
Requiem of Madness

"I Am You. You Are Me. We Are Everybody. We Are Everything." P.S: You shouldn't take this story seriously, unless you wanna go mad of course.

Elexys · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Turning back the Time in my Universe which consequently also erases the Causal events of the past couple of hours except for the things I want to keep like my remodeling of the house, I'm now walking to school as I glide through space like gliding through ice, each step taking me a hundreds of meters in instants as the surroundings blur.

[Ability Acquired: Meta-Causality Manipulation]

I could have just teleported directly to the classroom, crossing space-time and implicitly erasing the timeline, but I figure I should try the variety of my capabilities every now and then. Being always direct and efficient in my methods does not serve to entertain me after all. And all I seek right now really, is entertainment.

And so, laughing in enjoyment as I again turned my Narrative to that of a human using my [Autopotence ], a human who can simply enjoy things for their grandeur without the twist and warping of logic on the concept of Experience and Joy. Thus, I now once again have the Physical and Mental capability of a human yet Abstract means that of God.

I quite enjoy the paradoxical contrast.

I know not things so Abstract that it convolutes and warp human physiology to oblivion and renders all insignificant yet I also naturally know in vague of my capability that is: Able to Do Anything.

Just the thought of it excites my human narrative to such childish proportion, everything is so grand yet so simple!

C'est la vie!

Surfing through Space as I pass intangibly through the tall infrastructure of the city unseen by the masses, I catch breakfast in the form of beef shawarma molded into causality to appear in the palm of my hand.

After eating my breakfast, I've timely arrived at my school burping after I shotgunned a bottle of soda, subconsciously manipulating Fate so it would be such perfect timing.

Arriving in front of the gate, I jumped high as space itself carries my ass in projectile angle and I pass through the wall of the building and arrived directly sitting on my sest at the back of the class beside the window. Perhaps it was not my sit before, but I feel like it so it was now.

Upon the glimpse of the seat that has at least two feet of distance from each other, the arrangement of which is not the usual since the virus had died down, I remember that today is the 1st day of the exam. The feeling of remembering information instead of it always just being everpresent in the Mind surely does feel quite something.

You may think that it's not long since I've been omniscient, but if you think again, does Time really apply to the Omniscient Narrative?

Soon Mr. Hall of the Science subject entered the classroom, and greeted, with practiced enthusiasm, his students which I apparently am as well. Deactivating [Abstraction], the Universe once again took notice of my form, I vaguely felt it let out a proverbial exhalation of relief for I am human to its perception despite the prior abstraction.

As the clamors of the student calm down, they began taking out their writing apparatus at Mr. Hall's behest. At this, I remember not taking anything with me, thus I created a pencil in my empty pocket and pulled it out from Nothingness.

The papers were soon passed among the students from the front to the back, and shortly, the bell rang thus starting the exam.

Staring at my paper, I cursively fill out my name and the date. I then stare at the first question...

Science... I've never been very good at it.

Perhaps it's because I've paid scarce attention to the subject nor to the teacher's blabberings about it. I only did ever know bits and pieces of it, Newton and his laws, Einstein and Relativistics, Planck and his Quantum Mechanics, Oppenheimer on Manhattan Project and his workings towards Nuclear Power...

I've never really had the patience to actually sit down for an amount of time more than it would take to watch a season of anime and learn from the fundamentals onward. It was a wonder how I could unify the Quantum theory and Relativity in a grand unified theory yet know next to nothing about the first question asking: What the fuck is a cell?

Hmm, perhaps I've just been focusing on Physics and the correlated understanding of Chemistry all this time.

Oh well, I suppose I'll just promptly learn what the fuck things I need to learn are. And so, I start observing from a bird's eye view equipped with the most powerful microscope, viewing all the humans in the room including myself on a cellular, molecular, and atomic level thus the entire structure of human physicalities reveals itself before me.

Processing septillions of information if turn into measurable quantities in the form of humans that lay before me, I turned the Universe's inherent dualistic logic upside down as I process and cross-reference all the information directly into the Mind instead of passing it through the comparatively inefficient medium that is the human Brain snd its limited capsbilities. Otherwise, it would literally explode from all the information.

On that note, I start answering the question.

The sound of friction caused by the graphite rubbing against the paper in a specific manner, tainting the paper of the color perceived by the eyes reflecting visible light with specific squiggles which the Mind interprets as words that contain meaning and connotations heard by the ears through the medium of air vibrations in parallel while I continue to observe the human physiology.

Soon, the Absolute Truth beyond the subjective truths of this Universe fills in the blanks of the paper.

One by one, I answered the questions, and not five minutes later -- I answered all sixty questions with answers that shall chill those who think of it and maddens those who dream of it for nothing blows the Mind of a human interpreter more than the cold hard Truths of the Universe and there frightful place therein.