
Resident Evil: Rebirth

Starr_Dakota · Movies
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9 Chs

All Out

"Alice!" Claire yelled as Alice was knocked to the ground but didn't have time to go check on her as the monster turned his attention to her. Nick opened his eyes and saw Claire going for Alice's shotgun but the monster threw his weapon at her. Alice grabbed her as it got closer and they watched as the weapon was caught midair by Nick.

"I'm already sick of you." Nick said as he dropped the weapon and they charged each other. Due to the monster's size it wasn't nearly as fast as Nick as he dodged the giant fist and slammed his own into the monster's side. The monster could only focus on Nick as he landed blow after blow on its chest before Nick suddenly jumped away as Claire slid under the monster and fired the shotgun through its body. The monster landed on its face and Nick took a deep breath as his body finished regenerating.

"What are you?" Claire asked as they walked towards the hole but was thrown to the ground by Nick as the monster swung at them and he barely blocked it in time, making him slide across the floor. Alice quickly pulled out the other shotgun and blew the monster's head off as it went for its weapon.

"Goddammit." Nick said as his broken arms healed, "I heal fast but it still hurts like hell."

"Well at least you're alive." Alice told him with a grin and Nick shook his head before climbing into the hole. They finally made it to the other side and Nick barely missed Luther's leg as he was quickly pulled back through the hole by a zombie.

"Dammit!" Nick yelled as he hit the wall and they made their way to a boat, "All of this power and I still can't save my friends."

"It's not your fault Nick." Chris said as they pulled up to the ship and they climbed aboard, "Where is everyone?"

"Looks like Bennett made it." Alice said as they saw her crashed plane and Nick sighed in disappointment.

"Let's check inside." Chris said as he pointed to the bridge and they followed him across the deck.

"They must have left in a hurry." Nick said as he looked at the screens with Alice, "It doesn't make sense as to why."

"Everything is still working fine." Alice told them as she pointed to the screen showing the ship's status, "Nick's right, it doesn't make sense."

"This says there is still two thousand survivors on board." Chris said as he showed them the passenger count. Nick was liking the situation less and less as the began to explore below deck. They came across a large door with the Umbrella logo and he instantly understood what was going on.

"They were capturing anyone who came to them and were likely planning to use them in experiments." Nick said with anger in his eyes and Chris put his hand on his shoulder to calm him down. The door began to open on its own and they entered the dark room. The room suddenly lit up and the saw umbrella shaped panels on the floor.

"Everyone is under our feet." Alice said as she kneeled down and put her hand on the floor, "They're probably being held there until Umbrella needs them."

"It's definitely the survivors." Claire said as she scrolled through the tablet she found and pressed a button on the side, causing the containers to rise out of the floor. Nick and Alice began to walk past the survivors until they came to a door that also opened on its own. They walked in and saw a large screen begin to rise to the ceiling.

"Why am I not surprised." Alice said as Wesker sat in his chair and he smirked at Nick.

"You weren't too hard to find. Our satellite systems are still operational. Besides not many people flying nowadays. I always knew you would be drawn to you friends. Loyalty is highly overrated." Wesker explained as two undead dogs walked around his seat. Alice and Nick pointed their guns at them but Bennett pointed his at Alice's head.

"Bennett you'll be lucky if I don't rip you throat out." Nick told him as they dropped their guns, "I'm getting real sick of your shit."

"You aren't looking too good Bennett." Alice said with a smirk.

"Yeah well I'm looking forward to playing with your pretty face." Bennett told her and he took a slight step back as Nick glared at him.

"What do you want?" Nick asked as he calmed down and Wesker smirked at him.

"I don't need you for anything." Wesker told him as he motioned to Bennett and Alice's eyes widened when Nick was shot in the head, "The T-Virus brought me back but its powerful and keeps fighting me for control. I thought if I used human blood then I could balance the power back to me."

"So that's why your crew left." Alice told him with a glare and Wesker seemed to fight something back for a moment.

"No matter. Now I have a new subordinate and a new plan. Your DNA is stronger than the others and if I ingest you then I regain control." Wesker explained as Alice slowly walked toward the table next to her.

"That's pretty smart but there's a flaw in your plan." Alice said as she stopped next to the table.

"And what's that?" Wesker asked with a smug grin and he thought he saw Nick move but blew it off as his imagination.

"I'm not on the menu." Alice told him before she kicked the table and sent blades flying towards Wesker. Bennett tried to shoot him but was lunched in the face by Nick faster than he could see.

"I'm getting really fucking sick of you." Nick said as he turned to Wesker with rage in his eyes and the dogs stepped in front of him and Alice. Wesker looked over his shoulder as Chris and Claire pointed their guns at him. The dogs suddenly jumped towards Nick and Alice and they dodged them quickly. Alice went for her shotgun one dog charged her and she shot it at the last second. She saw Nick holding both sides of the second dog and he yelled as he tore it in two before Bennett stabbed her in the arm. Nick picked up Bennett by his chest and slammed him into the second table as Alice stabbed Wesker in the head with the knife. She heard a gunshot as Bennett fired the second shotgun into Nick's chest but Nick grabbed the gun and threw it to her as Wesker came at her again. She shot Wesker in the mouth and the back of his head disappeared as Nick kicked Bennett across the room.

"Pain in my ass." Nick said as Alice picked a tablet up and freed Chris and Claire. Wesker tried to stand up but the siblings emptied the guns into his chest. They walked out of the room as Bennett was yelling at them and as it closed he began to scream at them through the screen on the keypad but Chris shot it and watched Nick hit his knees.

"Here let me help you." Chris said as he put one of Nick's arms over his shoulder, "I thought you were unkillable."

"I had to regenerate too many times in a row and my body is exhausted." Nick explained as they heard one of the Ospreys start up and the quickly ran to the deck of the ship to see Wesker explode.

"I figured he would try that." Alice told them with a smug grin before they saw a ridiculous number of Ospreys with the Umbrella logo flying towards them.