
Relics (Short Story Collection)

relic_of_chaos · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Camping in the woods

I shivered by a campfire on a freezing night. My clothes felt dry and my blanket felt rough. The hot cocoa hurt my cold hands. Sounds of strange creatures came from the forest around me: snapping twigs and crunching snow. Darkness consumed my lonely fire, little by little. I could not think, feel, move, or sleep.

I felt cold.

Then I heard them. Voices and laughter drove away creatures that prowled the dark. They emerged from the trees. One sat across me. The other tended to the dying fire. Another grabbed food. The last one sat beside me, put her arms around me, and smiled - and we huddled under my blanket.

Then we shared stories, ate, and drank till the sun rose.

I felt warm.