

The Reapers, an ancient race of large sentient starships that can reach 2 kilometers made from the death of millions. Numbering in the high thousands possible more, they have committed genocide on countless different species, all for the continuations of their cycle to restart the galaxy in their own perverse version to preserve life.

They were created by an AI named the catalyst, which was created by the more elder race called the leviathans, but it betrayed them and created the reaper from the it's dead creators, to up hold this cycle and it was certain that all reapers would follow its orders without change, but that was not that case with when the guardian's showed. 

There was a reaper made from a race who had the combined will and strength to resist the catalyst's influence and rebelled. naming themselves the 'Guardians' they decided to make it their mission to end the cycle and destroy the reapers, along with the catalyst. 

With each cycle a new guardian would appear, to help the races fight the reaper by choosing one race that they thought would make the biggest change in they're cycle. The protheans were the last race chosen and even though they were able to fight the reaper at every corner of the galaxy and cause a large amount of casualties to the reapers they still fell but not before leaving one more chance for the next cycle to end. 

This cycle's guardian Enigma had chosen humanity as the next race to either end the cycle or be the next guardian. Enigma made first contact in 2012 and has since then guided mankind to the stars ,while also secretly convincing the human leaders to help create the next guardian. 

When humanity made second contact  with CC (citadel council) their tech could almost match that of the reapers. The new guardian 'Anomaly' came to life, a 2.5 kilometer supercarrier along with 7 destroyers named after the heavenly virtues: Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness & Humility. But unfortunately after their completion and introduction, the reaper war had begun. At the defense of earth Enigma fell. 

During the final battle for earth many had fallen on both sides but the reapers still held greater numbers but as the reaper reinforcements arrived Anomaly noticed that the crucible started to build up a large amount of white energy, signaling it activation, this caused the survival instincts of all the humans use to make him to go haywire. Calling onto his remaining 4 destroyers charity, patience,kindness and humility attached themselves to him, Anomaly was able to reach the relay but at the same time the crucible fired releasing a continuously growing plus of the same energy. 

As Anomaly jumped into FTL, the relay released the same shockwave of white energy, Anomaly was pushing his FTL to the max trying to get away from the pulse, but to no avail the pulse caught up to him, knocking them out o FTL and damaging many of their system but only the one that had reaper tech because while guardians may have rebelled they are made with the same technology.

Thankfully decided to add their own as precision of a situation where the catalyst could take back control. and while the destroyers were also hit, Anomaly to most of the damage, knocking him out a good portion of his systems. 

As Anomaly Was drifting into space using whatever he could to keep himself and his engines going until he could find a planet and hopefully survive the reentry.

Which by some kind of luck, came to fruition in the form of a planet with a broken moon, while he'd want to wonder more on what could have caused that, he was currently making sure he wasn't dying. As he was about to begin his enter into the planet's atmosphere he wondered how he was to survive a crash entire, but the 4 destroyers rearranged themselves so they could try and help Anomaly ease up the crash landing. After crashing close to a mountain, Anomaly couldn't let any more energy be used and went into hibernation, as to keep himself alive in the hopes his destroyers will be able to wake him up when he was less damaged. 

With that Anomaly slept.

As Anomaly slept the destroyers worked on protecting and repairing their flagship. They're first objective was to dig a large cavern, as to hide his body from anything on the planet. Second they then sent oculus drones to scout and send constant feedback of the area. 

But they were shocked to not only know that the planet was inhabited, but that the inhabitants were humans, the very race that helped end the cycle but they also noticed many differences. First they were quite primitive in many areas when compared to systems alliance, second some of the humans had extra animal like appendages. They learned the sub-humans were called faunas and that they were either slaves or second class citizens, third both seem to possess special abilities that were similar to biotics or even being able to make control of the elements. fourth how the fauna of the planets greatly resemble a number of the ones back on earth but larger and somewhat mutated to even resembling one's from mythology but all had the some similarities of being the colored black, White and red and were much more aggressive. Deciding to not interfere without the guardian, the destroyers laid in the shadow while keeping anomaly safe and observing this humanity growth on the planet they later learned called named reamant.

As time went on the destroyers continued to work on Anomaly while watching the founding of the 4 kingdoms, the 'great war', the rise of the hunter/huntresses to end of said war and the abolishment of slavery, the rise of atlas, the faunas rights revolution and formation of the white fang, the kingdom's attempts to expand though barely because of the grim creatures, to the continued increase in tension between humans and faunas and they continued to work, hoping for the guardian to wake and start work on changing how this world is for the better. 

but little do the destroyers know someone was unknowingly going to instigate that change.

No pov:

"He.. Ha… ha..". Summer was constantly having a harder and harder time breathing as the continued attack of grim didn't give her a chance to rest especially with the many bloody cuts and dark purple bruises that made it worse. " i-i...don't..know how long….I can 'Cough!' 'Cough!'." She coughs into her hand and sees a large amount of blood.

She then hears a lot of movement alerting her that more grim were on their way. " got...got..to...hide." As she struggles to move around she comes across a cave, she see's this as a small glimmer of hope before 5 Beowulf's lead by an alpha appeared. In a last ditch effort summer used the last of her strength to run to the cave with the plan to shoot the entrance once she got inside to close herself in.

But right as she was at the front of the cave entrance the alpha was able to swipe at her leg causing her to tumble into the cave and dropping her weapon foiling her only chance. Barely able to push herself up she hears the grim approaching." I'm..I'm..sorry..Ruby...Qrow...I guess l..I can't..keep my promise." She said waiting for the attack . . . . but it never came, summer wondered what if maybe someone had come and look back to see that the grim wolf's stopped in front of her growling at something deeper into the when she looked into the same direction as the grim she was shocked at was there:

What she could guess were 3 mechanical crab like robots 6.2ft tall, marching to her direction. The one in front looked at her, it's eyes then shined a light on her, not knowing it was scanning her, it's eyes turned blue but when it did the same to the grim it turn red and all 3 took an offensive stance, which caused the beowulfs started growl louder and getting in a pouncing stance in return. 

summer wasn't sure how this was going to turn out but she couldn't continue wondering as a combination of her exhaustion and wounds caught up to and the last think she heard before passing out was the sound of what she assumed was weapons fire.


First the idea of a reaper rebelling against the catalyst came from a sadly dead fanfiction called 'halo enigma' involving a white reaper helped the unsc fight the covenant also if anyone gets any ideas from reading this feel free to use them. So with that I'm out.