
Remarried For Revenge

“Revenge!” That was the only thing on her mind when her husband cheated on her with her step-sister. Evangeline Midnight Star vowed to take revenge on her husband and her sister after her husband threw her away like a broken toy that was not needed anymore. But for that, she had to be strong again. She had to bare her claws and fight until she was strong enough to protect herself. And for that, she was ready to deal with the devil. Damien Alancaster, the devil of the empire, the beast of the north, the demon who drinks blood. He was the only one who could save her. But who would save her from him? “We are only in a contractual marriage. I want to keep things professional.” She took a step back, looking for the papers they had signed that fateful night. He smirked, taking a step closer and leaning on her back, kissing her ears when she shivered, “Since the contract papers are gone, there is no more contract left, but only marriage. Right, darling?” note; the cover is designed by dixerqua, a fellow author form webnovel.

Fallen_meteor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
416 Chs

Exaggerated Sins

When Evan opened her eyes, she found Harold staring at her. His sharp eyes were piercing her skin. She tried to sit but he held her shoulders and pushed her back on her bed.

"So much has happened in the last week, Evangeline." His voice was soft, tender and sweet. His face had that soft smile she had known for a long time but she was not going to fall for it anymore. "I thought that you would learn from your mistakes soon. That is why I tried to humor you but you are taking my kindness for granted. Hmm?" 

"......." Evan stared at him incredulously. Was he mad? "You call all this kindness?" forcing me on your bed or using my sister to hurt me.. What exactly is kindness for you?" she hissed with venom in her voice when his eyes narrowed.