
Remember? Remember what?

A man is transmigrated, or rather fussed with his favorite character from his old life, little did he know, there was much more to this world and this character then he could have ever thought. There will be big changes but I won’t cut out of the plot, a lot of it will still go as planned in the OG series, so it’s a AU, SI kind of, the Mc will only be with 2 - 3 females, but I’m leaning more to 2, and one is Unohana. # I own nothing, everything is from there respect creators

MDemon34 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 - False World

(Remember most of what is happening maybe hard to understand at first, but i promise it will come full circle)

[Waking World]

"Ahh, damn it.. not again."

The covers above a large bed shifted, as the black sheets twisted with the grip of a hand, deep breaths of air echoed throughout the room, as the light from the morning sun, cracked between the blinds of a window. The light flashed over the room, as if playing hide and seek with the light of the world, while a young man sat up. His arm holding his body up as he gripped the sheets even harder, while his other hand gripped his chest. Sweat dripped from his black wavy hair, and his black eyes looked shaken as he took in the room around himself.

"That dream again? I don't understand, that place, that woman.. ahh!" His voice was low as he talked to himself, looking at his hand as he pulled it from his chest. "Yet it hurts each time.. please, I beg, be still my beating heart.." he slowly felt his heart slow down, no longer thunderous in his waking mind, even if the way he talked in such a old fashion confused him even more.

He soon wiped his forehead of sweat as he looked at his room, his pc was changing backgrounds as it had been on all night, to the shelf's of books on a wall, then to the large window as the orange and red of the sun, dyed the world and one of his eyes in its glow.

"I can never remember all of it.." the young man sighed, the dreams having been with him for a few months now, they were painful but he got use to them, still the pain of seeing that woman's face had never changed.

*ring *ring

Almost as if to cut his thinking, a ring of his phone vibrated as he looked over to the window seal, his long arm reaching over to grab it as he flipped it open with a shake of his head.

"Yes?.. I'll be there, I told you I had something to tell you. I'll be ready soon, just wait for me." His words were flat and dead, but he still spoke as he listened to the other person on the phone, pulling the phone away to close it as he let out another sigh and stood up.

The mirror on the other side of the wall, across from his bed showed his body in the morning light, he was a very tall young man, being around 6'6, his face was handsome but his dead eyes and scar above his right eye, gave off a strange feeling, his body wasn't huge but his muscles were perfect even if his body gave off a frail look, it was easy to see he had trained for a long time. His face length black hair covered one of his eyes, as he tilted his head a little. With a straight face he grabbed a towel and walked to the bathroom as he started his day.

[30 mins later]

The young man stepped out of the shower, his hair still dripping water as it reflected in the sunlight, his white long sleeved collared shirt that was open at the top, loosely hugged his body, as he pulled the overall like straps on to his shoulders, he fixed his black pants and black dress shoes as he looked to a shelf, his hand reaching out as he pulled a orange book with one finger as it fell into his hand, looking at the sun, his eyes tighten as his heart beat against his chest once more.

'Just stop.. i don't have time for it..' thinking to himself as more flashes of the woman and that world came in waves, yelling almost in his mind as they disappeared, and his mind some how completely changed as if it fixed his thoughts.

The sun of the early morning moved in and out of view as the clouds covered it. The young man walked down the streets of his home town, in this large city, and felt his pockets. Looking over at a store with a line of people, his eyes moving to a very voluptuous woman who was in her 30's or so he thought as much, with a flash of green the world turned black and white as his sword passed through her body.

"Aunty?" The young man said, with a almost sweet voice, tapping the woman on the shoulder as he did so, a smile came to his face as the woman turned around with a sweet look in her eyes. .

"Oh, Tsukishima-kun? Your here to, I haven't seen you in a long time." The woman spoke with a gentle look as he smiled.

"Yeah, it's been a while Yuko-san, I'm sorry but I forgot my wallet, I really was hoping for a cup of coffee but, it doesn't matter. I have to get going, still I'm glad I got to see you, let's catch up next time, I'm in a rush.. I'm going to meet with a few of my friends." With a smile he closed his eyes, looking down at her as his voice became low. Giving her a light hug and tried to move away, only to feel her pull on his arm as he smirked looking away from her.

"Don't worry I'll take care of it, how Is your mother by the way? it's been a long time, stay a while.." the woman Yuko said, pulling him towards her as she asked a question.

"Oh about that.." Tsukishima said starting a bit of small talk with the woman, his eyes moving to the roof of a building as he put a smile on, telling the woman of his mother and made there way into the packed store of people.

[15 minutes later]

"See you later aunty Yuko, I hope to see you again." With a wave and without truly looking at the woman, he turned away, making his way on in the glow of the morning as he did. His eyes becoming numb as he put his hands into his pocket, walking to an alleyway.

His body disappeared, only to feel the rush of the high winds, blow his hair, his hand gripped the Fence like walls on the top of a building as he looked out to the world. His black eyes watching the woman move down the street from the place he left.

"Still up to the same stuff as before.. don't you think it's kind of extreme for one woman?" Behind him a voice sounded out, making him look over his shoulder. Looking at a man with slick back hair, a fur coat and black pants that looked at him with a smirk.

"No, in.. the end it's just a game.." Tsukishima said as he looked back to the streets below the high rise. His eyes holding for a second as he looked at the older man.

"Haha' is that so? very well, tell me what is it you want to say?" The man who talked sat on the concrete that pushed against the fence, his head low as he did so and smirked.

"Finally straight to the point, ginjo, I'm leaving." Tsukishima said as he looked back with a small grin on his face.

"Is that so? Where will you go?" Ginjo said with a equally as misleading and almost creepy grin on his face.

"Karakura Town, I think I found someone really interesting." The words lingered in the air, for but a moment as the two people disappeared.