
Where It goes

Chapter 2: Assailants

I'd say 1675 years I waited for this world to develop is enough.i have Felipe's each world equally and even made sure they formed alliances. The eye of existence had fun all by himself.

Suddenly a black dome appeared over The Eye and the world,the eye understood it was him.

It is complete,the event that will take place soon shall start the Cataclysm which will allow the formation of the Arcana,it's all as you predicted,said the 6 Handed Puppeteer to the Eye Of Existence.

It's time to instigate the thoughts I shall put some traitors among them, also shall I ready the main players?.

Already? It's only been a thousand years.

It should be enough. I have seen the future and have decided that this tournament shall not take place. But…? I know I'm gonna have them shift their attention and form the Arcana.

They shall find my body and I shall gain full control of everything once again,just as I once did,then what? The puppeteer questioned.I shall… I don't know.

After the meeting, Nero met up with Prudence taking the body of Elias. Nero is a good man,Prudence thought to himself. Prudence began to talk with Victor. Do you know he is human? I heard his story once. It made me tear up. It truly is a pity he is with the demons. I'd take him with us if we could.

Victor was good friends with him at one point. He got on the Phantom horse's chariot,as they started traveling through the dimension. A few minutes passed by, and Prudence finally said something.

It's about the tournament, isn't it? Victor knew. It's going to be a huge one filled with Elves,Orcs,Demons,Gods,Humans. It's going to be free for all,plus it's a perfect time for invaders.

That is true,and that cult has been making appearances. They follow a book that shows a "great cataclysm" I read when I was younger. It's about an awakening that will crash several planets together.

It's pretty terrifying considering that we are not alone in this… it is said that Odin saw the future when he hanged himself. Is Odin real? He was alive about 200 years ago,but died during a war known as Ragnarök.

He saw the future and was afraid enough to try to stop it before realizing Ragnarök was the better solution,what did he see that made him choose death rather than facing them.

So,what did he see to choose a faster death? Anyway, I have two kids now. Prudence was surprised. That boy I adopted,he's got something alright. I believe in copy skills.

A copy skill? Yes, the second after "him" it's a rare ability,but I worry he might have psychopathic tendencies,he murdered Aiden Thornebrooke a distant relative of the Thornebrooke family.

What will you do? I need that kid I want to,no I need to make him part of my church's upper members. He could contest "him" in terms of skill at one point.

But the reason he's special isn't because of that reason,it's because he's the only one to have more than one skill.anyway what's the boy's name? Edward Hol… Edward Cromwell.

Edward And Rosalind back in Cromwell mansion were eating a nice porridge made by Amelia,Amelia sat down next to them asking questions. Amelia was a well known member of the Church Of Codex.

Amelia had a skill called foresight,but only 3 seconds into the future but occasionally saw months or years ahead. Someone is going to come for you little one, shall I teach you some martial arts?

Rosalind looked to her right where Edward was sitting, he was eating his porridge hurriedly. She whispered to him about eating slowly,Amelia laughed loudly knowing about Edward's condition.

It's alright boy,I will feed you as much as you need! She put her hand on the boy's head. A portal appeared outside emerging from it was Prudence and Victor. They both came in and sat opposite to the kids.

Amelia sat down and snapped her fingers,as the maids bought the food. They all sat down. Prudence looked at Edward, What happened to his eye,Victor looked at him and shook his head.

Oh…uhm what about you Rosalind? What are you aspiring to be? An Alchemist. She answered quickly as she took in another spoon. Interesting,any particular reason?

Yes! My father used to be one ,before he passed away in an accident involving the… Supernatural. She went quiet… goddammit, every question I ask leads to a damn dead end.

Ok anyway,moving forward, I plan on teaching Edward ,Martial Arts,Swordsmanship and maybe Magic. Victor was eating a nice meal as he discussed this,Rosalind got up and said she refused.

Sir Victor,I do not intend to disrespect you in any way but I refuse to allow my 7 year old brother to be trained yet. I see but,no i understand i shall wait till he is of appropriate age.

Anyhow Prudence here is a good Alchemist,but if you want help regarding codex's you can always come to me. Thank you,Sir. And you may call me and Amelia, Mother and Father,and while you're at it might as well call Prudence Big Brother.

Edward finished eating and decided to take a nap so went to his room. Victor tried to convince Rosalind one last time,Rosalind, how old are you? 16 she responded quickly.

What age did you learn about your soul power? 13. Edward's only 7 he wouldn't know! Victor put his hand on her head,Rosalind. I believe your brother has some serious talent and I'd like to believe we should start nurturing it now.

She sighed and asked please be careful with him. I believe he copied my stealth skill after seeing it once. I knew it,though I want to know can he copy physically embedded techniques?

Amelia's is a physical body related skill as in it can't be copied if he can. Later Victor went to Edward's new room. It was empty but had a mattress and everything,A hand was put on Victor.

Amelia…You think he can copy my power? She asked,Yes , I believe so. He woke the boy up and took him outside to the yard,why don't you run around for a bit.

Edward was visibly annoyed as he was just sleeping. Victor had to know if he could really copy everything,he threw a punch hard enough to shatter the earth,but Edward simply dodged.

Edward was confused. Why'd you try to hit me? How did you dodge? I saw it coming. Ok one last time I'll show you something,just replicate it the best you can.

Edward turned his head observing carefully, Victor chanted out something, "Deity of Water grants us rain in the form of a blade" Victor let out a flow of mana before summoning a huge cloud that started to rain and then formed a giant sword ready to crash down upon them.

He then called it off,Do what I just did. He stood there patiently for Edward to chant the incantation. Edward did not chant the incantation,he asked for a wand. Prudence got the wand from the treasury.

Prudence hurriedly teleported ,and returned shortly after bringing a black rectangular box with him. that when opened showcased a wand with a crystal at the bottom. Here,handing the wand over to him.

Without saying anything , a cloud appeared over them and it formed a blade. Ok that's good, Victor was never in such awe. Call it off, I want to try it on something ,on a tree. 

He spotted a tree around the corner and pointed his wand towards it,the tree was cut clean in half. Amazing,You secured a genius, Sir Cromwell. I did,oh boy this ain't just a genius.

It's impossible to have a copy as your copy skill even if he had a main power. You think he still didn't blossom? No,he didn't, he will soon though.

A man with scruffy and puffy hair rolled his food around a bonfire. You want some? He playfully asked a man in a suit,Genuine advice,stop sporting the suit. It's literally scorching outside .

Shut it,It's a good impression. People pleaser, the man continued eating his food. It was a snake. He had several blades on his side and wore a blue shirt that exposed his muscles .

His blade read "Susanoo's property",the other had a badge on his suit reading "Lucifer" a bunch of hooded people appeared inside the cave.

All of them removed their hoods, revealing all of their different origins. Dionysus,excitedly raised his hand,Here before offering wine . 

I'm…good Lucifer said to the man in blonde. He only wore a purple sash like pants around his body and a white cloth around his chest.he had purple eyes. Amber.

A Girl with cat ears removed her hood, obviously looking different from the others as she looked rather cartoonish. Hey it's not just "Amber" it's Amber, Amber Everton.

Yeah, whatever, Magnolia. Here. The quietest of the all when she removed her hood, she had a glowing body. It was transparent, but you could see her glowing facial features.She had white eyes and a white mouth, along with white hair.

Ok all of us except "Ash" are here. So the information I got wasn't much but they're holding a tournament 16th of this month, perfect for Phase 1 of our plan.Find candidates to join us.

I recommend we wait a bit,or at least start an apocalypse before the main event. Because soon there will be that tournament that he informed us about. We'll influence the people there. We just need someone to distract the sharks while we catch the small fish.

I'm here. The last of them were here. It was Ash who dressed the most normal out of the bunch,dressing in a regular shirt and pants but he was able to fly albeit only a few feet off the ground.

So have we decided? Who'll distract and who'd woo the participants,the audience and maybe a leader? Dionysus, please pour me a drink.Oh me too,I'll pour one for each of us!

Susanoo,Amber,Magnolia,Lucifer,Ash and Dionysus surrounded a table. Lucifer began,Me,Ash and Susanoo will distract the leaders while amber will hold off any people tryna be heroes.

Dionysus and Magnolia,you two shall preach about the great cataclysm. With that, a strong foundation shall be established which we can then…

They all cheered their drinks as they sipped their drinks. Magnolia knew taking on the leaders was a lost case; it's the same as throwing your life away.

It's pointless while he's there,ever since he came, everything has been about him. His name was Julian…When he first came to the Coalition world Sir… Victor sir offered a place for him.

He refused and formed his own. Within 2 months, he formed the Biggest following in all 8 churches using a previous church as foundation. Julian's ability was known as "***** *** ******". 

However, I feel Victor is the one who sympathizes the most with us. He caught me the first time too!but he let me go. Amber, you were caught by him?

Yeah,I was a small cat back then,I was roaming around and then I suddenly gained a human form. He took me in, fed me, sheltered me, and then nudged me to the academy.

And then I saw you for the first time, Sir Lucifer. When you barged into that stadium and stood there with confidence that no one would be able to do anything,

So you came for me? Lucifer asked. Of course not, the ideals sounded bad and wrong, but they had a point it made the world something. Ash sat down next to Amber.

16th we shall make our move. I'll be in charge of Julian. Victor will probably refuse to harm us seeing Amber. Cordelia will probably pull an entire army of cats and dogs on us. Amber, please do not hesitate to use force against them. 

So we shall see each other on "that" day.