! I remember details from the game about Train lines serving Racoon City.

Genius! let's take the train then.

I check my pocket, contain wallet. it's contain 300 $. I must leave the city. I wouldn't want to stuck in Racoon city zombies outbreak.

'BRRR' feel the shiver remembering my first experience chew to death.

I ask the receptionist where the train station at. And ask him to write how to reach it.

after few Intercity bus ride and transfer. Manage to reach Racoon Central Station.

I straight gunning for tickets box and the dismay clerk, I choose random destination that have the closest departure time.

After few hours of waiting nervous ly, the train finally come.

"Finally I'm home free" while clutching the ticket. I jump direct into the economy passenger lorry and search my seat.

'yes there it is'. I seated and

take deep breaths and wait for the departure. Tired and stress start to unwind. My eyes start feel heavy and drowsiness come.

after sometime the train start move forward and the rythmic rocking put me in to sleep. I heard the soothing lady voice announce

' Ecleptic Express departing Racoon city '.