
Requiem's Voice

Dreams are everything that identify a person's ideology. Dreams form ambitions, ambitions form personality, but what would happen if all of the above formed into power your dreams gift you. The larger your ambitions the stronger you're power may become. But what would happen if you dream too much?

Mochea · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 5: Check Please!

Ana sat there in the white padded room, as the light flickered like a firefly in the deep dead of night. There was nothing in the room except two partially plastic yet still metallic chairs, a foldable table, and a secured window that barely let in any light. The sound of the lightbulb's buzzing made Ana feel miserable. She had been in there for hours, and yet there has only been mostly silence there, no words, no yelling, only the badgering lightbulb and the self made scratches that the chair made each time she moved it around.

Suddenly just as the dreadful feeling of giving up was about to devourer her, the door creaked open and let in the smell of freshly made coffee. " Sorry bout dat wait of yours kid! Too busy in a conversation about my nephew's whereabouts. I'm Jacob Thompson, and you must be Ana right? The paper said your all the way from Alabaster, Alabama? Why would anyone leave there? That place is the city of paradise! Better than this out of date Newland am I right?" He rambled. Ana didn't say a word. The only thing that caught her attention was the last name. Who was this? A cousin, or a relative in law? Ana wanted to ask, but she also didn't want to say something that would give too much information.

"What's wrong? Charlotte already told me all about you in the report she made about you, and yet you're shaking in your boots over a simple question? I know she said you were a bit awkward but geez!" He squabled. Ana's heart grew cold. Her hands began to tremble as fear washed over her. Her composure was ever so easily crumbling near the beginning. "So what? I moved from a town you've never lived in. Why does it matter?" She said with a smirking expression as she crossed her arms together.

There was a small yet still spectacle look in Jacob's face as he looked down, then looked back up still keeping the same expression. " Well if that were true your records wouldn't say your still in Alabaster, but camera footage can prove that you've been here for a loong time. If you're gonna lie, be careful what you say when talking to someone who knows more than you would expect." He said as his face twisted and morphed into an expression that could only be described as him showing pity. His soulless gaze was like an arrow piercing throw what little composure she had left. Ana began slowly tapping the table in a repeating motion. Ana couldn't think of anything to counter that argument. She began gritting her teeth with anxiety chewing away at the entire layer of her facade.

"So what's going to happen is you're going to be tried for murder, attempted assault, stalking, shoplifting, theft, fraud, harassment, and just a whole bunch of crimes we could throw at you. That's why we are gonna just execute you instead." He said with a casual grin on his face. Ana slammed her fist onto the table as her face pulsated with rage. " You can't do that! Not only do you not have evidence, Half of those aren't even true!" She shouted as the atmosphere was finally getting to her. The blank space, along with the sudden movements of Jacob's twisted nature as pushing her over the edge.

"Well guess what you sister murderer? You don't get to speak about what's true or not! Besides, Governor Coldstorm plans on making it a public execution. After all, you killed one of our Vice Admirals, someone with higher authority than your worthless behind ass can remember!" He shouted while panting heavily.

He snapped his fingers and more policemen barged into the room. They all surrounded Ana as her heart sank. The sound of their shoes thumping against the concrete floor became louder and louder, but the closer they got got the more anxious Ana became. "Get away from me!" She shouted as she threw her hands to her right., as suddenly a large spike of ice erupted from the opposite side. She dashed through the large hole in the building as she created ice slides as she got away. "Damn it! Go call Governor Coldstorm asap! He needs to call them! Jacob shouted as he jumped out of the building.


A man looked down from the large tower at the cars driving by, the kids playing around in glee, and the poor struggling to make any change in their lives. Suddenly a ding could be heard behind him as he straightened up his black and white tie as he stared at the elevator with impatience growing closer. " Governor Coldstorm! The murderer has escaped!" The female shouted with exhaustion clearly in her voice. The Governor stood up and walked in front of the tired woman as he paused and gazed into the eyes of the tired female in front of him. "Well I guess that wouldn't be a problem if the police were good at their job would it not? Alas, it seems I must do something about it." He said while picking up the nearby cell phone on his mahogany desk. The sounds of buttons caught the woman's attention as she attempted to look over his shoulder to see who he was calling.

The phone rang for a moment before the sound of someone picking it up happened. " Mr. Coldstorm, how are you this evenin? Haven't heard from ya ever since our last job. So what do you have for us today?" The feminine voice said as laughter could be heard from the distance on the phone. The Governor cleared his throat as he stood up straighter than he already was. " I have some who I need you to find and immobilize. The image has been uploaded to your hologram scanner. Same payment as last time. Get it done before Ten o'clock. We have an execution to announce." He said in a careless manner before he hung up.

The woman stared in awe as she looked with astonishment. "I didn't know you knew the Four Horsemen, Mr Governor! That's so cool! No wonder why we don't have many problems around-." The woman stopped as she stared at the Governor's cold hand carefully placed on her cheek.

" Yes, I do know them. I've known them for a long time. Your face is beautiful like a sunset taking place on the soft sand of the Bahamas. Yet your mouth stinks like a rat trying to call out to others in an attempt to gain something, and for that you must never have existed." He muttered as the irises in his eyes released a black liquid surrounding his sclera as his unharmed pupils glowed brightly at the woman.

Mr. Coldstorm frowned as the ice from his hand consumed the woman. Within seconds the once icicle statue that the woman became shattered into what can only be described as nothing.

" To make a good world takes time, power, and influence. But to ruin that plan only takes one mistake for it all to crumble, and for that I won't let that happen.

No matter who I have to hurt." He said as the Void left his eyes as it once came.


"You sure this old guy is here? It seems pretty bland to me." Siren said as he lazily wondered into the alleyway. "Im sure he is. Just sleeping somewhere like always." Azazel muttered as she floated around Siren like an annoying bee. Siren looked around inspecting every corner and yet it felt as he wasn't here at all. Suddenly a tap was felt on his shoulder, and an astonishing grin appeared in front of him. Its presence practically blinded Siren as fear consumed him immediately

Siren had found this old man.