
Chapter 1

"Their father sat across from them, his face solemn and his voice quiet. 'Their was a time in my life when I was not the man I am today,' he said. 'I want to tell you about it, so that you can understand what it means to truly change for the better.' his 2 children listened, there heart racing as they prepared to hear a story that would forever alter there view of the world and their place in it."

'He said,I was a young orphan boy from a poor African country,but because of my intelligence I was enrolled on a scholarship to school aboard in England at the age of seventeen (17). My dream was to become a computer scientist.'

Weeks later, I got admission into Oxford University to study computer science I was filled with joy at the moment...

I asked myself,how would an orphan from an African country be studying computer science I praised and rejoice to God,not knowing what I was going to get myself into..

I studied very hard,even to a point of reading out of my field of study,still kept reading and acquiring more knowledge.

Never went to any social gatherings,my social life was dying but my academic life was excelling as it should.

As a first year undergraduate of a three years course,am already as smart and qualified to be in my second year,because of my level of knowledge.

Each year of the computer science degree at Oxford is divided into three eight-week "terms". During each term, students typically take three or four modules.

My first year was a success with a GPA of 5.0 I was very happy for achieving my goal in my first year.

Being a scholar student and being one of the best best students in school was not easy at all..

Thinking everything would keep going as plan,but I thought wrongly.

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