
Requiem's Voice

Dreams are everything that identify a person's ideology. Dreams form ambitions, ambitions form personality, but what would happen if all of the above formed into power your dreams gift you. The larger your ambitions the stronger you're power may become. But what would happen if you dream too much?

Mochea · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 2: A Nightmare Awakens

Each step that he took felt almost slime-like as if he was walking on thick jello. Minutes turned to hours and hours felt like days as his legs were exhausted. Siren didn't want to walk anymore at all as he closed his eyes hoping for a miracle to occur but nothing happened. Nothing good that is. Suddenly a watery step was heard in the distance which made Siren bounce off in excitement before only meeting with something he couldn't have even dreamt of. In front of him was no animal, and definitely no human but could only be described as demonic. His heart beated as he stared into the eyes of what felt like Satan himself.

Its eyes were bright red and its figure was almost doll-like as its body practically blent into the black area they both were in. Siren didn't want to blink as he for the first time in a while felt the fear of death. Not the concept itself but the unknown possibilities that could arise from this irregular entity. However unluckily for Siren he couldn't hold his eyes for too long as he blinked and just as he feared the monster was gone but not far. Siren desperately began looking around as his heart began beating uncontrollably, his heart felt tight almost like multiple rubber bands were wrapped around it waiting for it to burst. From behind Siren a wet yet firm and sticky hand slammed him by the neck into the ground. Its intangible mouth could be heard opening similar to an alligator opening its mouth as it muttered the words that sent Siren straight into panic mode.

"Did you forget who I am. . .Siren?" It whispered in a tone all too familiar to Siren. He began screaming out for help as he could feel the indescribable hand morph into a feminine hand the corrested Siren's neck as it shoved something in his mouth. Fear turned into desperation as he finally got a view of the monster now. The monster was now visible and even worse undetectable in the common crowd. The monster formed into a classical female model, with hair as black as the dreadful night sky, its eyes were still red but now they were a purplish red - that was more red than purple, and a face as smooth as a smooth ball. Siren looked down at his body and his heart sank. Not only was he tied up but, Long time no see. . .Azrael." It whispered. Siren with the last bit of strength shouted as loud as he could before receiving a slap on his face. His eyes were sore and his body felt numb as he squinted his eyes to see the light in his eyes. "Si? Ana, he's waking up!" someone shouted before two figures surrounded him. Off of pure instinct Siren used all of his might to push himself back into the corner. " Si, it's just me Celeste! You know your sister?" She yelled out. Siren had realized that what had happened can only be presumed to be a . . . complex dream.

Siren's eyes looked pitch black, similar to a person who has seen the epitome of fear up close. He wasn't concerned about the wounds at all as he stood up with a smile on his face without paying attention to the pain attacking him.

This is an actor's true technique. "You two could've came sooner guys!" He spoke jokingly as he attempted to walk around before falling on his sister's back. "Jeez even for a 17 year old, you still rely on your sister don't cha?" Celeste muttered as she surprisingly managed to pick up Siren off the ground. Ana was completely amazed by this as she began refusely clapping. Siren paused for a moment as they began walking out of the locker room.

Ana and Celeste had no reaction as they walked by it and out the building. "Well I saw that you two finally got along over something! Mind tell me what that was?" Siren said with interest. The two looked at each other and smiled, completely ignoring the question. " When you like something a lot you can even bare the annoying goth chick that hangs around" Ana said with a very specific tone. "Same can be said about the wannabe school slut!" Celeste replied as they gave each other a quiet yet clear death stare. Siren bonked them both in the head as he pouted heavily with disappointment washed over him again." Since you two are 'friends' now, how about we have a sleepover to end our childhood right? Plus you two can finally sleep in Celeste's room and not in mom's room. " Siren said as he patted their heads. He looked up at the sky and sighed. He wondered what it's like living a happy life, but a part of him didn't actually care. The street was lit up and the wind blew heavily, as they chuckled with the wind, and before they knew it they arrived at home.

5/6/ 5289

Siren had known Ana for what had felt like forever to him, but he always wondered why she was so attached to him specifically. He pondered on that question as he laid on his bed watching the metal fan spin continuously. No matter how much they talked she always gave a look of . . . consoling toward Siren whenever they were alone. Siren had always felt concerned with things Ana had told him. One moment they could be chatting about cats, the next thing you know she's rambling on about human anatomy, and what type of metal can cut through the bones of an adult. Siren always tried to ignore some of those comments out of awkwardness but still listens to keep Ana happy. Siren closed his eyes as he thought what to do with his life now that he has finished school, should he go to college, or should he attempt to open his own business? He couldn't decide and chose to postpone the next step tomorrow. Siren heard his name being called from the bathroom, and sighed with laziness as he went to investigate. Siren walked over to his dresser and rumbled around in his desk as he pulled out a large brush that had tape on the bottom with words around it.

Ana's is what it read in bold marker. Siren walked into the bathroom and saw Ana in the tub patiently waiting with her back turned toward the wall, as he pulled up a nearby stool. "You know you can hop in here at any time right? After all, it wouldn't be the first time you've seen me without clothing." Ana suggested as she leaned her head back to look at Siren upside down. Siren lifted Ana's hair and started brushing it. " It's not about knowing what I can do, it's about maturing and growing like adults." Siren shrugged off. Ana pulled away for a moment and suddenly paused. "I have a question for you Si. Do yo-"

Before anything could advance Celeste ran into the bathroom in a panic ignoring whatever she believed that was happening. "Si! Ana has to leave now! Her car just pulled up!" She shouted before throwing Ana her clothes and opening the balcony door. Siren's face was washed over with an overwhelming sense of fear as he ran towards his door attempting to lock it. It was too late. Their mother bursts into the room with a gun in hand, to which everyone freezes.

Siren's mother was a woman with black hair and burning red eyes, and skin as bright as the sun. Her face was that of a woman sent from god itself, but with the characteristics of the devil himself. That is Charlotte Thompson. "I was gone for only a few months, and I came home to see this . . . Slut in my home? I would like an explanation before I have to put a bullet in this Twentieth century prostitute. Besides, she needs to take her used up body elsewhere." She said, A slut? That word ringed in Ana's ears as she blankful stared at Siren's mother with nothing but annoyance on her face. Charlotte moved up closer to Ana's face poking her with the oddly warm gun. "What's wrong house slut? Got something to say to me, cause I can tell you were planning on piping my son a second ago so where is that energy now right? After all you all are eighteen now, so get down on your knees and do what you do best bitch!" Charlotte shouted in Ana's face practically spitting onto her face.

Ana looked over to Siren and Celeste whose faces looked practically terrified, and that's when she finally realized how big of a deal this was. They weren't scared of their mother having a gun on them, they were scared by their mother's pure existence. She remembered how Siren explained that his mother was in the army most of her life and was considered a battle genius by her peers. Even if they were to jump her now, they would all lose badly, or even worse. . .

With a lack of options Ana reluctantly got on her knees and bowed right in front of Charlotte's foot. "I-. . . I am sorry ma'am for entering your home without permission, and I am also sorry for what I am doing." She shouted by the top of her lungs. Charlotte laughed twistedly as she without hesitation shot Siren as the bullet went straight through his stomach. Black goo squirted from his body as he collapsed to the floor. Celeste screamed loudly as she dropped down shaking Siren. "Did I say get him? Stand up or you can go suck off the nearest towel dumbass!" Charlotte shouted before launching a kick to Celeste's head. A tooth fell out of her mouth as blood was soon to follow. Charlotte then grabbed her daughter by her hair and stood her up, as they locked eyes with each other. "Just because you are like 6'8 or whatever doesn't give you the right to rebel against me!" She shouted. Celeste opened her mouth attempting to say something but, before she could speak her mother ran up to her and uppercutted her so hard her head went through the roof.

Charlotte then walked up to Ana who was still bowing down. " Now back to what I was saying. If you want to save your life then I recommend you start running like the cat you are." She muttered before aiming the gun toward Ana's head. Siren jumped up from behind her and put her in a full nelson as he struggled to hold her properly. Ana quickly snatched the gun away from Charlotte before putting the gun in her mouth. "Woah now! We are not killing her, she still is my mom!" Siren said. Suddenly Siren's hand began glowing red as bubbles started appearing all over it. Charlotte was burning his hand without touching him. Suddenly a gust of wind whipped Siren, Ana and Celeste completely out the balcony as they struggled to get up. "God I raised such pathetic kids! Can't any of you do better than this?" Charlotte rumbled as she sat down out of boredom. " Hey Celeste, do you remember that weather thing you did a few weeks back? I need you to do it again, but bigger and a lot more condensed!" Siren yelled out. A small light gray orb spawned around Celeste's hands as it launched itself into the air.

Rain started falling around them as it roared fiercely slamming into the ground similar to a sledgehammer hitting concrete. Siren looked over toward his mother who seemed to have been shouting something but there was no hearing her, as the rain was louder then all four of them combined. Ana walked up next to Siren as if she was waiting for this herself as she suddenly grew brighter for some odd reason. Siren ignored this detail as now wouldn't be the time for it. He took a long deep breath as he recalled a time where they weren't like this. A time where hammers weren't going into their heads, where they could eat food without worrying about swallowing a needle or two. Siren hoped that maybe, just maybe if he wins this fight it will all be over. A lightning bolt flash into the ground directly on top of Siren as sparks flashed off of his body. His body was now coated in black as he took on the stance of a cat preparing to launch itself.

This was the combined effort of Siren and Celeste's torment and endurance. The transformation that Siren had was something he made to hopefully impress his cruel mother. He strategically implemented Void over his body creating a wall on top of his enhanced speed and durability. Void is black substance different from its other element counterparts as to the average person has no offensive purpose whatsoever. That was until Siren and Celeste's father Sam Thompson was gifted with Void magic. Sam saw the concept of Void as any other magic technique but with a twist, and rolled with it. He used Void as a kind of Black hole of sorts, and made it something even more.

This transformation was inspired by that idea as something seemingly useless can be used for something major, and now was the time to use that mindset to protect the people he cares for. After all, the old Charlotte would've wanted that.

So with that thought Siren in a burst of energy launched himself at Charlotte at alarming speed. She quickly dodged it and retaliated with a sharp kick to the neck launching him toward the nearby fence. He caught himself realizing that speed wasn't going to be enough, so he looked over toward Ana nodding. If he wanted to win, Ana's Ice magic was going to be important to this. With a deep breath and forcing all emotions to be casted aside for the time being launched another attack. Siren rushed toward Charlotte as he jumped up into the air. The earth below her began rumbling as icicles shot out of the ground stabbing Charlotte in the leg. Siren had stopped going up into the air as the cold air hit his face as he began falling down. With the little time he had to think he realized it was getting harder to think the longer he was in this form. Charlotte rushed at Ana as he fist began getting hotter and hotter by the second, by the time she threw her punch it was engulfed in flames. Ice soon quickly sprouted behind Ana and clashed with Charlotte's fist, causing the air to be filled with ice shards. Ana knew that if she didn't meet blow for blow it would be over as she couldn't outstrength Charlotte. Each time Charlotte raised her fist, Ana returned with icicle spears clashing with that.

With each attack it only got faster and faster as eventually Charlotte managed to break through it and swung a powerful left hook toward her. Ana quickly dodged it as she placed her hands over the ground, as ice shot out of the ground creating a glimmering pillar in the process. Just as the pillar stopped growing, Charlotte began punching away at the pillar, easily melting away of the crust. Water oozed out of it as it began shaking uncontrollably, similar to a fire hydrant being hit by a truck in a cartoon almost. A gust of wind roared downward as Siren came down and axe kicked Charlotte in the back of the head, as all the momentum destroyed the surrounding area.

The dust and rubble scattered everywhere as silence scratched the air. Siren was exhausted as when he left his newfound transformation his body had burn marks everywhere and his body felt drained almost like a leech sucking his life force out of his body, but it was over. Ana jumped down from the pillar as she began jumping around similar to a child at a birthday party. Siren smiled as he was happy that him and Celeste were finally free.

All of a sudden an odd itch arrived in Siren's head. It felt as if needles were slowly being driven into his brain. It confused him as now the sound was shaky, and the rain's voice became weary. Siren looked over toward Ana and Celeste to see that now they were slanted with horrid looks on their faces. His body suddenly felt listless as his body began collapsing onto the ground as he noticed a pool of dark blood surrounding him, and that's when it clicked. He realized that something hit him, so hard that it damaged his brain. He was far from scared though as he was the one who created this ability that rarely activates. If there was one thing he learned about in this world is that back up plans are mandatory. For him it was regeneration, and that's keeping him alive from any semi minor injuries. He closed his eyes, exhausted and drained out, but he knew that if his loved ones would be just fine.

Charlotte reached back for another swing ,but before she could an ice shard erupted from the ground piercing her left foot. Charlotte began screaming uncontrollably." God! My foot is killing me you horrid pig sucker! Don't you know how to respect your eld-" A loud bang noise interrupted her screaming as she looked down to see ice spewing out of the area of where her heart is. Charlotte looked up to see Ana holding her gun. Her stare was nothing but happy as she aimed the gun once more. Ana didn't understand why but she in this instance wanted to throw everything away. Her pride, her dignity, her joy, her morals all to ensure this disgusting piece of filth didn't live. The ice spread faster the more bullets touched Charlotte's skin as she began laughing. " Oh would you look at that! The fucking football team's used up sock has finally stopped being a worthless pig! Ha, and all it took was you being a whore for my son! I'm gonna enjoy torturing him in front of you, as you scream your bitchy te-" Before Charlotte could even finish speaking Ana just began shooting her repeatedly without even a slight change in her facial expression.

Charlotte stood there encapsulated in ice, with a disappointed look on her face as she slightly raised her middle finger into the air.

The tyrant has been shot down.