
Requiem of Madness

"I Am You. You Are Me. We Are Everybody. We Are Everything." P.S: You shouldn't take this story seriously, unless you wanna go mad of course.

Elexys · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Anyways, I think I had just enough information to determine how I should move forward.

It's been sixteen seconds since the dog died and I opened my status(I'm fast as fuck boy), the stench of blood leaking from its hollowed eyes should attract some monsters soon.

Gazing above through the leaves of tall trees, I see the sun or that yellowish-orange-looking star that acts as the sun for this world, still high above. It means it's still somewhere around noon in this world.

I don't know how much daytime they get in this world but I'll just assume that it's shorter for precaution. While the sun is still above, I should not just learn how to hop dimensions back to my world but also find an alternative if it turns out I can't learn it to the point of going back to my world in the remaining daytime.

Thus, taking off my bag, I put down the pistol and took out my foldable military knife. I then put down the bag to the side.

Quickly getting to work, I started skinning the giant wolf, starting from the center of its belly.

[Ability Acquired: Flawless Overhaul]

Hearing the System, dismantling somehow felt easier, it's as if it became deep-rooted muscle memory, I just instinctively know its anatomy and how to dismantle it. It's easy to the point that I know I could dismantle it without getting blood on my hands, literally. I got exponentially faster.

Within fifteen seconds, I took off all its fur without self-caused tearings or damage to the fur nor is there any blood on it as I even managed to avoid all the blood vessels. At the forty-sixth second, I cleanly separated its flesh from its bones without even a gram of its flesh remaining in the bones. A minute later, I folded back my knife as there is nothing to wipe and started putting some of the more acceptable meat on zip locks from the new box of it in my bag that I was intending to use for Home Economics class.

I suppose it's a good thing that my school backpack is the same one I use when I go hiking. It could possibly shield bullets after all.

Donning the backpack after putting all the meat and zipping it tight to avoid leaking its smell, although at least ten kilograms heavier, it was still light enough that I could lift it with a pinky no problem. I also made sure that it wouldn't break by not carrying too much even though I could fit more as it's mostly empty besides some friction pens, a notebook, my gym clothes, and three fully loaded mags.

I then lift and put the large fur of at least 2-by-4 meters in size over my head and tied its forelegs to my waist. I can use it as camouflage and to cover my human scent. I read somewhere that wolves have a certain smell that confuses larger predators. Maybe they have it, especially in this other world where there are surely larger predators. Also, it's chilly in here, even though I'm already in a hoodie.

Ready to get out of there, I ask "System, can you tell me where the nearest town is?"

[Not possible. My function is only of use to status-related inquiries.]

And it answered. I guess it's as its description says. It wouldn't be so convenient as [Great Sage] would it?

Oh well, I guess I'll climb a tree then. But for now, I should get away from here. Thus, I put back the HK45 equipped with a silencer in the easily accessible pocket of my bag and started sneakily walking away while avoiding the dried leaves and trying to suppress the sounds of my footsteps.

[Trait Acquired: Abstraction]

Abstraction? Is that different from Stealth?

[Stealth allows its user to go undetected to a certain extent yet it fails to mask the user's tracks and overall cause of their presence. Abstraction, on the other hand, passively abstracts you from existence itself, untraceable, undetectable, and unseen by those you don't want to acknowledge your presence.]

Heeh… so it's basically the ultimate assassin ability then?


Hearing its answer while I hasten my pace, soon I started running like a ninja. Strangely enough, I'm not hearing any footsteps even though I'm running on dried leaves and carrying rather heavy baggage.

Three minutes of running later, while the scene of tall trees, a bunch of weird plants, weird large animals, and tall bushes didn't change, I did find myself one particularly tall tree.

So tall in fact, that it's piercing the clouds above and I'm a bit afraid of climbing it.

Only a bit though, since I put down my bag attach my water bottle to my belt, covered the bag with the fur, and started climbing right after.

I've climbed many trees before, but this is the first time I'm climbing a tree this tall. I don't even think a tree this tall exist back on Earth.

The tree itself looks like a massive sequoia. Just what was in front of me is wide enough to be a building's side. I think it's at least a hundred meters in diameter. 

It's kind of hard climbing it though. There's no branch to lift myself up from, I have to grip its rough textures. It's like I'm climbing a vertically flat stone mountain that still maintains its rough rocky texture. And I don't even have any equipment.

It's a good thing that I absorb the power of that wolf earlier, it not only made me stronger but it seems to have also made my skin tougher as well. If not, my hand would be bleeding all over right now.

I feel like the more I climb the better I got at it, I get faster by the second.

Am I adapting?

And so I continue to climb, real careful not to fall to my death.

Two or so minutes later…

[Aquired Ability: Movement Freedom]


I was waiting for this!

Feeling my ability to climb grew even more exponentially as it got easier and easier by the second, the weight of my body seems to be becoming lesser and lesser, and at some point, I can't even feel it as I got faster and faster.

"Hahahaha~! This is so damn fun~!"

Before I knew it, I was running vertically on my feet and propelling myself upwards with cartwheels and all sorts of acrobatic maneuvers like I'm Spider-Man.

I'm moving at sonic speeds!

It's like gravity itself had become twisted and its vectors now pointing to wherever I want it to point to,

This sense of freedom…

It's so exhilarating!

Not another two minutes, I reach the top of the tree. I'm standing at the tip of it which is still at least half a meter in diameter, feeling the cold winds against my face as I balance myself.

"Fwaa… what a rush." I couldn't help but remark to no one in particular. Feeling my heart beating and my body heating itself up against the cold atmosphere, I opened my water bottle and took a gulp.

My muscles are exhausted.

Well, I just hiked at least 16400 ft of vertical in less than five minutes after all. That's gotta a world record somewhere.

Anyways, I should start doing what I intended to do here in the first place -- search for civilization.