
Remnant's Jedi Order (Webnovel Edition)

Shortly after Order 66, 17 year-old Jacob U'Tal, the padawan of Mace Windu himself, escaped Coruscant in a ship. However, after crash landing on another planet, he finds an ancient Sith Temple. Upon entering the temple, he finds multiple Kyber Crystals and a Sith Lightsaber. He also stumbles upon a strange device, which activates and opens a gateway to a new world. Upon stepping through the gateway, it closes behind him, leaving him trapped in astange world. Eventually, he finds out that this is the world of Remnant, in a universe with no Sith, no Jedi, no Clone Wars... and no Order 66. His exceptional combat abilities eventually catches the attention of Professor Ozpin, who proposes that Jacob attend Beacon academy. He eagerly accepts, as he has nowhere else to go. Some time after being accepted, he finds out that the force lies within a certain group of individuals in the academy. He agrees to train them in the ways of the force, in hopes of establishing Remnant's very own Jedi Order.

Faulty_CyanideOFCL · TV
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53 Chs

Welcome To Remnant

I stepped through the gateway. I looked around in awe at the forest that surrounded me. I took a few steps away from the gateway so I could drink it all in. The sounds of nature filled my ears, the hum of the gateway only being a small portion of the sounds I was hearing. Then, out of nowhere, the humming had ceased.

Jacob (in head): What the hell?

I turned around... only to be met with no gateway. It had simply disappeared.

Jacob (in head): Oh this is just great, the gateway's gone and I don't even know what planet I'm on! Amazing!

I decided to find any sort of civilization, hopefully one that had a ship, and hopefully one without clones. At least I could admire the amazing natural beauty of this planet, there was nothing like this back on Coruscant, just an urban jungle as far as the eye could see. Being born and raised there didn't help either, so it felt great to finally be away from it all. However, no matter how hard I tried to forget it, I couldn't, how could they? How could the clones just... kill all of them? It was barbaric. My master was dead, along with most of the Jedi, and I was on the run... a wanted man... with nowhere to go... It had not been more than five minutes of walking before I heard an unsettling noise. It was a low growl, like that of a ravenous animal. I turned to the apparent source of the noise, only to be met by a large creature, it had pitch black fur, white bony parts littered around it's body, red accents, and terrible fangs and claws. I quickly drew and ignited my lightsaber and got in a defensive stance. It shouldn't be hard to kill this thing if it attacks me, but I didn't know as I had never seen a creature like this before. It then began to charge, I ran to the left and cut off one of it's front limbs as it passed me. It howled out in pain, attracting more of the creatures towards me, I quickly cut off it's head to silence it, but the damage had already been done. I was surrounded. I prepared for a fight, knowing to not let my guard down, they all charged at once.

{ Timeskip because I'm bad at fight scenes (use your imagination) }

I fell to my knees and began to breathe heavily as the bodies of the beasts disintegrated around me, the fight had been much more difficult than I had initially anticipated, but I was able to pull through.

???: Impressive work.

I quickly snapped my head towards the source of the voice. I saw a man with silver hair and a cane standing not 8 meters away from me.

???: Surely you must be exhausted, follow me, I wish to speak with you.

Jacob: Who exactly are you?

???: I will explain that in due time, but for now, follow me.

I thought that this man was a bit strange, but I did need answers to my many, MANY questions, so I decided to follow. He took me to a building and sat me down at a table. Once I had sat down, he sat in the chair opposite to mine.

???: May I ask you your name?

Jacob: Jacob... Jacob U'Tal

???: Greetings Mr. U'Tal, I am Professor Ozpin of Beacon Academy.

Jacob: A school?

Ozpin: Indeed, the most prestigious huntsman academy in all of Remnant.

Jacob (confused): I have so many questions.

Ozpin: And I have time, please... ask away.

Jacob: Remnant... is that the name of this planet?

Ozpin: ... Yes ... I take it you are not from around here.

Jacob: Not in the slightest... Is Remnant loyal to the Republic.

Ozpin: I cannot say that I know what you mean...

Jacob (in head): Where the hell even am I?

Jacob: Look, I'm kind of in some hot water right now, the Jedi Order is being purged, even the youngest of Padawans! I need to lay low, so tell me... Is Remnant loyal to the Republic?

Ozpin is visibly confused.

Ozpin: What are these Jedi and Padawans you speak of?

Jacob: You don't know the Jedi? How can you not? We are the protectors of the peace, the forces of the light, the knights of the Republic!

Ozpin: Sips Hmmm... They seem to be noble warriors... fighting for the good in the... galaxy... Am I correct in this assumption?

Jacob: 100%

Ozpin: Then it appears we have something in common. My academy trains Huntsmen and Huntresses. They are warriors who have sworn their lives to defend the people of Remnant from all the darkness of the world. We are the light that keeps the dark at bay.

Jacob: That is very noble.

Ozpin nods.

Ozpin: If I heard you correctly, you said you were being hunted?

Jacob: Yes, I have nowhere to go. The clones have turned on the Jedi.

Ozpin: Well, I could always give you a place in Beacon Academy. I can assure you that these Clones that you speak of are nowhere on Remnant.

I pondered this for a moment, I had nowhere to go. I had nothing to loose. What reason do I have to not accept?

Jacob: I will join your academy, and help you combat the darkness.

Ozpin smiled.

Ozpin: Excellent.

{ The following day }

I was on an airship heading to Beacon Academy, looking out the window viewing the city of Vale. I had seen much larger cities than this, but none that were this stunning. Remnant was proving to be a much more beautiful than any other planet I have seen. I was broken out of my trance by the loud conversation of two girls behind me.

???1:Oh, I can't believe my baby sister's going to Beacon with me, this is the best day ever!

???2: Please stop.

???1: But I'm so proud of you!

???2: Really, sis, it was nothing.

I smiled to myself.

Jacob (in head): Well that blond one sure is excited.

???1: What do you mean, it was incredible! Everyone at beacon is going to think you're the bees knees.

I was confused about what 'bees knees' meant, but I just assumed I would learn in time.

???2: I don't want to be the bees knees, okay. I don't want to be any kind of knees. I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees.

???1: What's with you, aren't you excited?

???2: Of course I'm excited, it's just... I got moved ahead two years. I don't want people to think I'm special or anything.

Jacob (in head): Two years? That is quite impressive.

???1: But you are special.

A hologram screen was playing news from around the city before being cut off by the projection of what I assumed was a teacher.

Teacher: Hello and welcome to Beacon.

Jacob and ???1: Who's that?

Goodwitch: My name is Glynda Goodwitch.

Jacob and ???1: Oh.

Goodwitch: You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy. Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future huntsmen and huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world.

The hologram disappeared after that.

???2: gasps Wow

???2 Approached the window and looked out it.

Jacob (in head): Looks like I'm not the only one enjoying the view.

The rest of the airship ride went by uneventfully, which surprised you. You would surely have expected at least one person to get airsick.