
REPLACED (Alter Ego)

Nathan davies, a 16-year-old boy who lost his memory short range. Waking up without remembering anything a few days back. Sometimes symptoms include intense dizziness that obliges him to take a tonic for the headache. Nathan has no parents, no brother, no one but his four friends. Dean, Wyatt, Vincent and Jeremy. They're the ones who are always there when Nathan's in trouble. Always, all the time. A lot of things went wrong when he started losing his memory. Dreams are uncertain, they're abstract. And weird. It haunts her every time she's in the underworld. Conscious, sunk in dense darkness. Until a shocking fact he discovered. The fact that his four friends are not real.

JieRamaDhan · Urban
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


The white room with the smell of medicine was pungent. Everyone in there walked away, oblivious to the smell of the medicine, as if he was used to it. A tall boy walking, clutching a lily bouquet. Enter a room right where a middle-aged woman lies. The young man placed a bouquet of flowers right on the side table after having previously thrown away another already withered. He's been doing that a long time.

"How are you Mom?"

She didn't answer. Her eyes only fixed on the fresh lilies. It was like a young man greeting her was just a shadow.

"Hey Ian, you're just in time," a man in a nurse's uniform called at the door of the room accidentally opened. "Doctor James would like to see you," he said.

Ian looked back at the woman, the position was still the same. Never paid attention at all.

"Yesterday your mother told me about you," explains the male nurse, a tag was attached to his chest —Alan Chester. "Yesterday she even complimented me handsome when I fed her."

"Handsome like Hitler" Ian was very fond of mocking Alan's bloodline. The bloody German snorted in disgust.

"Be polite to me, if you're still like that, I won't help you out in college," Alan embraced Ian's shoulders so intimately, while the rest of the young men are still putting on a flat face.

"Oh yes I forgot. Soon we're going to be in school together," Ian insinuated about the delay of Alan's graduation and how the young man repeated over and over almost every subject.

"Tsk.." A rant came from Alan's mouth. "Hurry in. Or I'll punch you."

"You sure you can beat me?" Ian continued to seduce Alan until he walked into the white door at the end of the street.

"Good afternoon, Mr Kendrick." the voice said hello immediately. An old man with a half-bald head sitting behind a desk. A signboard appears on the table. James Callahan.

Ian sat across from a man in a doctor's typical white coat. "Good afternoon," he answered loudly. Doctor James just smiled, a little understanding of Ian's general lack of subtlety.

"Don't worry about your mother, she's better than she was brought here," Dr. James reached for the file in his desk drawer. "Your mother is already starting to remember the names of the nurses, but it's important for everyone else's interaction to be.. And you must be very patient in communicating with her—"

"Will my mother ever recover?"

Doctor James sighed and resumed his cutting explanation. "Alzheimer's disease is rarely cured, although your mother is quite young in age than some of the patients with similar illnesses are commonly over 60," Doctor James was a bit reluctant to explain the facts. "However, with good interaction your mother will no longer act out of control like she did back then." As his doctor of duty did provide facts, but humanity wants to hope for miracles to come.

"Doctor, does alzheimer's strike teenager?"

The old man was a little surprised by Ian's question. "The disease generally affects the elderly, it is rare for teens with alzheimer's. Why ask me that?"

"Ah, no" There was some doubt in Ian's response that the young man seemed to be hiding something. "Well, excuse me.."





A beautiful night with stars in it. The young man with his earphones in his ears walked up and down the pavement. His foot stepped inside the local library building. Vincent took a chance to stop by to read some books inside.

The library that opens up at 10 may not have much visitors it proves that only a few people have come. And he's a regular there. Reaching for a dark-blue book with a very thick title on the cover. Magic island is a work of fiction where a group of young men came to magic island with a variety of strange and unique animals. Vincent knew of the controversy about his author's consuming drugs and marijuana while writing this work, and all forms of hallucinations could be seen in the book.

Actually he wasn't too keen on fiction because he thought it contradicted reality. But the exception for the book he is reading, it is a masterpiece.

"The library will be closing in 10 minutes."

The sound of the speakers above the room resonated, warning visitors to pack their luggage and books to borrow. As for Vincent, he put the books back where he had found them. And quickly walked home. If there was no announcement, he might have stayed in the library because he lost track of time. There was a reason for him not to borrow the book.

Reattached the earphones to his ears, the young man walked down the pavement with a streetlamp lining the floor helping with the light. He settled himself in an empty bus seat. Waiting for the last bus to arrive that day. And the bus he was waiting for came just after he counted back second by second in his heart. Vincent's a genius, so he won't have to use a watch or a calculator to guess what time it is.

He crosses over to a girl who thinks he's weird about getting on the bus. Strange that the girl always looked at him even when Vincent was sitting on the bus. The girl standing at the bus stop didn't look away from him.

Vincent sure as hell never met the girl. He was not a person who knew every person's name and face, but this time he was sure there was nothing to do with that strange girl he didn't know.






The old bed creaked with its characteristic voice. A man at the top seemed to writhe in his sleep, perhaps slightly disturbed by the blinding light on his eyelids. Nathan woke up from his deep sleep. He slumbered so full.

"Ughh~" he's throbbing his head after trying to sit on the edge of the bed. As he slowly walked toward the kitchen, a sip of water might ease his headache.

Nathan was a little surprised by the tidy kitchen. He doesn't remember cleaning up yesterday, or maybe he has a relapse without any obvious side effects. But still, he had to take his medication, not wanting more than that to make him lose his memory in a week. It's very troublesome actually. Especially if he doesn't remember there will be a test and no preparation.

He stride barely ventured into the bathroom where he kept the medicine. It's a good thing his head didn't hurt so much that he didn't have to take more. The throbbing still felt, but not as severe as before. Perhaps the cold water can help restore the condition.

During bathing, the corner of his eye caught a strange mark on the back of a medicine drawer. Like any other hidden chamber. It's not that Nathan doesn't know it, he just doesn't really care about any traces left over from the previous owners.