
Resident Evil: Project Nexus

Louis_Rispoli_Sr88 · Horror
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2 Chs

Prologue: Birth Of Specimen #1,988

"All I am saying Mr. Wesker Sr. is that we need a sample of your blood to make this project work, please just give me one more chance to prove my theory correct I swear. I will not fail." the scientist sat there shaking as she stood there not knowing what was coming, fear had a grip on her now, the scientist knew Wesker Sr. and Wesker Jr. had abilities that very few or if any people possess.

"One final chance doctor to prove yourself. You have 72 hours." Wesker Sr. left room without waiting for a response because frankly he didn't give a duck.

"Yes sir and thank you sir." the scientist fell in her chair, immediately grabbing inside her drawer for her inhaler and than his alcohol stash in a flask, ful of whiskey. She took a few swigs, she grabbed a cigarette from her pack of regular full flavor blend called Lucky Ace's. SHe lit one with a match, she took a deep breathe and released it from his lungs an she went right back to work trying to find her solution while smoking the cigarette.

"Dr. Cynthia Wong? Here's the blood samples you requested along with T-Virus DNA samples you requested and a little piece of advice don't disappoint Mr. Wesker Sr. Food for thought." with the goon in the suit was gone.

"Sanctimonious asshole." spat Dr. Wong as she took one more drag off the cigarette before dying it out in her skull ashtray. She took the flask whiskey put it in her left pocket of her lab coat. She grabbed the brief cases, closed them before moving them over embryo an sperm cyro storage area of the lab, since she was the head scientist and leading doctor in Project Nexus the other scientist's an doctors had follow her instructions.

"Dr. Rispoli I want you to prepare and egg and sperm sample immediately, we have 72 hours to succeed or they kill the Project Nexus. Hop to it!" she explained to Doctor Louis Rispoli who her right hand man and not to mention lover. He immediately followed Dr. Wong's orders to the letter.

"Dr. Patrova please take the T-Virus DNA samples and the reverse DNA sequence. Hop to it!" Dr. Wong gave Dr. Patrova the briefcase and the set of instructions very clearly, as all the other doctor's got to work, Dr. Wong to a swig from her flask. She went back to her desk reaching for another cigarette and she lit it. She sat there thinking as she ashed into the skull ashtray, she was trying to figure out how to make this work but she wasn't going to quit. What felt like to minutes to Dr. Wong were actually hours in reality, Dr. Rispoli began coming into view.

"Dr. Wong we has some good new with in 8 hours of testing we got one viable sample and the sequencing proved one egg an sperm will work with this project but I don't think you will like it because you said you never wanted to have kids an-" but before he could finish speaking, Dr. Wong had put her hand up.

"And it's either out away my personal feeling's or kill my life's work. Start the Project Nexus with our egg and sperm but before we do tell me one thing Dr. Rispoli. what was the success rate of the sample?" Dr. Wong spoke softly and she was curious about the success ratio.

"110% success rate. Which has never occured ever, not even in our DNA but yet I know numbers don't lie Dr. Wong." Dr. Rispoli showed her clip boards from all the tests and he even moved over to the computer's to show Dr. Wong how many times they ran the tests to get one success out of 1,988 times of running these tests.

"That can't be possible." Dr. Wong gasped as she went in her pocket to take a swig from her flask. She finished it off. As she stared at the screens deciding her next move.

"Dr. Rispoli start Project Nexus. I have a phone call to make." Dr. Wong ordered before going going back to her desk. She picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"This is Wesker." Mr. Wesker Sr. growled into the phone.

"We did it Mr. Wesker. Project Nexus has been initiated. Our specimen will be ready by Friday, September 15th." Dr. Wong smiled as she spoke these words with pride.

"Excellent Job Dr. Wong. Now this is our future right here." Mr Wesker chuckled before hanging up the phone.

"Finally! Free from dying and Project Nexus is under way." Dr. Wong took a deep breath before leaning back in her chair and closing her eye's to catch a few hours of sleep before going back to work. What seemed like only moment passing she ended sleeping for ten hours. Dr. Wong woke up to everybody cheering and popping bottles of champagne, she !Ade her way over to find Dr. Rispoli by a testube with a baby almost ready to be born.

"How's this possible Ive only been asleep for a few hours, how can the child be ready to be born?" Dr. Wong gasped as she got emotional, from excitement.

"Not child but twins." Dr. Rispoli revealed the second child to Dr. Wong who was born.

"Meet Xia. We thought it would be fitting an a honor for the child to have your mom's name and her twin is a boy an his name will be Syrus after my grandfather. Since this is our legacy so I figured we must have our say so on their names, if I over stepped my bound's please accept my apologies." Dr. Rispoli stumbled over his words just a little bit, nervous of Dr. Wong's reaction might be.

"It's perfect." Dr Wong responded a she laid on eyes on Xia and Syrus for the first time, she immediately felt a connection to them an they smiled at Dr. Wong, she turned around and Dr. Rispoli an pulled him to the side, so no one could here them.

"How long was I out for?" Dr. Wong asked as she kept cautiously looking around waiting for someone or something to barge in or something.

"2 days, why do you ask?" Dr. Rispoli replied confused.

"You gotta get the twins out of here!" Dr. Wong started to cry but Dr. Rispoli started to laugh.

"I couldn't possibly do that my dear. The kids will need me but will they need you?" Dr. Rispoli pulled out a gun with a silencer and shot Dr. Wong in the chest twice.

"Don't worry the Head Office has your DNA in case we might need your assistance in the future. Have a good afterlife." Dr. Rispoli shot Dr. Wong in the forehead before shooting the rest of the doctors, he grabbed all the paper work and all the hard drives an the backups as well. He walked pouring gasoline on the papers and all the electronics before leaving he set the trail on fire. Cross the street to watch the building go up in a blaze.

Dr. Rispoli had the children with him, he walked over to the car and drove off into the night.