
Remind Me To Forget

Felicia Brooke is a 17-year old who gets out a five months coma, only to find out her best friend, Martha had lost her life in the car accident she was in and had lost a chance to get into the University that year. After a suicide attempt, she is drafted to therapy group where she meets Gabriel White. The two are assigned as partners to help one another through the healing process.  Felicia makes another attempt on her life and might risk losing Gabriel. The two face shadows of their past and move past it with help from the other. Photo Credit: Reynaldo #brigworkz Brigantty from Pexels

ixorasavage · Teen
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25 Chs

Hollow Trees

"What do you say to movies with me? At mine?" Gabriel asked me over the phone.

"I'm good with it. Besides, nothing to do tomorrow."

"I thought Trevor was coming over to yours later?"

I sighed. Trevor was going off to Brown and I was left to myself while he packs against next week.

"Trevor is packing up and would need to through his stuff to ensure it's all complete."

"Oh. You'll have to see him before he leaves though."

"I don't know if I can stomach that before I cry."

"Poor Felicia," he said. "How's Jake?"

"He came over this week with a box of cookies."


I hummed and he laughed and went "Darn. Too sad..." I laughed at his feigned disappointment. I picked a notebook off my desk and my pen. "Anyway, would you like to watch?"

"Too indecisive to choose. Anything is fine."

"I'm keeping that in my notebook. How was it with Angela?"

"It was great but geez, the whole 4-times a week is starting to wear me down."