
Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Star is a girl who has known no world. She's been held captive by her extended family since her mother died when she was two, or was her mother murdered? The date of her eighteenth birthday is approaching and if she doesn't get away from her captors soon, she will have to marry a man whom she despises. Artem is a young new Alpha who was disgusted by the previous Alphas' actions. Wanting to reform his pack and protect the weak he took control by force. Now, he's rescuing those who have been beaten, abused, and neglected. During one of his rescue mission, Artem discovers the young Star. The girl is terrified of her family, the world out side that she doesn't know, and him. So how is he going to tell her that she is his fated mate and future Luna of their pack? Can Artem get Star to trust him when she has been told that no one cares for weak wolves, especially the Alpha? Can he convince her that the world is not how she had been led to believe it was? "I will do anything to save you, Star. Anything to protect you. Please, you have to trust me." Can Star move past her fear and trust this man she's never known before? And is her family just going to roll over and let her be taken away from them? What ups and downs await our Alpha and his mate in this roller coaster of a story? ***WARNINGS*** Graphic Violence Strong Language Sexual Content Mature/Adult Content Abuse Imprisonment Attempted Rape FOLLOW ME AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71

Deni_Chance · Fantasy
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220 Chs

Star - A Day With Chay Part 3




The shoes Chay wanted to get me were black and had a long skinny heel. But I had never worn anything like them before. I would most definitely have killed myself if I tried walking in them. So, she settled for a pair of black sandals that laces up my shin a little. The sandals were still black and there was a slight lift in the back of the shoe that would still make me a little taller.

I admit, the shoes were cute and I was actually happy she had bought me them and the dress for me. But I couldn't let her get me anything else.

When we were in the clothing store, I made sure not to tell her which things I thought looked cute. When we were buying those sandals, I didn't tell her which pair of slip-on sneakers (what she had called them) that I had liked. I didn't tell her which jewelry I liked. I didn't tell her anything that I liked because she had done enough already.

Regardless though, I was having a lot of fun. This day was better than I had ever thought possible, and I was talking to Chay more and more with less anxiety about it all.

We were currently waiting at a place near the food court, a place where you could get something called a soft pretzel. Chay told me that the pretzel was good, especially when dipped in the cheese. I was going to take her word for it and try it for myself so she had gone to get the food and some drinks. We had been walking so long that we worked up quite the appetite.

I could see Chay where she was standing in line. She had told me to sit at the table and wait for her, which I was happy to do since I was so tired.

I hadn't been at the table for more than a minute when there was a large group of people that cut through the dining area, blocking my view of Chay. This didn't feel right. Something was off. I didn't like that I couldn't see Chay, because that meant she couldn't see me either.

I felt my pulse start to quicken as my heart thumped against my chest. I did my best to sit still and stay calm, this wouldn't last long.

No sooner had I thought that though than someone grabbed me from behind.

A hand was placed over my mouth to silence the scream they thought I was going to let out. And they were right, I was getting more and more used to using my voice and I fully intended to scream.

Just after the hand was over my mouth they started to pull me out of my seat. And then their scent hit my nose. Mildew and muddy water. That's what she smelled like. I knew exactly who it was. It was Lisa, my cousin. And I saw out of the corner of my eye that she had pulled me back against her in a vice like grip.

"Howie is going to be so happy that I've brought you home, and in time for your birthday no less." She was speaking in a disgusting tone, something between a sneer and fawning over that disgusting man.

"Leph mee go." I tried to scream the words through her hand, but they came out muffled and distorted.

"Let you go? No, I don't think so. You caused us all too much trouble. And it's because of you that my brother is dead you bitch." She was backing away from the food court, away from Chay. I didn't know what else to do, I needed to get away.

She was pinning my arms to my sides as she carried me, my toes dragging on the floor. I kicked and thrashed around to the best of my abilities but she just wouldn't let go.

I needed a weapon, something to fight her off of me with. But I had nothing. All I had was my notepad and pen. AND MY PEN! That would work. I just needed to get my hand into my pocket to grab the long thin piece of plastic and metal from my jeans.

I was glad it didn't take me long to grab a hold of the pen, we were only about a hundred feet from the place where I had been sitting. I gripped the pen in my left hand, the one that could move just a little more than the other. I took a deep, steadying breath, closed my eyes, and swung up with the pen in hand.

"AAAAHHHHHH! OOWWWWWW!" I heard Lisa screaming in pain when I felt the pen break through the flesh of her face. Instantly the blood that was pouring out of the wound started to drench the top of my head, soaking into my hair. On reflex, she put her left hand to her face to stem the blood flow and also to cradle her injured cheek.

"You little bitch." She growled into my face, spit and blood flying from her mouth and flecking my face in the spray.

With her grip on me lessened I was able to break myself free from her, removing her hand from my mouth. She instantly tried to grab me back but I was already filling my lungs, preparing for a scream.

"ARTEM!" I screamed his name as loud as I could. Lisa had dragged me down a side hallway, something that looked like it was used by staff members only.

"Shut up." She growled again, ignoring the pain in her face to grab me again.

Lisa's left hand curled its fingers into my hair. She yanked hard, pulling my head back and eliciting a whimper of pain from me.

"Huh, looks like you do feel the pain after all." She joked as she raised her fist.

I knew what was about to happen. She was going to strike me in the side of the head, and hard. Lisa had been one of the ones who enjoyed beating me the most. She would put a lot of power and thought into each blow she dealt me.

I braced for the blow, for her fist to strike my face or the side of my head. But before she could hit me, there was a loud, menacing growl.