
Requiem of Madness

"I Am You. You Are Me. We Are Everybody. We Are Everything." P.S: You shouldn't take this story seriously, unless you wanna go mad of course.

Elexys · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Using [Dimensional Teleportation], I've successfully teleported myself back home.

Checking the time on the mechanical clock hanging on the corner, it's 3:39 pm. It's the same time as that time I was still walking on the street to home.

As expected, Time doesn't really matter to this ability huh...

With it, I could enter anywhere in any dimension's Space-Time Continuum. I could go back to the past, to the future... or more like, such a definition does not even exist to me. I view all timelines as the present anyways.

Its only limitation is I can't go back to any dimension where I still exist. It would cause a Paradox that would unravel its whole Continuum. I don't really know the actions of future me though, so that's troublesome...

[Trait Acquired: Paradox Transcendance]

I almost forgot, my Essence Ability also works prior to any threat. I'm like that reptile SCP now or something. It's strange that the system doesn't just label it as [Absolute Adaptation] or something.

[Because it's not Absolute Adaptation]

Well, that's a no-brainer.

Anyways, putting down my bag and the fur, it seems I won't be getting the full isekai experience soon huh...

And here I was, planning to sell this fur and meat. I guess it wasn't necessary to dismantle it after all. The fur is kind of nice, it smells like a wild dog though. Maybe I'll make it into a robe...

[Ability Acquired: Aspect Manipulation]

Hm? Typical I guess.

Passively gaining all the abstract information about my new trait and ability, I teleported myself to my restroom and washed my hand. It's better to be careful when visiting new places, maybe I'll get sick or something.

[Trait Acquired: Disease Immunity]

Yeah-yeah, I know I'll get that at some point but my hands may still be full of germs and bacteria that may still live in my system despite not being sick you know?

[Trait Acquired: Impurity Erasure]

Well, can't argue with that.

Mn, I feel like I'm having a full conversation with myself here.

Feeling that icky-sticky sweaty feeling on my hands, armpits, and neither region gone, I gaze at my hand which seems much cleaner. The debris and dried blood in my fingernails are also gone. Lifting my arm, I smell my armpit...

It doesn't smell anything!

Hmm... it seems like [Impurity Erasure] eliminates any substance that's not originally part of my body. Unwanted foreign entities like germs and bacteria are quickly erased from existence upon touching even my skin or hair.

Highlight on 'unwanted', since I could still eat and drink normally. Mn, I guess I don't have to be careful that much about eating street foods. Well, as long as I don't know what stuff they used or put in the food that is, I would still be disgusted after all.

After washing my face and refreshing myself, I teleported back to my room which is only three steps away from the door of my washroom. It seems pretty convenient after all. From now on, I don't have to walk unless I want to. With [Abstraction], I could even use it in public without anyone's notice.

Lifting my bag off the floor, I teleported in front of my decently large fridge downstairs.

Going down on my knees, I opened the freezer which was placed below instead of above.

It seems I'm running out of meat anyways, so I guess I'll try this gourmet later. So I opened my bag and put the ziplock of about ten kilograms of wolf meat into the freezer one by one.

You know, it's kind of illegal to hunt and eat wolves in America. But the law says nothing about big-ass isekai wolves. Then again, I've never really been one to stick to human-made laws. They've become nothing but running jokes in my head since three years ago.

The only laws I acknowledge are the laws of Physics, and even its laws are slowly crumbling before me. Soon it won't even matter.

After putting all the meat in, I closed the freezer and teleported back to my room. It's a good thing that I live alone, I don't have to explain anything to anybody else.

Though it's been kind of hard in these past three years since my parent's gone murdered in gang violence, I should be expecting it to be easier from now on with these abilities.

Not that I have anything to defend myself against in this city. It has been increasingly peaceful in the past three years after all. Apparently, all the criminals, especially gang members, in the city are dying of death due to mysterious causes which include bullets being lodged inside their brains.

In this part of Texas, it's peaceful at least.

You can't be too careful though. Humans are impulsive creatures after all. Even though they know it would threaten their existence, if emotions overwhelm them, they're body won't hesitate to do something drastic.

That's why I carry Kindness around me.

Kindness is the name of my HK45 by the way.

I'm quite fond of irony.