
Ren 10 (a ben ten fan fiction)

A Ben 10 fan fiction following the author's life if he lived in one of the Ben 10 worlds and got the Omnitrix somehow, he would be at least slightly smarter then Ben...okay maybe not who knows, he will make this up as he goes on for now, but it will probably have legit plots and stuff as well.

Demonlord_KuraiShi · TV
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21 Chs

Voided future Introduction chapter made!

The first chapter of Voided future has been made! Go on over to its Webnovel page by clicking on my profile and clicking view all four stories, or just search Voided future on Webnovel, It doesn't have a cover yet but it will eventually! I hope you all will enjoy this, Samantha will be introduced in the second or third chapter.