
Release That Witch

Author: Second Eye
Ongoing · 142.2M Views
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I prefer the last cover image like the others. The The last cover image showed it as if it’s a dark era of witches, but this one kinda looks like a doki doki magic witch high school~~ where a male MC suddenly gets a harem there even if he has no good qualities and probably the only thing is “kind”. This MC is more than that, he has several good qualities but also little bit dense. The novel is fascinating in many ways. It makes me think what if I was the MC, then I realize I would probably be dead.


Cheesus Christ (our grate lord), why did you guys change the cover image into this shitty animu one? Why? The old one worked! It evoked the dark bitter grandeur of the witches in this story, they're not young anime girls wearing pointy hats. For new readers, don't let the cover fool you. There's little that's like a slick prepackaged modern production like that in this story. It's a gripping tale of politics and industry and war and interesting ways of using mundane superpowers. Look for your shitty waifus elsewhere, the MC is a respectable person and the female characters have opinions, abilities, and goals beyond just being useless cheerleaders.


BOI'S BOI'S WE GONNA GET AN ANIME ADAPTATION FOR RELEASE THAT WITCH HOLY SHIT!!! https://***.youtube.com/watch?v=2wULYqdT2jc it's legit and it actually looks decent hell yessssssss!!


Guys, This is gonna get animated! Here is the PV: https://***.youtube.com/watch?v=2wULYqdT2jc Er Mu said this is only a trial run, characters has not been finalized yet. What do you guys think?


Change the poster back, Anna is not that ugly! Change the poster back, Anna is not that ugly! Change the poster back, Anna is not that ugly! Change the poster back, Anna is not that ugly! Change the poster back, Anna is not that ugly! Change the poster back, Anna is not that ugly! Change the poster back, Anna is not that ugly! Change the poster back, Anna is not that ugly! Change the poster back, Anna is not that ugly! Change the poster back, Anna is not that ugly! Change the poster back, Anna is not that ugly! Change the poster back, Anna is not that ugly! Change the poster back, Anna is not that ugly! Change the poster back, Anna is not that ugly! Change the poster back, Anna is not that ugly! Change the poster back, Anna is not that ugly! Change the poster back, Anna is not that ugly!Change the poster back, Anna is not that ugly!


60+ chapters paywall? With each chapter cost 7-8 spirit stones? With no option to watch an add to unlock as well? well, guess have to find another reading material then.. the translation is good but not that good as I can find a lot of grammatical mistakes, repeated words, spelling errors etc.. ur so called professional team don't have a proof reader or what?yorko? Really? York is an English name, but yorko?? Is he some english-japanese descendant? Some chapters, the name andrea became aderlia too.. so much for ur pro team huh.. and axe is the right spelling instead of ax.. just when people complemented u a lil bit saying ur transalation is good, u got all over ur head and start ripping ppl with ur absurd chapter paywall..


Reveal spoiler


there should be 17 chapters a week but we are only getting 7 and the rest are lock is just dissapointed, i wish quidan would not try to make money in this unfair way i dont mind expending mone on chapter if they are not supposed to be freed but u are robbing us of chapters that we are supposed to get


I was really happy about this novel, but lately i cant read it without spirit stones at all. Plus i watched so many ads already. Just getting on my nerve how they open something for people then close it after. Choke down on all spirit stones.


This story is very complete and has steady development throughout its entirety. New characters and mysteries of this (low) fantasy medieval world undergoing an early industrial revolution are also revealed with enough suspense and foreshadowing. Again, this story is remarkably comolete in its world, mechanics, and development with quite a few twists. It is a great fantasy novel.


4.5 stars is the best I can give it. So let's begin, the story starts when our MC passes out in our world and appears in the body of the 4th Prince Roland. After an accident he meets our first female character Annie a Witch and stops her execution. Translation 4/5 The translation is good enough to understand what the MTL failed to explain. But it's not perfect so it can help if notes are posted in the bottem. Story 5/5 The story begins as our main character is thrown to the edges of the county to govern a small town call Border Town. After that he starts developing the hell out of that place. Fights many battles for his and that towns survival, demons or people. Updating 5/5 This a very fast release novel. They post one in the morning to read while u eat breakfast and at night before you go to sleep. But right now at this time there are 600+ chps. So it enough to keep u awake at night. Character Design 5/5 Every character have back story's to explain there behavior and even later they have chapters were they tell the difference when they appeared. Even side characters have there own chapters to explain their feeling and development of the things they see ad experience. World Background 10/5 This novel is all about World Development and Technology. They show how advanced they are every few chapters. They show the After effect on the people change from poor farmers to workers who can build houses in days. Have made the development of weak hunters to professional military grade soldiers who stands together like an immovable wall. This story really does give incitement when reading each chapter and even rereading the novel feels like a new Aventure every time. So give this novel a try I know you will never regret this chose. Thank You for your time.


It's always a torture for me to wait for a new chapter. I deeply wish for an update of 5x a day. HAHAHAHA. Hey, you comment reader, I honestly recommend this book. 👍❤


Aside from the great story, compelling character development where even side characters feel like the MC, what I love the most is the most is the use of western names. I have often stop reading other novels just due to the fact that after 200 or so chapters I can't even name a single character.


I think RTW has like a published book quality , how the author build the world of the novel is amazing and the POVs are really likeable, the side-characters are not bland they have their own personality which is really great and not to mention are MC story to his waifu ( waifus?) to his family is so really rich that you'll be wanting moar.. so lets all say MOAAARR !! I hope many will support this novel.. its a gem within a coal mine :)


Best Chinese Novel I've read so far. Been following it since chapter 1. I would recommend this to any one. Its a exciting down to earth story with no BS plot armor.


Overall a good story with slow, but enjoyable, progression, with an MC who is neither to OP or pathetic, and is boosted by having a memorable cast of people with actual personalities and lives. We see the story revolve around, not the MC, but the web of plots made by the numerous players in this world, while a even greater threat looms closer and closer....it's essentially like game of thrones, but with magic, technology and comedy.


Masterpiece. 'nuff said ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


I greatly enjoy the rapid pace to which this novel's updates are released, sometimes between 1-2 a day. This is much better than the original translation group who was infrequent at best. To the staff translating this, keep up the good work!


After 867 chapters forcing my eyes to read MTL finally you guys took it, and I just found out about it today. Demn... I feel relieved. But please, 14 chapters a week? This story should get 21 chapters a week... No, Im just kidding, 14 is nice. Anyway thanks for translating this!!! Hope you guys find a witch who can translate 100 chapter in 1 day, just hope... *runaway*


I like this, the world in the history is changing. This new witch probably go to Agatha, because she uses waterpowers, they have things in commom, and Agatha changes to a good person. (Sorry, my english is not good, i´m from Brazil)