

Since I created the SS Serum not much has happened. As intended I trained Dad so that he could understand his abilities and how to control them but I hadn't seen Bella since the day she received the serum which was on Monday and it was now Saturday morning, she hadn't called either so she probably didn't have any problem controller her newfound abilities.

One of the reasons I haven't seen Bella was because I hadn't returned to school and my reason for that was simple, I didn't want or need to. I already had a projection attending school for me and frankly, I only wanted the diploma but that's the thing I want it, not need it.

I already had plenty of money from modeling and hacking so I didn't need my diploma for anything job related plus if I wanted I could just forge one and there you go, I have a high school diploma.

Unfortunately, Carlisle told Alice that she needed to attend school so she's been going every other day while skipping some. Although Alice was slowly falling out of place in the Cullens family it wasn't as if they had completely forgotten her existence so when she wasn't at school it was noticed.

Outside of training, Dad, my past few days had been spent hanging out with Alice, talking with my second set of parents, or with Merlin who was caught up doing experiments of her own and also training myself.

Due to creating the Limitless Serum and SS Serum I had neglected my training for longer than ever before so now that I was finished it was time for me to get back into it. I made sure to push myself to the limits during every training session and my current limit was indeed higher than before.

Before my awakening, my max lifting weight was 640 tons but after my demonic awakening and after training for a couple of days my max lifting weight had increased to 1980 tons. Now, the number obviously didn't increase so much from the past few days of training it increased so much because of the demonic awakening.

My speed was previously at the transonic stage, my fastest was 720mph but now the number has changed. I was around 2,210mph at my fastest meaning I was now on the Supersonic stage. Once again, my increase in speed wasn't due all due to my training but due to the demonic awakening, it did much more than give me a growth spurt.

Now onto the next thing, my body training method. It was a technique that I trained religiously as I knew it would turn me into a martial arts prodigy but after reviewing myself and how I previously trained the technique I realized I hadn't been doing it as intended. I was looking at the technique like a regular gym training method but it wasn't that, it was way more than that.

The technique I practiced created The Martial Body that completely rebuilt the body to follow the Martial way perfectly while creating a special type of Qi within the body, Innate Essence Qi. Innate Essence Qi was the Qi from the Earth and the Qi from the heavens, which was far stronger than any Qi a normal martial practitioner could have.

It should be mentioned that I haven't even reached the first stage of the technique. The stages went as so, Completed Body Integration, Body Overhaul, Martial Body, and then Unity Of Body And Soul, but there was no mention of 'it' so I assume that the last stage isn't actually the last stage.

Now with me finished catching up with my training, I should mention that I was now waiting outside my lab for my second set of parents to arrive and take me to the Liones Kingdom.

"Are you sure you don't wanna come?" I asked Alice.

"Mhm, it's fine, I can go next time, just have some fun with your parents." Alice said with a smile but I honestly didn't wanna leave her behind, I didn't wanna leave her at all.

"Are you sure?" I asked for the tenth time causing Alice to smile wider.

"Yes, now I'm leaving so you don't ask anymore." Alice said before giving me a kiss and running off.

As I watched Alice leave I sighed before taking it off my mind, I didn't like being away from her for too long but I wouldn't be gone forever so I could handle it.

I sat outside the lab for around ten minutes in silence as I ran hundreds of thousands of plans and simulations in my mind, I was planning for my next objective, what would it be and how long would it take to achieve it.

'I'll focus on my body technique, all of the simulations have told me that once I obtain 'it' I will get two things and one of them is a new technique while the other is completely out of my calculations.' I said inwardly but I found it odd that my simulations led to a new technique and I found it even weirder that the other thing I would gain was completely out of my calculations but it simply told me I had more room for my mental prowess to grow.

"Hello, Tristan." A voice I recognized as Elizabeth's sounded from above me.

Looking up from the ground I see my second parents outside of a carriage.

"Hello." I replied with a smile as I flew into the air.

"Sup kid!" Meliodas said with a smile.

"Sup." I replied matching his smile before looking at the others.

"You ready?" Meliodas asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Alrightly, hop in!" Meliodas said before he and Elizabeth got into the carriage.

Following the two I got into the carriage before we took off into the sky.

"Excited?" Elizabeth asked with a smile.

"Indeed, I'm curious about a Kingdom I've never heard of before." I said truthfully.

"Well, you'll get to see it here soon." Meliodas said before asking his own question.

"You seem to have changed, what happened?" Meliodas asked with a curious tone, I didn't need to hide anything from them so I didn't mind telling them.

"I created something that helped me see things from a different point of view." I said with a smile, I'm sure he was asking why the vibe I gave off had changed not anything about my mind but I believed this was my chance to get something off my chance so I would.

"It allowed me to understand things I'd never understood or thought of before and one of those things was the two of you." I said causing them to raise their eyebrows with curious expressions.

"What do you mean?" Elizabeth asked.

"When we first met I didn't have any intention to acknowledge either of you, in my mind I already had one set of parents and that was all I would need, I didn't plan on giving either of you a chance." I said causing them to look slightly hurt but they still listened to my words.

"But now I understand that you two deserve the chance to be my mother and father as I deserve the chance to be your son." I said with a smile causing the two to fall silent as they looked at me with surprise, I suppose such random maturity was unexpected from someone my age.

"Hehe, thanks." Meliodas said as he rubbed his nape before Elizabeth dived into my arms with tears in her eyes.

"My baby!" Elizabeth shouted as she cried.

I smiled at Elizabeth's display of emotions while patting her head, it was easy to see how much she cared.

"So did your creation just give you a new understanding or was there more?" Meliodas asked curiously.

My goddess mother was still crying in my arms while my demon father and I spoke of the Limitless Serum and all the benefits it brought.

"You're definitely a genius my boy, a testimony to your father's genius!" Meliodas said with an expression of pride on his face.

We all conversed while laughing along the way to the Kingdom and I found myself enjoying my time with them, they were quite laid back for a King and Queen.

"How interesting..." I replied as I heard what Meliodas had said.

As I said we all conversed on the way to the Kingdom and while doing so they brought up their 5-year-old daughter, my younger sister who was named Luna Liones. I wasn't surprised when they spoke of her because they had already told me about her but what they had told me now was interesting.

At first, when they told me about her I was curious about many things, she was supposed to be like me, a Nephalem but now I was told she wasn't that at all. Luna had taken the Goddess side from Elizabeth but her abilities mutated because of the Demon side from Meliodas, it almost felt like the world would only allow one true Nephalem.

"Yeah, but it's fine, my little princess is amazing anyway!" Meliodas shouted passionately with stars in his eyes, I'm certain he loved Luna a lot.

"We've arrived." Elizabeth said with a smile as the carriage door slid open.

"Welcome back your Majesties." A butler said as he bowed to the side of the carriage door.

"Nice to see you too, Ylric." Elizabeth said as she got out of the Carriage and was soon followed by Meliodas.

Knowing that it was my turn to get out I did just that and immediately after getting out I was greeted with the sight of a huge driveway that led to an even bigger castle and in the middle of the walkway was a red carpet with servants bowing on both sides.

"Welcome home your highness." The butler who opened the carriage door said to me with a genuine smile.

"Thank you." I replied with a smile of my own which caused the female servants to blush but they still kept silent.

"Sooooooo, where is my baby girl?" Meliodas asked the butler.

"The princess is currently in her playroom, please allow me to guide you." The butler said.

"Lead the way, my friend." Meliodas said with a smile as we began following the butler into the castle.

"Do you like it honey?" Elizabeth asked me while we walked through the castle, I had been looking around a lot since this was my first time in a castle.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool." I replied before continuing.

"Are there any places where I could set up a lab?" I asked allowing my inner researcher to come out.

"Of course, we'll have a lab made for you near your room." Elizabeth said with a smile.

"Remember my boy, rest is necessary, even you need to sleep sometimes." Meliodas said with a smile, he knew I hadn't been sleeping since I worked nonstop in the lab.

"I know I know." I replied with a smile.

"Here we are." The butler said as he stopped at a door before opening it and bowing to the side to allow us to enter the room filled with toys.

"Luna! Papa is back!" Meliodas said as he walked through the room with a smile before a small girl jumped onto his back.

"Got you!" The little girl said with a smile as she hung onto Meliodas.

"Oh no!" Meliodas said feigning surprise as he fell to the ground while Luna giggled.

I watched the whole thing with a smile, the two were just like your regular father and daughter.

"Look who's here Luna." Elizabeth said as she crouched down next to the girl before pointing at me who stood near the door with a smile.

"Big brother?" Luna said questioningly, I'm sure Meliodas and Elizabeth had told her about me.

"Yup, big brother." Elizabeth said with a smile.

Knowing it should be me to approach the child I walked toward her and crouched down so I didn't seem so big and with a smile on my face I spoke.

"Hello Luna, I'm Tristan." I said smiling.

"Mhm." Luna hummed in response as she nodded shyly.

"Do... you wanna play?" Luna said shyly as she looked down.

"I'd love to." I replied with a smile as a playful glint appeared in Luna's eyes.

"Hehe" Luna laughed before grabbing my hand and pulling me deeper into her playroom.

"Good luck son." Meliodas said as he saluted me as if I was walking to my own death.

'Perhaps I shouldn't have accepted so easily...' I thought to myself as I saw the butler shake his head with pity on his face.

To be continued...

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