
Reluctant Master Of Humanity: A SI Fate Grand Order Fanfic

Fate Grand Order. That is where I - Hans Friedrich, have find myself into as a one of the three last Masters of Humanity. A world of cute Outer Gods, laser swords, and women that could kill just by looking at me. ...Yeah, whose bright idea was this? How can you trust a selfish person like me to be a Master of Humanity!? Gaia, Akasha, Alaya, you got the wrong guy! ============ [Disclaimers(1): This is my second try at making a Fanfic or Novel of any kind so please tell me your thoughts and criticism. Even your hate. But, only if your hate has a good reason for it. So, please be smart about it, mmkay~? Disclaimers(2): This is SI, which stands for - Self insert. Meaning, I'm writing myself in this. So if you have any problems with the MC, then I can't help you, as it's - Me and I can't change my personality at a drop of hat. This also means, the MC will have Flaws, so if you want a perfect main character, this isn't for you. But if you do somehow enjoy the MC(Me), then...all I kind can offer you is a smile. Disclaimers(3): I don't own any of the Fictional characters I use in this Fanfic. I only own myself. ]

VoidWalker999 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter - 6: Dark King Of Knights - Singularity F


Run Away.

These simple words rang rather loudly in my head.

Some might call me brave and bold for my earlier actions.

Believe me - it wasn't. It was a choice born at the insaneness of finding myself in the Nasuverse. In Fate Grand Order, out of all things to boot with something that still makes me shiver for my very soul(I'm looking at you Yellow Sign!).

It was either curling up in a ball and cry myself to death or - just saying "Fuck it" and making the most of my absurd situation.

I chose opinion two. I snapped and embraced the whole of Nasuverse.

And yet... The sane part of my brain yelled and prayed with all its might for me to run and never look back.

However... I ask, you sane part of my brain - what has running away ever done? This is the Nasuverse and I'm no Joestar. Running away is not an option for me.

And no - I'm not just gonna sit back and watch as the other Masters hopefully fix this.


Well, that's simple...

-Where is the fun in that? And, who leaves their fate in someone else's hands?

Not ME!

' I blame the Nasuverse and Lovecraft for this.' I sighed. I blame everything on those two.


" Arrrr?" The black do-*cough* Knight brought me out of my thoughts.

" Almost there?" I raised an eyebrow.

With a jump, we advanced down the seemingly neverending tunnel and emerged into a dimly lit cavern.

Waiting for us was none other than the Dark King Artoria, herself.

" You must be the anomaly." She immediately stated upon seeing me, peaking from Berserker's side.

" Sup, King Of Knights!" I cheerfully waved as those other emotions slowly disappeared.

"..." All I got was a blank stare from the Dark King. A very long blank if I may add.

" What?" I replied finding her gaze rather strange.

" You are...odd." She finally said," But that matters not." here she took a step forward," Now, we face-"

Yeah... No. Who lets their enemies talk?

Even if you are the most beautiful woman I ever saw in my life. I still love myself a lot more.

-*Kill her Berserker with everything you got*- And thus, I command.

My hand burned for but a second as one of my command spells left me.

" Arrrthurrrrrr!!" With his boost in strength and speed, Berserker roared all his hate for his King and flashed to her before she could understand what happened.


A piercing explosion sounded as Berserker buffed with a command - smash Saber Alter into a wall.

" So it's you..." Her emotionless voice reached me at the other side of the cave hiding behind a rock.

With a jet of black-red energy blowing behind her - Saber Alter's lips twitched onwards.

" How fitting..."

She stated, effortlessly flowing in  and out of Berserker's deadly strikes with the grace of a dancer, moving around the Black Knight.

Though, ever and now and then she would glance at the cave entrance.

Taking this moment - Berserker completely put his strength in his arms and batted Saber Alter the cave, creating a new human size hole.

" Cough*" Her face mask now broken, Artoria's pale yellow eyes greeted the world. Beautiful eyes that made my heart stop beating for a second. I even forgot to breathe. I forgot the basics as my mind became mush. Even the [Yellow Sign] glowed in agreement.

" You are a strange one." Pale yellow eyes greeted my dark blue eyes with unhidden amusement.

" Arrrthurrrrrr!" However, Berserker does not like that. Not at all.

Pushing off the floor, he flew to the Dark King with a roar. A roar that shook the very cave.


Putting my hands over my head rocks smacked against them - I watched as Saber Alter smash the Berserker with a yell.



A mixture of black, red, and purple greeted my vision as it soon engulfed Berserker.

And yet, through this God-Slaying weapon, the Black Knight pushed on.

I felt it. I felt his draining my mana. However, it didn't hurt.

No... In fact, it feels like a mosquito bite. A cup of water in the ocean, if I may add.

As if knowing I'm gonna be okay - he drained even more without stopping.

Black mist filled the cave, as Berserker roared again.

Artoria's eyes widened - as Lancelot pushed through her attack. Her eyes widened even more, seeing his grieving face. His hollow eyes drilled holes into her yellow ones, as he, small as ever - smiled.

A smile that seemed to be an attack of its own as Artoria stepped back from Lancelot.

Looking down, she found herself bleeding, from a hole in chest. Sticking out from her chest and back was the weapon Lancelot was using.

A street pole... A Lance in its own right.

" Haha..." Even though she coughed up pools of blood, she couldn't help but laugh. Laughter filled with so much meaning and feeling, it touched my non-existent heartstrings.

" Haha.." She coughed up again," What an irony..." she glanced at the hollow Knight and smiled as she fell onto the ground," What an irony indeed..."

" G-G-G-Good B-B-Bye, M-My King," Lancelot spoke in his hollow voice as his King slowly disappeared.

" Goodbye...my Knight." Was her last words, she disappeared into golden particles.


Calm and unsteady clapping greeted the cave.

When we looked at the sound - my mouth twitched, as Berserker geared back up and growled.

" Well, hello there, my little anomaly."

My face twitched again, seeing who it was.

-Lev Lainur Flauros.

Or how I know him as: The Evil Twin Of Willy Wonka.
