
Renegade Raider


Bullseye_8104 · Games
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Why kids are addicted to fortnite.

Playing Fortnite satisfies the human urge for social connection. It's exciting... and addictive, because you can have ranks and sense accomplishment and prestige. We must be careful that computer games do not become a form of medication for our children, much as we adults may use drink, shopping, or other distractions to escape reality. Battle Royale is a free game with a price. According to Dr. Strohman, "there is always a trade-off for the free video game." "Epic Games captures all of our children's data despite the fact that it costs our youngster nothing to start playing." In just one month, Fortnite produced $223 million. What looks to be free at first, ends up costing our children. It's not helping matters that In their spare time, our sons enjoy watching their heroes play Fortnite. Dr. Strohman says, "The game industry is quite sophisticated in bringing in the celebrity factor to further captivate our youngsters and build even more frenzy around it." "They're looking for someone with whom they can brush elbows." Of course, our adolescent would jump at the chance to knock down Drake."