
Renee The Vampire's Life

Renee is a woman that is being hunted down by a fellow monster that wants to take her back the Them so they can continue their work on her or have her kill.

Renee_The_Vampire · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The start of her life

Growing up I didn't have a very good life, Well that was before a monster took away my only happiness and half of my life away and turning it into horror and horrible dream that for ever haunt me. This all started when I was 3 years old, I was up stairs playing with my toys and my mother was down stairs cooking dinner. Wail I played I heard something outside like a branch being crushed under someones food.I ran down stairs and told my mother that I heard something outside and that something didn't feel right.My mother just pat me on the head gently and looks over at me.

"It probably your imagination honey now go get clean up and ready for dinner" She said

" but mom I was not imagining things i did hear something outside and i have a really bad feeling that something bad is going to happen" I pleated.

That when the door was being bashed in. I got so scare and i turn to my mother on what I should do. She took me over to the secret space that was built just in case hunter came and tried to kill us. But my mother put me in their and didn't get in herself probably cause she is not a vampire her self, no my mother is a full phoenix. Yes a creature of beauty and if you ever find one you could have one wish any wish you wanted but one.That would be the wish for immortality, that is cause my mother would have had to take that immortality from another monster and give to who ever wished it, Well someone did and that is how she end up having a human form. The door broke down and a shadow figure walked in to the house and walk over to my mother.

"There is nothing here for you to take so leave me a lone in peace" She screamed

The figure didn't answer and my mother started to fight them and they fought back, But at the end of the fight. I seen him kill my mother the only person who raised me and protected me. I tried so hard not to cry so the person didn't hear me. When they finished looking around the house they left knowing that what they was looking for what not there. I took this as a sign that it was safe to come out. I ran over to my mothers dead body and cried my soul out. Why did this have to happen there was no reason for her to die. I cried but i hear a faint whisper from my mother with her last breath.

"leave...here....and don't....look back.....be safe my sweet little girl." my mother said with her last and final breath she gave.

I took off running tears going down my cheeks and my soul breaking. I had nowhere else to go or hide. I rain til I found a big building and it looked like people are ether working or living in it. I walked in and a scientist seen me walk in and walked up to me. Just by looking at me they new that I was the one they are after. But i didn't know that at the time and they took me to a room that kinda looked comfortable. But things was not going to stay that way for long. They started to get meaner and doing experiments on me. By the time i was 10 the tortured me and beat me leaving scars all over my bad. When i turn 16 they had raped me. I was so week and couldn't do anything to stop them form doing this to me. Later that same day i was going to be injected with some kind of liquid's one had a red color to it the other darker then a black hole. They put me in a take like bed and put a mask on me. It was filled with needles and then the water started coming in. I couldn't hear anything they was saying or what is around me. Then i felt the needles going in to my skin. the red liquid injected in to me first, I didn't feel any different til I felt my soul changing from the aqua blue color it once was to a red color. Then the black liquid was injected. That was the painful one i scream and tried to get out of the tank but i could cause of my body still being so weak. Months have passed sense they did that they keep me in the tank to observe me. Then i hears a voice inside my head.

"let me take control. I can make this pathetic beings pay for what they did to us what they did to you. Just let me OUT" the voice said

what other chose did i have, I didn't want to be here any longer and be experimented on more or raped again. So i gave in to what the voice wanted, Everything went black. Then i heard screaming and blood splatter on to the walls. I open my eyes i could see what the voice was doing with my body. Killing the scientist and making a gory scene and destroying everything in their path. It had killed over half of the scientist and run out of the building to looks like a thriving city. It ran their killing innocent people in the way. I had had enough i made my body run out of the town to a hill side and fell to my knees. I had took back control over my body. I tremble looking at my hands stand with blood of thought's that I had just killed even though i new it was not me but it was still i who killed them. i cried i didn't want this to happen i just wanted to get out of there and be free again not having to kill any one. Then the voice showed is form to me but only i could see and hear. She looked like me but with stitches all over her body her smile is a wide and evil. She wears the same scrap clothing as i did and her hair is much more darker red then mine is. her eyes are the same as mine but with what looks like cracks under them.

" So partner I got you out and we are now free" She said

" I didn't want anyone to die and you made us kill innocent humans and monsters!" I yelled at her

" and is that so bad? they would have come after us cause the scientist would have left off alarms to make sure we didn't escape " She said

"I don't care the innocent people didn't divisive that!" I yelled and cried.

she just laughed and enjoyed killing the people that had did wrong to us and for the innocent ones just for shear fun. I was not going to let this happen ever again, I will find away to keep her form taking control over my body again. After that day I had even her the name Jessica but she didn't like it and hissed at me every time I said the name so she called her self Dark. Cause she is the Dark version of myself and is bent on killing. I started training myself to be able to use my powers and vampire ability's along with my phoenix ability's as well. Another year past and i am now 18 years old and i have traveled a great deal. Through out time to learn from the best masters, wizards, and witches that was willing to teach me their ways and magic. As i traveled i had meet one wizard that created a ring for me. To help me keep Dark at bay and from taking over my body with out my consent. It work and he shown me how to make a new one if this one ever brakes from her getting any more stronger. After that i am now staying in apartment and the humans here have no idea that their is a vampire living among them. I like to keep it that way thanks to me looking human besides my fangs and how my eyes look no ones seem to notes.

later i will go see a friend of mine i meet along my journey. He a nice wolf or should i say ice wolf his name is Kero along with is child Lilly who is still just a baby. Kero had lost his wife wail Lilly was being born. She has a weak amen system she was easily getting sick and Lilly has breathing problems. I help them out the best i can to make sure Lilly grows up strong. I had meet other like Kero. Like his sister Icey and ones that turn out to be dragons, that's when i learn that the figure that had killed my mother was a half dragon who was hired to take me back to the dam lab back to the world i had come from. I can never go back there and i cant barre my mother and let her rest in peace in a grave along side my father who was killed by a hunter. This is only the beginning of my journey to do what i have to in order to be truly free. I had to move to a new place just in case .Its a nice little building and it has cute little things in it.Reminds me of home a little bit with all of moms stuff. I have not sensed Draco in a long time.Has he given up the search for me? Or is he just buying his time til he gets me.Well it wont happen I will always be a step ahead of him.Thanks to my dragon friend Lucius knowing what around the ground and trees if he feels the sliest vibration he lets me know and i will move to a new place in time. Right now I am in the timeline of 2020 and is peaceful. Few crimes here and there but other then that its been good.But i know it wont last long cause he will come and take that away and try and take away my immortality for himself and kill me.I wont let that happen i gave my word to my mother to stay alive and keep on moving with the life i have.How I wish i could bring her back and my father who i never meet. I would love to finally meet him and to learn everything that he knows about being what i am and the history of his past and mothers.But its not going to happen I even asked a necromancer her name is Marie. She couldn't speak cause it would have caused her a great deal of pain. But she uses sign language.I knew how to read them so she didn't have to write it down on paper. She could bring back my mother and father.She said they died to protect me and that it was there fate to do so. I was heart broken but i expected this to happen.So i thanked her and went on. Now i will be doing some sight seeing. Cause i want to see what this timeline has to offer hope that is got lots more new anime. heheh yeah i love anime depending one what i feel like watching. I am kinda picky when it comes to them though. I am not in the the Robot ones. I like the Romantic and adventure kind of anime oh and the one gambling one i cant remember the name but is good. Anyway I am off to Japan to see the lovely land and beauty of it.I will probably write more in my journal or just write when i feel like it. this will be fun seeing new places.