
Requiem Of Pandora's Devil

Countless Pantheons rule the heavens vying for domination and our mc died an unknown death? and was reincarnated but as a SYSTEM?! His job given by a mysterious god is to nurture an army of mc tropes and help them become their worlds finest, watch as our mc defies the heavens and brings chaos to the natural order! With an army of mc's? (Please when you make a bad review please do include what you think is bad and what I should improve on even if u do make pointless bad reviews I will not delete them keep that in mind.) Big thanks to _VA_ for editing and adjusting the cover check "Tools of Slaughter: Story of a Human " an extremely good novel of hers

Pandoras_Actress · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Oh No, God Please No

/So are you ready boy/

\Yes master!\

\Master I still don't know why we need to go to the academy can't I just train here?\

/Well yeah but it's mandatory that you meet new people and build up relationships, cause that extremely important and above all it's for you to have fun your still a kid you need to live your life/

\Thanks master!\

//hehe I bet he's so touched, this I tell ya is how you should gain a persons trust you need to think about them and conceal you ulterior motives//

"Young master the carriage is ready!"


(10 minutes later)

/This is going to be a long trip, huh?/

\Yes, it's because our territory is located on the east border and cause the academy is located in the capital, this trip should take 5 hours\

/I see, well this should be a relatively short trip/

/Well while we're on this journey let her to know each other a bit better so tell me a bit about yourself boy/

//This isn't really necessary cause I have full access to his memories but this is to strengthen our bond//

\Oh, ok, there's not that much to know about me but I'll try, I was born as the son baron Uther Pendragon my father was actually much different than he is now he was very cheerful and warm but after my mother died..\

/You don't need to continue if you don't want to Arthur/

\No, no it's fine your my master after all we're going to be together from now on, my mother died in a bandit attack for at the time me and my mother were on a carriage heading towards some relatives and my father was stationed on the souther border\

\I think he felt at fault he never acted the same I started\

/I see I'm sorry I asked/

\No, it's alright\

\What about you, master? Do you have some kind of past\

/Of course I do but it's complicated, I've lived many lives and have lived for eons/

/Oh, so your a hero?/


\Well, grandpa merlin once told me that there exist people who live many lives they're usually blessed by gods and are considered heroes for they only appear in time of crisis\

//Oh shit, I forgot that actual reincarnated people exist as well, meh whatever I doubt some demon kind will appear any moment that would be ridiculous, right?...//

/We'll yes I'm kind of the same but I'm the person who guides heroes I was once a great Arch-Sage and a once venerable Sword God and after many eons I have come to guide young heroes/

\Ohhhh wow masters so cool!\

//...I'm too chunni it's kind of sad//

/Of course I am and I'm here to guide you to become a great God who will rule the whole world/

\Ohhh wow! But master do I really have that much potential?\

//Of course not but I cant tell him that but with my help he's sure to become a god//

/Of course! Your talent and potential are boundless, you're a once in 1,000,000 year talent!/

\A-Ah I don't even know what to say no one has ever praised me this much, I Arthur Pendragon from this day on will follow your word as law\

/Hmm yes/

/We'll anywa-/


/What was that?!/

\Don't worry master I'll see to this matter\

"Stop this carriage immediately!"

"Yes, young master"




\Uhhh Master, it's a girl\

/Yes, she seems to be your age, but what's she doing here ask her/

"Young lady, what are you doing here?"

"Ah! Oh sire I'm sorry for alarming you I just tripped"

"I see, by the way where are you heading this is a rural highway it's infested with monsters and bandits why dont you join me I might be able to drop you off"

"Oh, goodness, I can't trouble your lordship with this"

"No, no, it's more than fine I'm quite bored all by myself anyways"

/hey! Aren't I with you?!/

\Ah! Sorry master I just wanted to find an empty excuse she seem to be a commoner girl without any protection she might be attacked and harmed\

/Hmm, I see it's very thoughtful of you, continue\

"Well, if your lordship insists I will join you"

"Good, well welcome... whats your name sorry"

"Guinevere your lordship"

(How she looks https://medibang.com/picture/jc2005161108037700010164682/ I couldn't actually single it in a window cus in writing on my phone, but just accept it)

"Well welcome aboard Guinevere, where are you going exactly?"

"The imperial academy, your lordship"

"Oh, I see it just happens that I'm going there as well for my first year its kind of surprising to see a commoner go to the imperial academy you must be extremely talented"

"Oh no, I don't dare your lordship"

"It's alright to drop the etiquette, it's quite tiring"

"Oh, I see well, thank you for the hospitality, your name?"

"The name's Pendragon, Arthur Pendragon"

//Did this motherfucker just pull a James Bond!? If I was given a choice, I would abandon you right now!//

//By the way is her name what I think it is that clearly the name of King Arthurs wife from Arthurian legend well shit, now we have a potential love interest, meh I don't really care as long as he doesn't build a harem cause as soon as that shit happens well I myself don't wanna know//

//Anyways I need to check this girl out, not in that way you sick bastards, she must be a quite a big talent//


[Name: Guinevere Cornish]

[Level: 10 (D+)]

[Class: None]

[STR: 7, DEX: 5, VIT: 5, INT: 30, CHA: 48]

[Stat Analysis: E-]

[Skills: Basic Water Magic (D))

[Inclination: 34]

[Dream: To become live a quiet and peaceful life with a loving family]

[Fate: To become the next great sage who will revolutionise the world and will leave a legacy that will be remembered for all of time she will die in a last ditch effort against the Great Demon King]


(5 hours of ranting later)

\Uhh master you've been awfully quite are you still here?\

/huh? Pant* Pant*/

\Master are you pantings how is that even possible\

/Uhh I was fighting Demonic souls it tired my soul/

\Oh my god master are you okay!?\

/huh, oh yeah I'm fine it was easy so what did you say?/

\I just wanted to say that we're here\

/Oh good/




Hehe so I’m back the laziest author on the plane I introduced some flags and a potential love I test so enjoy I have a general idea on what next chap will be so be ready.

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