
Chapter 18 - Young Master Bai's Thoughtfulness

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Sensing that Bai Siyu seemed to be glancing at her, Ji Anyao deliberately moved closer to Yan Lie. 

Every man had a desire for possession, and Bai Siyu was naturally no exception. Born to be an elite who was commanded authority and was above all like a king, his desire for control was naturally much stronger than average people.

Hence, whether or not he truly fancied her, he had brought her to that place. Yet, she was now "throwing herself" at his nemesis right in front of him... Given Bai Siyu's patience, he might not flare up at the sight of it, but he'd definitely be upset. 

Anyway, since she had suffered, she wouldn't let him have a good time either! 

Being no pushover, she decided to make things hard for him since he had already intended to get her in trouble right from the beginning.

Yan Lie's gaze was full of viciousness and even though his intent was subtle, he couldn't hide it from the slightly squinted pair of foxy eyes. His grip tightened on Ji Anyao's waist and he held her in his arms even more intimately.

His warm and moist breath was right beside her ear, and he was extremely seductive with his words. 

"Which brand of lipstick are you using? It's pretty sweet..." 

"It has been discontinued. It's expensive, so don't waste it." 

"Tell me the brand and I'll buy you a dozen of them." 

"Nah, I've gotten sick of it. Besides..." 

"Besides what?" 

"I'll never, ever use this brand again from now on." 

Although the two of them were whispering to each other and exchanging snide remarks, they were both smiling and looking as if they were just flirting. 

Besides, Yan Lie was touching her in an unruly manner from time to time, causing Ji Anyao to move about involuntarily. She initially wanted to dodge, but in the eyes of others, she was snuggling up in his embrace. 

Seeing this, the woman beside him had already begun rolling her eyes and making harsh and malicious comments. 

"Indeed, you're a brazen hussy. You can't hide your coquettish nature at all. You haven't had any alcohol at all, but you've already revealed your intentions... Hah, your true colors are probably going to show soon..." 

"Third Young Master, you have to bear with it. Don't fall into the trap of this little vixen..." 

Yan Lie simply smiled and remained silent when he heard those words. 

Seated opposite them, Bai Siyu remained indifferent, pressing his thin lips together. His expression did not change at all but his gaze eyes had become colder. 

Stuck in between the two of them, she could vaguely sense that they were glaring daggers at each other. She felt like she was sitting on pins and needles while everyone around her were in the mood and could not stop themselves. 

They went for another round at the game. 

As if on purpose, Qin Muyan and Shen Bin, who kicked up a huge ruckus just now, were the ones who drew the selected cards. 

Although the purpose of such games was to make it as racy as possible, there should be limits too. 

Those who were sharp-eyed would know that they had to choose who to provoke. Qin Muyan was Bai Siyu's fiancée and was completely of a different status than Ji Anyao. How could the two be compared? 

Since they could not afford to provoke her, they had no choice but to give in! 

"Ah... Why did I draw this card!?! Okay, okay! I'll punish myself by drinking! I accept the punishment! I would never have the guts to touch Miss Qin! If I do, Young Master Bai is going to skin me alive!"

He was secretly supporting Qin Muyan and flattering her. 

Qin Muyan had probably already been informed about the "passionate kiss". At this moment, she was obviously much more conceited and was looking at Ji Anyao with disdain and contempt. 

Ji Anyao ignored her silent assertion of dominance and watched as Shen Bin chugged all the alcohol on the table. She couldn't help but feel frustrated... Had she known earlier that she could just drink alcohol as a forfeit, she would have done it instead of kissing Yan Lie! 

However, at that time, she let her anger get the better of her and in a moment of recklessness, she did not think much about it but her mistake led to greater trouble. She had gotten involved with a big bad wolf!

Of course, Bai Siyu knew the rules of the game and did not remind her about it, but his intentions became even more evil.

Another round proceeded. 

It was Qin Muyan again. 

It seemed that she was not the only unlucky one today. Ji Anyao immediately felt much better! 

"Six of Hearts." 

Yan Lie looked at Bai Siyu with a smirk, gently pinching the second card with his bony fingers. Although he was obviously a player in the game himself, he seemed to be waiting to watch an exciting show. 

Everyone gasped when they saw the card and immediately fell silent. 

'Is Yan Lie going to go against Young Master Bai tonight?'

For three consecutive rounds, either Bai Siyu or his woman was chosen... The previous round wasn't too bad since it was just a hussy whom they showed no respect to. However, in this round, trouble would ensue if the game continued.

Qin Muyan naturally wouldn't be involved with him, let alone in front of Bai Siyu.

Hence, she picked up a glass of wine from the table unhurriedly and smiled gracefully. 

"I... punish myself by drinking." 

However, Bai Siyu stopped her and took it away before she even placed it near her lips. 

"You're in poor health and you can't drink too much alcohol. I'll drink on your behalf." 

As soon as he said that, many others in the room began to express their envy! 

"Wow, Young Master Bai, you're so thoughtful!" 

"I'm so envious of Miss Qin for having such a good fiancé! I'm so jealous!"


"Well, he indeed treats her differently because they're engaged, unlike how he treats some shameless seductress who thinks she can cozy up to a powerful figure with some dirty tricks... Haha, how naive!" 

Seeing Bai Siyu protect Qin Muyan affectionately by downing the glasses of alcohol on the table, one after another, Ji Anyao also felt that she had been too naive.

'I actually thought that Qin Muyan was unlucky too. Haha!' 

'The truth has proven that I'm the only unlucky one and Miss Qin is just here to show off. That's the drastic difference between having someone to protect and dote on you, and being all alone!

Outside the room, a tall figure in black walked out under the dim lights and held onto the waist of the woman who was quickly walking back to the room. 


The woman let out a low cry and felt her whole body being dragged into the man's arms. Before she could panic, she saw him raising his hand and shoving a handful of banknotes into her chest. Since her back was facing him, she couldn't see his face and could only hear a slightly gloomy voice ringing in her ears.

"I don't care what method you use, I want you to... make that woman, who just went in with Third Young Master Yan, down this vial of chemical... Do you understand? If you can't do it, I'll stuff this money into you..."

He moved his palm down slowly and moved it past her sensitive area, causing her to shiver and break out into cold sweat out of fright! 

Knowing that he was not to be provoked, she dared not utter a single word or even turn to look at him. She proceeded to take a deep breath and held onto the handle of the door. Twisting her slender waist, she pushed the door open and entered smilingly.